Forum > Gaming Discussion > Reflection: Best Games of 2000
Reflection: Best Games of 2000
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Thu, 01 May 2014 20:07:48

Figued I'd steal Vader's idea and keep it going with every year since 2000.

The year 2000 was a very special year. To me it felt like it meant more than most years. Not only was it the transition to a new millenium, but it was a transition period in the console industry and the last one that involved a SEGA console. Not to mention that this period of time saw Sega at the top of their games, moreso than at any other point in their existence. This is also a point in time that saw developers pushing PS1 and N64 to the limits of what they could do. I could have added Skies of Arcadia to the list, but since its on my 2003 list, I decided to skip it. What a year for RPG's though.

Its honestly very tough to get this down to a Top 10 list, but here it goes:

  • #1: Perfect Dark     N64

Perfect Dark Boxart

  • #2: Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask     N64

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Boxart

  • #3: Resident Evil: Code Veronica     DC

Resident Evil -- CODE: Veronica Boxart

  • #4: Vagrant Story     PS

Vagrant Story Boxart

  • #5: Quake 3 Arena     DC

Quake III: Arena Boxart

  • #6: Shenmue     DC

Shenmue Boxart

  • #7: Chrono Cross     PS

Chrono Cross Boxart

  • #8: Ogre Battle 64     N64

Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber Boxart

  • #9: Final Fantasy 9     PS

Final Fantasy IX Boxart

  • #10: Deus Ex     PC

Deus Ex Boxart


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Fri, 02 May 2014 01:11:05

lol@the difference in quality between this and 2003.

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Fri, 02 May 2014 02:19:31

The funny thing is, as good as this list is (and it is) it's still missing a few of my favorites.

Legend of Mana

Diablo II

Marvel vs. Capcom 2

Edited: Fri, 02 May 2014 02:20:19
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Fri, 02 May 2014 02:35:29

No Banjo-Tooie? I need to make my own list, dammit!

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Fri, 02 May 2014 03:24:42

Thief II needs to be listed.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Fri, 02 May 2014 14:23:45

I need the list of released games that year to choose from.

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Fri, 02 May 2014 15:35:27
gamingeek said:

I need the list of released games that year to choose from.

Just go in the other thread from 2003 and hit the link Yoda gave you, change the year from 2003 to 2000.

Yeah guys this was an amazing I said its nearly impossible cutting it down to 10. It would be hard making a Top 20.


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Fri, 02 May 2014 16:08:35

In no particular order:

  • Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
  • Resident Evil: Code Veronica
  • Chrono Cross
  • Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore
  • Marvel vs. Capcom 2
  • Diablo II
  • Street Fighter Alpha 3
  • Icewind Dale
  • Tekken Tag Tournament
  • Dino Crisis 2


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Fri, 02 May 2014 16:16:04

Icewind Dale is a game I've always wanted to play. And Dino Crisis 2, what a great game. I miss my Dino Crisis...


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Fri, 02 May 2014 16:19:31

2004 was ridiculous man.

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Fri, 02 May 2014 16:25:58

We're not up to 2004 yet asshole.


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Fri, 02 May 2014 16:32:44
edgecrusher said:
gamingeek said:

I need the list of released games that year to choose from.

Just go in the other thread from 2003 and hit the link Yoda gave you, change the year from 2003 to 2000.

Yeah guys this was an amazing I said its nearly impossible cutting it down to 10. It would be hard making a Top 20.

You do it. Lazy penis. Slacking on jury duty has made you lazier.

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Fri, 02 May 2014 16:40:01
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Fri, 02 May 2014 16:52:34
edgecrusher said:

We're not up to 2004 yet asshole.

But it was ridiculous. 2004's awesomeness and overall pimp-ness dwarfs the rest of the years and subdues them like a college jock with a big dick among a bunch of fedora wearing bronies.

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Fri, 02 May 2014 16:54:52

Oh you got to play Soul Reaver on the Dreamcast GG? I have it but never played it...just played through the PS version. From what I understand, its much better looking on Dreamcast but the 1 stick controls are a bit weird.


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Fri, 02 May 2014 16:56:42
SteelAttack said:

But it was ridiculous. 2004's awesomeness and overall pimp-ness dwarfs the rest of the years and subdues them like a college jock with a big dick among a bunch of fedora wearing bronies.

Yeah it was a great fucking year. I don't think it was that much better than 2000 or 2001 though, as many of 2004's games were slightly disappointing (while still great) whereas there was zero disappointment in 2000 or 2001.


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Fri, 02 May 2014 19:09:36
edgecrusher said:

Oh you got to play Soul Reaver on the Dreamcast GG? I have it but never played it...just played through the PS version. From what I understand, its much better looking on Dreamcast but the 1 stick controls are a bit weird.

I wouldn't know about it on PS but it controlled fine on dc

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Mon, 05 May 2014 18:05:30


  • Thief 2
  • Diablo 2
  • Grandia 2
  • The Longest Journey
  • Crazy Taxi
  • NFL2K1
  • NHL2K
  • Baldur's Gate 2
  • Rayman 2
  • Jet Grind Radio
  • Excitebike 64
  • Test Drive Le Mans
  • Fear Effect
  • Timesplitter's
  • Valkyrie Profile
  • Dino Crisis 2
  • Parasite Eve 2

How does this not get more love as the greatest year ever? Seriously RIDICULOUS amount of amazing games in 2000.


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Mon, 05 May 2014 23:56:00

I am going to begin my ranking of games here. Unlike Edge I am almost always going to stick to the first version of a game. I almost always play the original version first and if I include all the releases these games have they would appear every year. If I list a game once thats it I am not listing it again even if a better version got released later.

Now for 2000, great year but I was still in this odd area where I would not buy the N64 so in that year I missed out on many N64 games including my favorite of all time. So this list will include many games I played later in life. What I did play that year were the incredible Dreamcast games. It was Sega's heyday, it still saddens me to see what they have become. So lets do this

1. The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask - (special bonus for being my favorite game ever!)

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Boxart;" />

2. Resident Evil Code Veronica

3. Metal Gear Solid Ghost Babel

4. Deus Ex

5. NFL 2K1

6. Shenmue

7. Rayman 2

8. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2

9. The Longest Journey

10. Ecco the Dolphin Defender of the Future

WOW what a year!!!!! Pefect Dark didn't do much for me, I played it many years later after Half-Life 2 came out and so many other FPSs that i felt were just better. FFIX is about my least favorite FF game, still very good. Grandia 2 almost made my list. I got halfway through Skies and stopped, if I had finished it it would have most definetly made my list. Crazy Taxi, Virtua Tennis, Vagrant Story, DoA 2, just a ridiculous year.

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Tue, 06 May 2014 00:09:16

You didn't play Banjo-Tooie?

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