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The current state of The VG Press (what we do well and what can we do better?)
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Wed, 13 May 2009 11:00:47

Ravenprose said:

We needs more HAMSTERS!

No catz, though. 


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Wed, 13 May 2009 17:19:21

Wow, today has been pretty empty, just Robiot and Hamster face and nothing to say otherwise. 

I will say it right here, right now - you guys in general are too inactive. And that's across the spectrum. 

You guys are lacking in one area or the other, whether it be news posting, thread creation, blog posting or replying, updating threads or replying to them or comments on GGWeekly. 

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Wed, 13 May 2009 21:00:44

gamingeek said:

Wow, today has been pretty empty, just Robiot and Hamster face and nothing to say otherwise. 

I will say it right here, right now - you guys in general are too inactive. And that's across the spectrum. 

You guys are lacking in one area or the other, whether it be news posting, thread creation, blog posting or replying, updating threads or replying to them or comments on GGWeekly. 

 Guilty as charged. 

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Wed, 13 May 2009 21:01:53

Well first of all I think when people say this place is "Nintendo-centric" it doesn't simply refer to what news articles you post but it also refers to the overall attitude and feeling from just the type of community here since most people enjoy their gaming on the Wii, not that there is anything wrong with that of course since I freely admit to being 360-centric myself. It is getting better though and does seem to be getting more diverse here.

As for being more active well I think you're just going to have to get more people for that since I just don't have the time to be any more active here. Gamespot is still my main place of activity, and will likely always be, and with everything else such as work, family, life in general, and of course time playing games I simply don't have much time left.


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Wed, 13 May 2009 21:12:47

You should make some 360 threads Archie. Why not give us impressions step by step of the latest release you are playing? Why not collect info on a game you are looking forward to?

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Wow, today has been pretty empty, just Robiot and Hamster face and nothing to say otherwise. 

I will say it right here, right now - you guys in general are too inactive. And that's across the spectrum. 

You guys are lacking in one area or the other, whether it be news posting, thread creation, blog posting or replying, updating threads or replying to them or comments on GGWeekly. 

 Guilty as charged. 

 It says a lot when I have to start spreading my massive ass over the interwebs to GAF, where I never used to post. 

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Wed, 13 May 2009 21:36:37

Jesus GG didn't you read my post. I don't really have time for that kind of stuff. Already I'm itching to get to playing some games. Honestly I don't know how you guys do it. I guess I could put off some game time but I'd rather not. Nyaa I guess what you guys do just isn't my thing. Now if you'll excuse me I've got some games that need to be played.


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Wed, 13 May 2009 21:41:37

If someone bought me a 360 I'd play it and make posts about it.  I got a birthday coming up too. . .

just sayin'  

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Wed, 13 May 2009 21:56:44

robio said:

If someone bought me a 360 I'd play it and make posts about it.  I got a birthday coming up too. . .

just sayin'  


Well I am always posting impressions about the games I play on it. I just don't have the time to do any more then what I'm currently doing. Either that or I simply don't have the desire to. Nyaa Regardless though my previous post wasn't me complaining about the site or stating things that I personally am wishing for because I know that I have the choice to do something about it or not. I'm simply putting in my 2 cents on why I think things are the way they are. Anyway I am off to play some games. First off Gears of War 2 online multiplayer. My impressions are, it's awesome! Nyaa


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Wed, 13 May 2009 22:04:31

Archangel3371 said:

robio said:

If someone bought me a 360 I'd play it and make posts about it.  I got a birthday coming up too. . .

just sayin'  

Well I am always posting impressions about the games I play on it. I just don't have the time to do any more then what I'm currently doing. Either that or I simply don't have the desire to. Nyaa Regardless though my previous post wasn't me complaining about the site or stating things that I personally am wishing for because I know that I have the choice to do something about it or not. I'm simply putting in my 2 cents on why I think things are the way they are. Anyway I am off to play some games. First off Gears of War 2 online multiplayer. My impressions are, it's awesome! Nyaa

So what you're saying is that you're not getting me a 360?

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Wed, 13 May 2009 23:34:32

robio said:

Archangel3371 said:

robio said:

If someone bought me a 360 I'd play it and make posts about it.  I got a birthday coming up too. . .

just sayin'  

Well I am always posting impressions about the games I play on it. I just don't have the time to do any more then what I'm currently doing. Either that or I simply don't have the desire to. Nyaa Regardless though my previous post wasn't me complaining about the site or stating things that I personally am wishing for because I know that I have the choice to do something about it or not. I'm simply putting in my 2 cents on why I think things are the way they are. Anyway I am off to play some games. First off Gears of War 2 online multiplayer. My impressions are, it's awesome! Nyaa

So what you're saying is that you're not getting me a 360?


Yep. LOL Time to go play some more Fable II. My impressions? Yeah the game's awesome. Nyaa


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Thu, 14 May 2009 09:57:29

I know Archie. I just feel like there are people who don't have the time or enthusiasm to post about what they are interested in. 

And then when there are people that do, they get accussed of stinking up the place with centricness. 

It's not simply a case of everyone liking certain kinds of games. 

I'm still the only guy here who has played Disaster Day of Crisis, the thread is still 4 pages long and stuffed full of impressions and reviews and media. I update my threads, that's what I do, every time there is an availible update. I posted every godamn RE5 screen, preview, video and review I could find and the thread is massive and I didn't even get to play the game. 

I'm the only person here that owns Little Kings Story and again, every review so far is in there, impressions and more. Even if no one else has a game, I feel like if you are passionate enough about a game, you can and should post about it. 

There are two LOL replies in the indiana jones thread but I'm still updating. 

How many fecking PS3 owners do we have here? They can go somewhere else for Sony discussion? Well I can piss off to GAF or 1up and get a better response there for a Nintendo thread, but I stay here and post here because of you guys, my buds who I actually want to talk to. 

I just feel like if people in general don't actually make any sort of effort to talk about what they want to, they really have no right to complain when others do. Imagine if I stopped making threads here? Half the forum would be  empty and most of the new members are here because I created great content here and linked back to it on another site. 

Edited: Thu, 14 May 2009 10:27:17

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Thu, 14 May 2009 13:57:16

I try to read all the threads as I appreciate about hearing your thoughts even if it's not something I'm personally interested in.

I'd post some more threads, but currently I've been playing FIFA mostly lately and you've probably heard more than enough about that on the podcast. LOL

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Thu, 14 May 2009 17:18:45
Fewer meta-threads!Nyaa

As for the whole, 'Are we too Nintendo centric?/Do we need to reach out to different types of gamers?' thing... I'd say not necessarily.  Forums should be a natural thing.  They go in whatever direction they go in because that is what the community wants.  You guys are Nintendo people, and there is nothing wrong with that.  You shouldn't have to try and appeal to other types of gamers.  In the end, I don't post much PS3 stuff, because most anyone who would want to read about it is hanging around the GGD.  The fact is, I want to talk about that stuff with people who are as interested in it as I am.  I don't see F1, Argianas, S0lidSnake and whoever else switching forums or whatever.

It is ok that this place is Nintendo centric.  I have a feeling that if I was to do things like post about whatever stuff I'm playing, or an import review of Demon's Souls, there would be crickets chirping and the responses would mostly be things like 'Hey, nice post...' or 'I wish I could play this..'  Whereas, when I make a thread about Demon's Souls on the GGD, it is alive and active, and it gets 400 posts, and I get to con a dozen people into buying a game that they end up hating.

It is ok for a community to be centered around one thing.  I'm not a crazy huge Nintendo fan, but I still enjoy hanging around here.  I feel like you guys would be doing yourselves a disservice to try and go out of your way to make other types of gamers feel comfortable here.
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Thu, 14 May 2009 19:59:30

rragnaar said:
Fewer meta-threads!Nyaa

As for the whole, 'Are we too Nintendo centric?/Do we need to reach out to different types of gamers?' thing... I'd say not necessarily.  Forums should be a natural thing.  They go in whatever direction they go in because that is what the community wants.  You guys are Nintendo people, and there is nothing wrong with that.  You shouldn't have to try and appeal to other types of gamers.  In the end, I don't post much PS3 stuff, because most anyone who would want to read about it is hanging around the GGD.  The fact is, I want to talk about that stuff with people who are as interested in it as I am.  I don't see F1, Argianas, S0lidSnake and whoever else switching forums or whatever.

It is ok that this place is Nintendo centric.  I have a feeling that if I was to do things like post about whatever stuff I'm playing, or an import review of Demon's Souls, there would be crickets chirping and the responses would mostly be things like 'Hey, nice post...' or 'I wish I could play this..'  Whereas, when I make a thread about Demon's Souls on the GGD, it is alive and active, and it gets 400 posts, and I get to con a dozen people into buying a game that they end up hating.

It is ok for a community to be centered around one thing.  I'm not a crazy huge Nintendo fan, but I still enjoy hanging around here.  I feel like you guys would be doing yourselves a disservice to try and go out of your way to make other types of gamers feel comfortable here.

 I post many threads where the crickets are chirping and I'm the only one playing the game. We have a handful of users so we aren't all going to be playing the same games. Doesn't mean that I make all my threads over at the GAF. 

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Thu, 14 May 2009 20:01:59

In fact the real problem here is that this is the secondary forum for some people here. That's what it comes down to really. You accept it or you complain about the fact. 

If you treat the place as a holiday home, then that is what you get. 

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Thu, 14 May 2009 20:08:03

gamingeek said:

In fact the real problem here is that this is the secondary forum for some people here. 

 I fail to see how would that be a problem. 

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Thu, 14 May 2009 20:19:12

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

In fact the real problem here is that this is the secondary forum for some people here. 

 I fail to see how would that be a problem. 

 It isn't a problem for me... and it isn't something to be offended about.  I've got 4 years of history at Gamespot, and two at NeoGAF.  Of course I'm going to continue posting at those places.  The fact remains for me that I've got about 7-9 hours to kill in any given workday depending on how busy the shop is, and I've got room for multiple forums.  I've got 82 posts here in the first week that I've been around.(That isn't bad for a 'secondary forum'Nyaa)

The point I was trying to make in my Demon's Souls example is that most of the time I don't see the point of copying and pasting the stuff I talk about on the GGD over here.  It isn't like anyone here wants to hear how I cleared Stonefang Tunnels and beat the God of Dragons.  It is ok to get different things from different communities in my opinion.

Now Playing: King's Bounty, Demon's Souls, BF1943
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Thu, 14 May 2009 20:26:17

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

In fact the real problem here is that this is the secondary forum for some people here. 

 I fail to see how would that be a problem. 

 No, I accept it. What I mean is that it's a inactivity problem and that's because it's treated as a secondary forum. Kinda like how people treat Wii as a secondary console. And if that's how its treated then that is how it's going to be. 

You get out of it what you put in as it were. It's a cycle as well. You never talk about what you want to so no one else does. You have to build an audience as it were. 

This site is like the Madworld of forums. We're cel-shaded and black and white. Some people love us, some dont. 

Edited: Thu, 14 May 2009 20:27:19

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Thu, 14 May 2009 20:30:52
To be honest, I have been less active both here and at Gamespot. Sometimes I don't feel like posting at all for days. Maybe I am depressed because I can't achieve my dream of running on the beach naked with Foolz and Jamie holding my hands. 
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Thu, 14 May 2009 20:40:48

SteelAttack said:
To be honest, I have been less active both here and at Gamespot. Sometimes I don't feel like posting at all for days. Maybe I am depressed because I can't achieve my dream of running on the beach naked with Foolz and Jamie holding my hands. 

 You mean you holding each one by their "things" and running as the wind blows through your long hair. 

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