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Official The Evil Within thread of the sequel RE4 deserved.
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Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:57:15

I agree.

I haven't been scared at all so far, its tense and all but kind of in a Manhunt type way. Alien Isolation had some genuinely scary parts...that can freak you out. I haven't had that at all here. I do like it though...I hope he keeps on making games in the genre and finds a way to get that RE magic back.


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Fri, 17 Oct 2014 22:55:23

Chapter 9 and 10 HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!! That is the game I was hoping this would be BRILLIANT!!!!! Such cool environments with a nice mix of atmosphere, puzzles and action. Chapter 10 in particular is the best one so far. The way everything is designed is so perfect, so intense. Then

there are the boss battles, SO GOOD! Now chapter 9 my piss some people off cause of the one hit kills, save often, I did. I loved all of it, I feel like the game has completely hit its groove.

Some spoilers!

I loved the mansion setting I said before I was not a fan of the slower parts in this game but this area was so well designed and had the constant threat from Ruvic that I was on the edge the entire time. I loved exploring the place, no one makes mansions better. Then ch.10 could easily join the best areas from RE4. When you turn on the power and the entire level comes alive with traps, then this new enemy comes bursting out of the walls, so awesome! The double boss fight! First Laura was just incredible, it reminded me a far more complex Verdugo battle. Then there was giant human corpse monster thing, I was able to make it extended that eye ball thing out twice but after that it was destroying every hiding place I tried to reach. I loved hiding in the room only to have it reach in and throw me through a wall!

That was like 4 hours of the best gaming I have done all year.

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Fri, 17 Oct 2014 23:03:54

So goty so far?

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Fri, 17 Oct 2014 23:10:47
travo said:

So goty so far?

If the rest of the game is like this, yes. If not, it is still Dark Souls 2. Until Bayonetta 2 of course.

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Sat, 18 Oct 2014 09:17:55

Chapter 11 and 12 is weird but still awesome. I can see why some dont like the chapters though, some frustrating moments in there and a total 180 in location and tone. The game is kind of all over the place. There were moments in those chapters that felt rough, like random generic mid tier game level. But when the great setpieces hit, man it is great.

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Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:45:16
Edited: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:48:21


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Sat, 18 Oct 2014 20:58:05

And done, that final boss! LOL I was laughing so much, not cause it was stupid (kind of) but because of what happens during it, so much fan service.

So yeah the game never reaches the highs of the middle chapters, specifically 9 and 10 but is still a great ride from start to finish. Now to try the harder modes, should be even better. Easily one of the best games of the year.

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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 03:15:50
Dvader said:

And done, that final boss! LOL I was laughing so much, not cause it was stupid (kind of) but because of what happens during it, so much fan service.

So yeah the game never reaches the highs of the middle chapters, specifically 9 and 10 but is still a great ride from start to finish. Now to try the harder modes, should be even better. Easily one of the best games of the year.

C'mon, it's a Mikami game. There better be a shitload of stupid in it.

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Sun, 19 Oct 2014 18:01:11

Hard mode is nuts. In chapter 2 the stealth section, now there are twice the enemies and half the bullets. Took me over an hour to get by, also cause I was exploring for as much items as possible. There is this optional house where the first few times I went too there were only three guys so I learned to kill them and died somewhere else in the level. The next time I went there I was killing the guy outside then the door burst open and four guys came rushing out at me!! I was AHHHHHH!!!! I ran so fast (then ran out of breath and died).

Enemies are way more aggressive, they run full sprint at you. Sometimes if you light them on fire they still chrage at you still trying to kill you before they die. Oh and in chapter 1 the level layout for the chainsaw guy changed a bit where now you have to lead the guy to break boxes.


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Mon, 20 Oct 2014 03:15:43
Dvader said:

Hard mode is nuts. In chapter 2 the stealth section, now there are twice the enemies and half the bullets. Took me over an hour to get by, also cause I was exploring for as much items as possible. There is this optional house where the first few times I went too there were only three guys so I learned to kill them and died somewhere else in the level. The next time I went there I was killing the guy outside then the door burst open and four guys came rushing out at me!! I was AHHHHHH!!!! I ran so fast (then ran out of breath and died).

Enemies are way more aggressive, they run full sprint at you. Sometimes if you light them on fire they still chrage at you still trying to kill you before they die. Oh and in chapter 1 the level layout for the chainsaw guy changed a bit where now you have to lead the guy to break boxes.


Does it have to be unlocked?

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Sat, 01 Nov 2014 14:53:10
Chapter 6 that fucking guy with you is retarded. How about running from enemies & not standing there while 10 of them beat you to death?

I had stopped playing this for awhile but figured I'd better get back to it. Its fun but definitely not Resident Evil fun. And I liked Alien much more....I couldn't stop playing Isolation. This I could.

It feels a few mistakes off from being as good as it should be.


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Sun, 02 Nov 2014 18:28:42
Man they didn't optimize the engine for this game at all. Why the frame rate is so sluggish I have no idea.

The entire game feels like 3 steps back from RE4 in every way. Maybe its not a fair comparison, but that's clearly what Mikami wants to go for. As such, he needs to hire some serious talent for this studio.


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Mon, 03 Nov 2014 12:02:55

Wow that sounded real negative. LOL

Ok, don't get me wrong the game is fun to play. Its just there's so many ways it could have been a better title.

  • The AI is off
  • I can't stand how easy it is to miss guys who lunge in at you...they get so close you can't even see them
  • And that's because the camera is ass.
  • Seriously. Camera, aiming, and movement all feel like an early version of Resident Evil 4 before it was ready for primetime.
  • Any amount of action or effects on screen can cause major slowdown.
  • Your AI partner who joins you from time to time. Seriously, you're a detective? Pansy.
  • Black bars at the top and bottom....just no. Fuck off with that shit.

If Mikami can fix this shit and grow his studio a bit more, the sequel should really be special. Though I can't see myself ever liking it as much as Resident Evil. I just prefer RE's zombies and mutated creature approach over the more psycological horror that Evil Within and other titles use.


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Tue, 04 Nov 2014 00:16:46

^ All true. Some strange decisions in this one.

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Tue, 04 Nov 2014 17:52:13

Fuck the Keeper.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK THE KEEPER!


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Sat, 08 Nov 2014 06:04:52

So I just beat the game, great stuff overall.

I give it an 8.3 out of 10, as opposed to the 8.5 out of 10 I gave Alien Isolation. So we got two badass horror games this year just about on the same level, yet totally different which is really cool.

I don't feel it ever really hit the stride of RE4. And dare I say, I even think Resident Evil 5 was a better game. Evil Within is certainly more of a HORROR game than RE5, but RE5 plays better. As Dvader said, the game tends to feel disjointed and all over the place. Sometimes that can be cool, but more often than not it just makes you think is going on here?

It can also be really frustrating in spots. Once or twice I almost had to throw my controller across the room, which is never a good thing. Some of the deaths feel cheap, like there's almost no way you could avoid them without seeing them first. But there ARE those moments where it all clicks and it feels like you're playing an old school RE game. Those moments are precious.

Took me around 20 hours to finish, so its a good length too.


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Sat, 08 Nov 2014 06:22:07

Dvader, when you unlock those special weapons, do they have infinite ammo? And can you use them on the harder difficulty modes?

I'd like to run through the game and scoop up more trophies without worrying about ammo.


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Mon, 10 Nov 2014 19:22:57

I dont think there is infinite ammo and no you have to unlock each on each difficulty mode.

And yeah RE5 is better.

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Tue, 11 Nov 2014 01:14:05

Way to make it sound like shit, guys.

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Tue, 11 Nov 2014 01:56:30
Foolz said:

Way to make it sound like shit, guys.

You like nothing, Foolznow.


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