Forum > Gaming Discussion > Nintendo's Best Generation
Nintendo's Best Generation
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Sun, 20 Apr 2014 00:39:45

I, unfortunately, bought Metroid Prime Hunters. My hands still haven't forgiven me for that horrid control scheme.

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Sun, 20 Apr 2014 00:39:50

If we are counting all games, third parties too, my favorite nintendo gen was NES. It started everything. But in terms of Nintendo games themselves... Wii (counting TP as Wii).

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Sun, 20 Apr 2014 02:01:51

We need to do this with other brands like Microsoft, Sega, etc.

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Mon, 21 Apr 2014 12:28:28

I'm so happy to see that lots of you guys feel the mighty fucking Gamecube was Nintendo's best system. This is also my favorite Nintendo console, followed closely by the N64.

Travo, I totally agree about the Cube start up menu too...its also my favorite. In many ways this is EXACTLY what a game console menu screen should be. Just the basic shit that you really need for gaming. No filler, no bullshit...just simple and to the fucking point. Unlike all the consoles of the past 8 or 9 years with endless non gaming crap and layers of needless ads and extras.

There was just something special about the Cube. Not only did it have better 3rd party support than people remember, but also a great roster of 1st and 2nd party software, including quite a few more adult oriented games than Nintendo has bothered with before or since.

  • Metroid Prime
  • Metroid Echoes
  • Super Mario Sunshine
  • Zelda: Wind Waker
  • Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Giest
  • Animal Crossing
  • Odama
  • Baten Kaitos
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  • F Zero GX
  • Wave Race Blue Storm
  • Battalion Wars

I could go on but you get the idea. In many ways the Cube reminds me of the Dreamcast. Both incredible consoles with so many amazing titles, both focused on the pure fun of great games. And both CRIMINALLY overlooked by the vast majority in favor of what's cool. It honestly pisses me off that these consoles weren't more popular, as I feel both were deserving of being some of the MOST popular of all time. They deserved Wii's popularity.


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Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:58:31

Well, that's gamers for you. Always need to rag on someone, always needs to be a winner and thus a loser. Always need to shit on something.

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Mon, 21 Apr 2014 18:56:28
edgecrusher said:

I'm so happy to see that lots of you guys feel the mighty fucking Gamecube was Nintendo's best system. This is also my favorite Nintendo console, followed closely by the N64.

Travo, I totally agree about the Cube start up menu too...its also my favorite. In many ways this is EXACTLY what a game console menu screen should be. Just the basic shit that you really need for gaming. No filler, no bullshit...just simple and to the fucking point. Unlike all the consoles of the past 8 or 9 years with endless non gaming crap and layers of needless ads and extras.

There was just something special about the Cube. Not only did it have better 3rd party support than people remember, but also a great roster of 1st and 2nd party software, including quite a few more adult oriented games than Nintendo has bothered with before or since.

  • Metroid Prime
  • Metroid Echoes
  • Super Mario Sunshine
  • Zelda: Wind Waker
  • Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Giest
  • Animal Crossing
  • Odama
  • Baten Kaitos
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  • F Zero GX
  • Wave Race Blue Storm
  • Battalion Wars

I could go on but you get the idea. In many ways the Cube reminds me of the Dreamcast. Both incredible consoles with so many amazing titles, both focused on the pure fun of great games. And both CRIMINALLY overlooked by the vast majority in favor of what's cool. It honestly pisses me off that these consoles weren't more popular, as I feel both were deserving of being some of the MOST popular of all time. They deserved Wii's popularity.

Seriously I never ever expected to see Odama on any list of any kind (except perhaps a list of gaming curiosities).  Wasn't that some kind of pinball game of sorts which came with a microphone attachment because you had to shout at the screen whilst playing it?


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Mon, 21 Apr 2014 21:26:17
bugsonglass said:
edgecrusher said:

I'm so happy to see that lots of you guys feel the mighty fucking Gamecube was Nintendo's best system. This is also my favorite Nintendo console, followed closely by the N64.

Travo, I totally agree about the Cube start up menu too...its also my favorite. In many ways this is EXACTLY what a game console menu screen should be. Just the basic shit that you really need for gaming. No filler, no bullshit...just simple and to the fucking point. Unlike all the consoles of the past 8 or 9 years with endless non gaming crap and layers of needless ads and extras.

There was just something special about the Cube. Not only did it have better 3rd party support than people remember, but also a great roster of 1st and 2nd party software, including quite a few more adult oriented games than Nintendo has bothered with before or since.

  • Metroid Prime
  • Metroid Echoes
  • Super Mario Sunshine
  • Zelda: Wind Waker
  • Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Eternal Darkness
  • Giest
  • Animal Crossing
  • Odama
  • Baten Kaitos
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  • F Zero GX
  • Wave Race Blue Storm
  • Battalion Wars

I could go on but you get the idea. In many ways the Cube reminds me of the Dreamcast. Both incredible consoles with so many amazing titles, both focused on the pure fun of great games. And both CRIMINALLY overlooked by the vast majority in favor of what's cool. It honestly pisses me off that these consoles weren't more popular, as I feel both were deserving of being some of the MOST popular of all time. They deserved Wii's popularity.

Seriously I never ever expected to see Odama on any list of any kind (except perhaps a list of gaming curiosities).  Wasn't that some kind of pinball game of sorts which came with a microphone attachment because you had to shout at the screen whilst playing it?

Yes. It was made by Yoot Saito (the creator of Sim Tower (aka Yoot's Tower) and Seaman.

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Mon, 21 Apr 2014 21:45:04

Glad to see Odama getting the love it deserves  Happy  The framerate was horrible, battles could be won by just shouting 'Press Forward', and the finer nuissance of RTS didn't always blend well with my pinball skills, but any game that lets you batter a giant spider with a human head on it's back with a giant pinball on a mountain should be remembered and cherrished.  And if that doesn't convince some then the fact that the final battle partially takes place outside Nintendo's Kyoto headquarters should sway any doubters.

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Mon, 21 Apr 2014 21:46:27


I am NOT pleased to see nobody giving credit to DK Jungle Beat however  angry  The team who made it started on SMG after that, and the seeds of greatness already show in Jungle Beat.

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Mon, 21 Apr 2014 21:55:46

GC had a weak Mario and weak Zelda (not counting TP) so it cant be the best Nintendo system.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:14:16
Dvader said:

GC had a weak Mario and weak Zelda (not counting TP) so it cant be the best Nintendo system.


Anyway, Wii obviously. It has the best Nintendo game ever, the best hook, and the best complementary library. GameCube is close, though. Its great Nintendo games are only great because of innovation, not because they're actually all that great.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:18:03
gamingeek said:

Well, that's gamers for you. Always need to rag on someone, always needs to be a winner and thus a loser. Always need to shit on something.

Huh? Nobody is shitting on anything. We're just talking about which Nintendo console we like best.

The VG Press

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:43:16
Foolz said:


Anyway, Wii obviously. It has the best Nintendo game ever, the best hook, and the best complementary library. GameCube is close, though. Its great Nintendo games are only great because of innovation, not because they're actually all that great.

Both Zelda games were actually that great.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:46:08
Dvader said:

Both Zelda games were actually that great.

Ocarina of Time certainly was't. But I haven't played much of Majora's Mask so maybe that was.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:47:44
Foolz said:

Ocarina of Time certainly was't. But I haven't played much of Majora's Mask so maybe that was.

We are not speaking anymore. Nyaa

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:53:19

Sorry, "was't" was a pretty bad typo that might've made it seem like I was saying OOT was that great. My apologies. Allow me to reassure you: OOT was not that great.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:56:33
Foolz said:

Sorry, "was't" was a pretty bad typo that might've made it seem like I was saying OOT was that great. My apologies. Allow me to reassure you: OOT was not that great.

I already told you, we are not on speaking terms anymore.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 01:59:27
Dvader said:

I already told you, we are not on speaking terms anymore.

I naturally assumed that was because it might've appeared I implied Ocarina of Time was truly great.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 02:00:55

You know what was great? The Phantom Hourglass.

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Tue, 22 Apr 2014 02:01:38
Foolz said:

I naturally assumed that was because it might've appeared I implied Ocarina of Time was truly great.


You've gone nova troll, its so amazingly trolly that I like you again.

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