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Deadly Premonition the epic playthrough.
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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 03:55:29

Over at the RoF we got four people including myself who are going to start playing Deadly Premonition for the first time. The playthrough starts on saturday. Feel free to join us here.

I am excited cause outside that weird dinner scene I know nothing about this game, I dont even know how it plays.

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:47:51

Oh man, I should have picked the game up last week when I had money.  I'll probably join, just a little late.

Edited: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:48:40
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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:50:25

If I had Move I'd replay it with the motion controls.

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Sat, 03 May 2014 18:27:53


I only got passed the intro. It looks like a Dreamcast game.

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Sat, 03 May 2014 18:48:20

That's a good thing.

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Sat, 03 May 2014 19:26:38
Dvader said:


I think we're going to be hearing that a lot in this topic...

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Sat, 03 May 2014 22:28:14

I don’t even, what is this?! Its like RE4, Silent Hill and Shenmue had an ugly baby. The RE4 like combat is just about as boring as anyone could make it. The open world is so big, WHY WHY IS THE MAP SO HUGE?!?!??! WHY AM I DRIVING FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES TO GET TO A LOCATION!!! Oh and driving is like trying to control a slippery drunken fish down a street made of butter.

This is so bad and yet I want to keep going cause I just have no clue what the hell this game is going to be like.

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Sat, 03 May 2014 22:33:28

Now I wish I bought it.  Are we getting a flash sale every month?  I want this for $5 next month.

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Sun, 04 May 2014 11:02:49
Dvader said:

I don’t even, what is this?! Its like RE4, Silent Hill and Shenmue had an ugly baby. The RE4 like combat is just about as boring as anyone could make it. The open world is so big, WHY WHY IS THE MAP SO HUGE?!?!??! WHY AM I DRIVING FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES TO GET TO A LOCATION!!! Oh and driving is like trying to control a slippery drunken fish down a street made of butter.

This is so bad and yet I want to keep going cause I just have no clue what the hell this game is going to be like.

LOL Best impressions of all time. Keep em coming.

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Sun, 04 May 2014 21:57:27

I did yard work in the hot miami sun just so I had an excuse not to play this game.

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Sun, 04 May 2014 22:15:06

And what the hell is up with the music?!?!?! Why does shitty happy music play when horrible things are being spoken about!?!?!? Why does the music drown out the voices!? Why is the music so bad!?!

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Sun, 04 May 2014 22:36:55


Snippet from the Destructoid Review:


"Much of the game is simply too bizarre to adequately describe, and one definitely needs a twisted sense of humor in order to "get" what Deadly Premonition is all about. However, if you truly understand this game (well, as best as one can understand such a monstrous creation) then you will be struck dumb by one of the most memorable and truly unique titles ever crafted. Yes, Deadly Premonition is bad. By most standards it's terrible. And yet I wouldn't change a thing. Deadly Premonition is almost perfect at what it does -- it throughly, confusingly, entertains from start to finish. There is nothing about this beautiful disaster I would like to have seen done differently, apart from maybe lowered the HP on the really annoying wall-crawling zombies.

From start to finish, this game consistently delights with its refreshingly offbeat sense of humor and its almost deliberately awful cutscenes. The fantastically cheesy soundtrack and the horrible B-movie quality acting only helps to seal the deal. Deadly Premonition is a masterpiece of atrocious, a veritable triumph of terrible. It takes everything we've come to accept as bad in videogames and somehow makes it work in the most ironic of senses. If the game was of high quality in any one area, it might run the risk of making the other sections look bad. However, the balance of rubbish is so well-maintained that it can only charm and endear itself to any player with a heart and a capacity for inappropriate laughter.

Deadly Premonition is like watching two clowns eat each other. It's perverse, it's wrong, and yet it's so fucking funny. There are many who will not understand, or not even want to understand what makes it so compelling and excellent despite its quality. For the twenty dollar price tag, however, there will be no finer experience for survival horror fans with a love for the darkly comic. The game took me just under nineteen hours to complete, and that was with plenty of side missions left to finish. In the budget game sphere, no title has ever been so lengthy, so robust, so varied and so very rewarding. One simply has to factor the price into the judgement for this one, because value for money is through the roof and the evident love put into this game's development is something you never really see from any other game in the same price bracket. Ultimately, Ignition could have charged a bit more for this and it would still be worth it.

When we judge a game like this, how do we do it? Do we judge simply on gameplay? If so, the repetitive combat and long drives around town may very well mark it as a mediocre title. Do we judge it on story quality? If so, then we have a game that makes no sense and frequently makes light of murder and sexual deviancy. I say a game needs to be judged by how often it made you happy, how much you laughed or became excited, and how long you spend thinking about it after it was finished. If we judge it by those standards, then Deadly Premonition, my friends, is simply stunning. No other game has made me laugh so hard, laugh almost to the point of tears, laugh just by thinking about it. Deadly Premonition may well be the first game reviewed almost purely for its comedic value, but for a game so funny, it has to be done.

Deadly Premonition is beautiful. No, not graphically. Graphically it's atrocious. It's a beautiful trainwreck, and it's well aware of the fact. Despite this game being quite like everything ever made, there's nothing quite like the game itself. There is absolutely nothing in this industry that can compare to how weird and wonderful the whole experience is. Judged as a piece of entertainment, as a game that consistently surprises and amazes and leaves jaws hanging, I have no choice but to say that Deadly Premonition goes above and beyond. This game is so bad, it's not just become good. It's pretty close to perfect."


I almost never agree with that Jim guy's reviews. 95% of the time he is absolutely trolling for site hits with them. THIS review however, is dead on! He was probably going for shock value giving the game a '10' out of 10 --BUT-- I completely, totally, utterly agree with the wording of his review! Deadly Premonition is a BEAUTIFUL DISASTER!


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Sun, 04 May 2014 22:37:28

^  Lifted from my 360 topic from 3 or so years ago...

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Mon, 05 May 2014 01:31:00
Dvader said:

And what the hell is up with the music?!?!?! Why does shitty happy music play when horrible things are being spoken about!?!?!? Why does the music drown out the voices!? Why is the music so bad!?!


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Mon, 05 May 2014 21:18:08

Something crazy happened, I enjoyed my last play session. I just started to explore and do side quests and I finally met all the town folk, its interesting! I loved the dart mini game. I love exploring town and finding some side missions to do, they all add some weird detail to these town folk. The town seems to be incredibly realized, everyone has a unique personality, this could get very fun trying to piece the crime together. It has some of that Hotel Dusk, 999, kind of quality to the characters.  

York is oblivious and sharp at the same time, its a really cool funny character. I love all the movie references as well.

Well then, I shall continue.

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Mon, 05 May 2014 22:24:42

So whats that screen with a foot coming out of a mouth about?

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Mon, 05 May 2014 22:57:57
gamingeek said:

So whats that screen with a foot coming out of a mouth about?

That is how they attack you.

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Tue, 06 May 2014 09:56:02


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Tue, 06 May 2014 17:19:11
gamingeek said:


Wait what screen?

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Thu, 08 May 2014 20:07:26

I want to love this game, it does somethings incredibly well. It is like a game ripped right from the Dreamcast days when they were still exploring game structure, gameplay ideas and it had no real template to follow. So what you get is this very ambitious game that plays unlike anything of today.

It’s a horror action adventure game with a scale no other horror game of its type has. It actually has a huge story, a whole town populated with unique characters who all live out their lives. The stories you hear are ridiculously hilarious. Everything about the story, the town, the characters is fantastic. There seems to be plenty of Shenmue influence in that regard.

The problem is playing this game is painful, it is so bad. Any time it asks you to do the RE4 shooter parts I want to stab myself. Now I just encountered a new enemy (after 8 hours, ONE NEW ENEMY, yay!) but my excitement was killed when this enemy is clearly there just to piss you off and make the game worse. Oh and there are puzzles. I saw this room with paintings, of guys of different ages holding different colored apples. Sweet a painting age puzzle like in RE! But nooo all you do is match the apple to the painting, what am I in Kindergarten. This has happened with a few other “puzzles” as well. It does nothing right in terms of gameplay. I just completed a follow the car segment which was you slowly following another car for 5 minutes, no challenge, no anything, it was literally drive behind car for five minutes.

I rarely say this cause I am a huge fan of interactivity and I always want to control the action, but this game should have been a graphic novel like game. The only fun gameplay moments for me are the side quests which are extremely generic but at least it’s somewhat fun. Like dart mini game, race through checkpoints, solve simple box puzzle. I love side quests in games and this game scratches that itch perfectly, to bad the rest of the game is terrible.

Edited: Thu, 08 May 2014 20:14:56
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