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Official Destiny thread! I am your density!
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Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:47:24

I have read all my grimore cards, still very poor storytelling. Its just snippets of random facts. Like an encyclopedia from another world referencing stuff you dont know. Most games with lore have them in game and you unlock the lore as you explore that area so you can read and attach what you read to what you are playing. Not so with Destiny.

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Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:59:16

More FPS need the scanning mechanic found in Metroid for discovering the lore.

Edited: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:02:45
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Sun, 14 Sep 2014 03:21:12
Dvader said:

I have read all my grimore cards, still very poor storytelling. Its just snippets of random facts. Like an encyclopedia from another world referencing stuff you dont know. Most games with lore have them in game and you unlock the lore as you explore that area so you can read and attach what you read to what you are playing. Not so with Destiny.

I would be questioning why there is storytelling in the first place.

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Sun, 14 Sep 2014 04:12:17
travo said:

More FPS need the scanning mechanic found in Metroid for discovering the lore.


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Sun, 14 Sep 2014 09:03:44

Leo if you ever want to play just message me.

So yeah game is fun. Its great with friends. PvP is addicting, not as good as Halo but close. New item systems open as you reach max level. Customization becomes important. New enemy types appear with each planet and they have different strategies needed to kill them. For instance this new race has a weak point in their belly not the head like everyone else, if you shoot their heads off they go into rage mode. Bosses in strikes are major bullet sponges, the battles feel the same no matter the giant enemy you face but its always a challenge and a blast.

I see so much future potential and wasted oppertunity now. As you max up you get to join merchant factions, this lets you earn rep for that merchant so you can access their rares. I checked the different rares of the different factions, they all have the exact same type of equipment on sale and they all have the same stats. The only differences are which two bonus stats do they augment and the item upgrades. So they have this entire faction system that only changes what bonus stat to focus on, such a minor thing. Seeing that they are all the same major stats I guess that is the max stat for the items. Also it shows there is no special weapons, they are all the same from the start to the end of the game, just a few minor upgrades give them some bonuses. Imagine if the factions had unique weapons, or some crazy armor that is totally skewed to a certain kind of bonus stat like all strength. There are six of these merchants, the differences so minute.

And what is with spaceships, why should I ever buy one? So it looks pretty in a load screen? Eventually this game needs space combat. This game needs much better vehicles, like warthogs and tanks.

Just had to get that out. I really like this game. 8 range for sure for me could be 9 if the content coming in the later weeks are as awesome as they seem.

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Sun, 14 Sep 2014 23:48:52

Just so happens I need some help on a Raid or two for some bounties. Let me know when you might be on tonight. I'll be on probably between 8 and 9PM.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 01:44:54
phantom_leo said:

Just so happens I need some help on a Raid or two for some bounties. Let me know when you might be on tonight. I'll be on probably between 8 and 9PM.

Noo. I'm on a plane all night. I brought my ps4 with me, I have no clue how Internet at hotels will handle the game so it could be a rough week for me with this game. If it works in an help you out in a day of two.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 03:31:38

Which is the bigger flop. This or Watch Dogs?

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 05:42:58
Both equally fun but flawed games.


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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 11:35:01

The Watch Dogs hype seems to have died early. Is it worth getting?

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:02:59

I think both this and Watch Dogs were great games, neither flopped for me.


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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:24:44

They were both hyped as triple A. Both scored well below triple A. Therefore both are flops. Whether they're any good or not is irrelevant. I’d go with Destiny automatically because Watch Dogs had a shitty development and shitty press from almost the beginning, so you could see it wasn’t going to get triple A reviews and everyone loved Destiny’s BETA. But...Bungie made their idiotic statement about reviews, so they both ultimately ruined the surprise. Sad

Edited: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:34:16

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:48:41

I remember the days when AAA was measured in reviews. If it wasn't a 9/10 it was a flop. Now everyone has switched to out of 10 values and 10/10s are a regular occurance.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:41:03
Foolz said:

They were both hyped as triple A. Both scored well below triple A. Therefore both are flops. Whether they're any good or not is irrelevant. I’d go with Destiny automatically because Watch Dogs had a shitty development and shitty press from almost the beginning, so you could see it wasn’t going to get triple A reviews and everyone loved Destiny’s BETA. But...Bungie made their idiotic statement about reviews, so they both ultimately ruined the surprise. Sad

I dont like seeing flop used in games like that, in movies which is where the term is used most it refers to how much money a movie makes, has nothing to do with quality.  Both games sold like mad so neither are flops. Flop = bad sales. Both did get lower reviews than expected.

I think they are both great, Watch Dogs is the better game I feel.

Edited: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:42:07
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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:46:59
gamingeek said:

I remember the days when AAA was measured in reviews. If it wasn't a 9/10 it was a flop. Now everyone has switched to out of 10 values and 10/10s are a regular occurance.

Yep, a weird switch happened last gen when major companies decided to use that term for big budget games. It has nothing to do with reviews anymore, so strange. It just kind of happened.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:20:26

Well it is nice to not have 8/10 games called "flops" anymore in the system wars, at least.

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:32:46
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:

I remember the days when AAA was measured in reviews. If it wasn't a 9/10 it was a flop. Now everyone has switched to out of 10 values and 10/10s are a regular occurance.

Yep, a weird switch happened last gen when major companies decided to use that term for big budget games. It has nothing to do with reviews anymore, so strange. It just kind of happened.

Seriously AAA was always used for whhat games were allocated in budget, it's the gamers who miscontrued it as representing review scores. How many times must I say this?


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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:45:35
Archangel3371 said:
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:

I remember the days when AAA was measured in reviews. If it wasn't a 9/10 it was a flop. Now everyone has switched to out of 10 values and 10/10s are a regular occurance.

Yep, a weird switch happened last gen when major companies decided to use that term for big budget games. It has nothing to do with reviews anymore, so strange. It just kind of happened.

Seriously AAA was always used for whhat games were allocated in budget, it's the gamers who miscontrued it as representing review scores. How many times must I say this?

Proof? Cause I think you are wrong.

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Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:42

I always remember it being about the score.

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Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:38:15
Dvader said:
Archangel3371 said:
Dvader said:
gamingeek said:

I remember the days when AAA was measured in reviews. If it wasn't a 9/10 it was a flop. Now everyone has switched to out of 10 values and 10/10s are a regular occurance.

Yep, a weird switch happened last gen when major companies decided to use that term for big budget games. It has nothing to do with reviews anymore, so strange. It just kind of happened.

Seriously AAA was always used for whhat games were allocated in budget, it's the gamers who miscontrued it as representing review scores. How many times must I say this?

Proof? Cause I think you are wrong.

No. I'm right and you're wrong. Nyaa


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