Those costumes...they make me...they make me...
Even if I might not get into the level creation, I cannot wait to play the stuff that people are creating.
OMG Sonic and tails look great!
The Link one looks pretty crappy, a sack with a green hoodie?
Did you guys know that an advertising company used the sacktoy designs way before LBP was ever announced in car adverts, i think it was for Toyota.
This brings up an interesting question. What is the legality of some of these designs? I mean you have had user created content before but it usually sits on someones memory card. Being open to all and downloable as content on Sony servers, I mean if SEGA were to take issue with it, would Sony have to remove it? I remember Media Molecule saying something like they would remove other peoples content of known games and stuff before.
Why would anyone want to play with that Sonic loser and his shitty friends?
The gradius level is awesome, I also liked the Mega Man level (not shown here). I did not like the Mario and Donkey Kong levels (also not shown here) because they were too slow for my liking.
So how does the editor work? Can you use a mouse? Can you upload your own textures?
gamingeek said:So how does the editor work? Can you use a mouse? Can you upload your own textures?
I don't know about the mouse, but you can upload your own textures in some way. I think it's either stuff on the HDD or via the Playstation Eye.
gamingeek said:So how does the editor work? Can you use a mouse? Can you upload your own textures?
No mouse, use the sticks, works fine. At the moment you can only upload pics you take with the PS eye. They are working on a patch that allows you to use any image on your HDD.
As for the copyright stuff, they are starting to crack down hard, so many levels are getting locked like the GoW one, a batman one. I dont know exactly why but its happening.
Oh man! A batman one? I would really like to see that as I am neck deep in watching Batman the animated series 2. What levels have you made Dvader?
Published my first level called Verical Velocity, took forever. Its a very weird level, its basically a vertical stage so you have spinning platforms and springs to send you up. Throughout this tower like area there are different activities or sections that have a switch, five in all. Once you find all five you have to get down a mountain.
I took pics from the editor mode cause thats the only way to get a wide shot.
Thats the starting area, you can see the entrance to the fighting arena.
Thats the king and the shrine, he will help you. Above him is the shooting gallery.
One of the different sections of the map.
A small piece of the mountain.
So go ahead and try it out.
NAME: Vertical Velocity
PSN name: dvader654
Some guy made an original Mega Man level, somehow he got the camera angles to work just like a mega man game, awesome level.
gamingeek said:Is there any way to save these levels so even if the admins delete it, you can keep it on your PS3 hard drive?
Actually I explain this in the podcast (sounds so cool that I am on a podcast

Dvader said:gamingeek said:Is there any way to save these levels so even if the admins delete it, you can keep it on your PS3 hard drive?
Actually I explain this in the podcast (sounds so cool that I am on a podcast). The creator of the level will have it saved on their PS3. When you publish a level you can choose to lock it so that others cant save it to their PS3, most people do this.
Yeah, but I asked that question on the podcast, and GG asked it here. Great minds do think alike
Would it not have been possible to make it so you can download people's levels but not re-publish them? Or stick like a permanent watermark one them or something?
I know nothing about programming of course...
Foolz said:Would it not have been possible to make it so you can download people's levels but not re-publish them? Or stick like a permanent watermark one them or something?
I know nothing about programming of course...
Yes and no. While it would be trivial to just have a "this user made it, you can't publish it," there's a programming rule of "Never trust the client." You can't prevent them from just changing the ID of whoever made it to their own, and you also can't stop them from recreating it.
Users here can't edit YOUR post, but then can quote it, they can quote it and remove the quotations so it's just the same post, or they can write the same thing word for word.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilegamingeek said:No Vader I dont mean your own levels, I mean if you download a Gradius level someone else has made. Does it sit on your HD or when it goes on the server is it then deleted or are you denied access from your PS3?
I think there is a misconception going on about playing others levels. You dont download anything with this game. When you play a level its just like accessing something on the disc, you do so from their servers, in 5-10 seconds you are in. Nothing is transfered to your PS3.
If the creator allows their level to be copied then you can choose than option and transfer that level to your level section of the game which is where your user created levels are stored, then you can play or edit that level offline at anytime. But you can also republish it under your name without their consent, which is why no one allows coping of levels.
(So stolen from rag)
Welcome to the thread about the best game of the year, maybe the best game we will see this gen, the most innovative game in years, Littlebigplanet.
If you dont know what it is yet, well what is wrong with you!! Go look up info on the new official site which is also a site which will allow you to blueprint levels, share with others and have your own webspace.
You know the reviews, its one of the highest rated games of the year.
Now onto the good stuff, the user created stuff, below will be pics and videos of the amazing levels users have made. Your imagination is the limit here:
A boss fight someone is making, nice!
MegaMan for your 8-bit delectation. Pretty simple yet effective stuff!
An attempt at Link. I'm sure a Santa hat will come along at some point which will be infinitely preferable to the headscarf
Some one made a Gradius level, AN ACTUAL GRADIUS LEVEL , WHAT?!?! See its crazy out there. This same guy made a functional Tetris game as well.
More levels:
God of War: Demon Skull
Mirror's Edge
Azure Palace (excellent)
Rag Tag Commandos (Bionic commando level)
I can go on and on, so many great levels and thats not even getting into the single player which is the best 2D platformer since Mario in the SNES.
I will be posting soon with pics from my first level and then I will blog the creation of my epic Zelda level.