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The most Anticipated Games of 2016!
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Sat, 17 Jan 2015 01:29:02

Updated with Pillars of Eternity and a few changes!

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Sat, 17 Jan 2015 03:23:36

I'm looking forward to Batman, Uncharted, Tomb Raider and The Order.

Also Star Citizen and Nomansky.

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Sat, 17 Jan 2015 12:32:04

I'm really looking forward to tons of stuff this year. The overall amount of games I'm interested in playing this year probably isn't any different than even last year, its just the LEVEL of the games coming in 2015 are, for the most part, so much higher than 2014. Really elite level stuff all through this year. At least, I HOPE they're elite level. Certainly looks it.

What I mean by this is, if I wanted 50 games last year, 40 of them were B-level or C-level software. Whereas in 2015, if I want 50 games, half of them look to be A-level software.

I am trying to make a giant dent in my backlog this year because honestly, I can't stand looking at it anymore. I haven't been buying as many games of late because of this. But I know with the great stuff on the way I can only go so long without having to grab some shit, so my goal for the next few months if to finish up as many of the shorter games as I can in my backlog. And considering I've already beaten 5 games in January, I'm off to a great start. This is big, because not only is there a ton of epic length games releasing this year that are going to consume large amounts of my gaming time, but I also already have a ton of games like this in my backlog. The amount of RPG's I still haven't played is absurd. So I do want to start getting to a good amount of these as well, and I expect the second half of this year to be devoted almost entirely to RPG's, and long adventure games like the new Zelda. That's why its important for me to beat as many 10-15 hour games as I can NOW.

As for actual games coming out this year that I am really looking forward to, let's see:

  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt                  PC
  • Batman: Arkham Knight                    PC
  • Tomb Raider 2                                 PC
  • Persona 5                                       PS4
  • Xenoblade 2                                   WiiU
  • Final Fantasy 15                            PS4
  • Legend of Zelda U                          WiiU
  • Metal Gear Solid 5                        PC
  • Uncharted 4                                 PS4
  • Bloodborne                                  PS4
  • Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin    PC
  • Star Fox U                                 WiiU
  • Halo 5                                       Xbox One
  • No Man's Sky                            PC
  • Rainbow Six Siege                     PC
  • Devil's Third                              WiiU
  • Crackdown 3                            Xbox One
  • The Order                                PS4

See what I mean? That's just off my head...I'm sure there will be quite a few more. This year is going to be ridiculous by the end...and many of these games are going to be LOOOOONG games.


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Sat, 17 Jan 2015 23:36:54

I am really starting to hate long games. 10-20 hours is good people, what happened to those.

Why is it 5-10 hours or 50-100 hours, what happend to the middle?

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Sat, 17 Jan 2015 23:43:41

Zelda and Metal Gear this year.  Everything else is icing on the cake.

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Sun, 18 Jan 2015 01:18:16

If it turns out Monster Hunter 4 IS coming to the Wii U, Robio will provide the icing on the cake!  WinkWink

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Sun, 18 Jan 2015 06:33:20
Dvader said:

I am really starting to hate long games. 10-20 hours is good people, what happened to those.

Why is it 5-10 hours or 50-100 hours, what happend to the middle?

The demise of unions in the US. What you are seeing in games mirrors the lack of the majority middle. #Occupy

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Mon, 19 Jan 2015 16:48:55

Just for shits n' giggles, here's a list of the older RPG's that I would really like to get done this year ON TOP of the big ones that are releasing in 2015:

  1. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim     PC
  2. Xenoblade     Wii
  3. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of The White Witch     PS3
  4. The World Ends With You     DS
  5. Persona 3     PS2
  6. Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns     PS3
  7. Kingdoms Of Amalur     PC
  8. Dragon Age 3     PS4
  9. Catherine     PS3
  10. Baten Kaitos Origins     Gamecube
  11. Dark Souls     PC
  12. Dungeon Siege 3     PC
  13. Baldur's Gate HD     PC

Good luck to me with every one of these basically being at least a 50 hour experience. Then coupled with all the new RPG's coming this year that I listed, PLUS long adventure games like can see why I want to start getting this shit done.

Xenoblade I think I left off like halfway done, but I'm likely going to have to start over at this point. Ditto for Persona 3. There are others I could have added to this list but these are the big ones...the rest I don't care about so much.


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Mon, 19 Jan 2015 17:29:58
The World Ends With You is only a 20 hour game or less, if you only play through it once. Catherine isn't too long either. The rest are pretty lengthy. Good luck.

That being said hurry and get to Persona 3.
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Tue, 20 Jan 2015 23:26:07
robio said:
The World Ends With You is only a 20 hour game or less, if you only play through it once. Catherine isn't too long either. The rest are pretty lengthy. Good luck.

That being said hurry and get to Persona 3.

That's cool man, at least I'll be able to get through those quickly. Those two are probably last on my to do list though.


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Wed, 28 Jan 2015 02:12:11

Reptile MKX trailer!!!!!

"I now have a quarrel with you" lololololololol

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 13:14:59

Alright this is getting downright weird. Normally we would have an idea when things are coming... Maybe by quarter, at least. This year, no one is committing to anything. It's not that there's just so little coming, it's more like there's two separate thought processes going on behind the scenes:

(1) How do we spread these releases throughout an entire calendar year to at least give the appearance there's a huge library to support our consoles.

(2) If you don't know when the heavy hitters are coming, how are we supposed to plan our release to either avoid releasing at the same time, or get our game in stores when there WILL be big foot traffic in hopes it will sell alongside the big ones?

**Really, I've never seen anything like this.**

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:40:54

I'm going to go out on limb here and predict that the next Call of Duty will launch November 10th. Nyaa


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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 14:52:21
phantom_leo said:

Alright this is getting downright weird. Normally we would have an idea when things are coming... Maybe by quarter, at least. This year, no one is committing to anything. It's not that there's just so little coming, it's more like there's two separate thought processes going on behind the scenes:

(1) How do we spread these releases throughout an entire calendar year to at least give the appearance there's a huge library to support our consoles.

(2) If you don't know when the heavy hitters are coming, how are we supposed to plan our release to either avoid releasing at the same time, or get our game in stores when there WILL be big foot traffic in hopes it will sell alongside the big ones?

**Really, I've never seen anything like this.**

You're just looking for an excuse because you've been slacking off.

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 15:19:26

No, really. Please look through the list of TBA games and see if you can find solid release dates...

There's nothing!

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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 18:48:05

...aaand out of nowhere, AN UPDATE!

Axiom Verge is coming to the US on 3/31 and 4/1 to EU and other areas!!

So PSYCHED for this game!!


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Mon, 23 Feb 2015 18:52:59
See? It's not too hard if you're willing to put soms effort into it.  Nyaa  Kudo's for the euro date as well.
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Mon, 02 Mar 2015 10:38:01

I'll be picking up Final Fantasy Type Zero and Bloodborne this month I guess.


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Mon, 02 Mar 2015 12:09:54

STEAM, Type-0, Bloodborne and Axiom for me.

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Mon, 02 Mar 2015 12:55:10

I'll most likely be picking up nothing.  I'd like to pick up MH4U, but I've still to finish Alpha Saffire and start Bayonetta 2, Tropical Freeze and Bravely Default.  Worst of all is that I have nearly no free time to play anything, and when I do find myself sitting down I don't feel like playing anything and I just go to bed.

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