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28 Days of Games I Hate
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Thu, 12 Feb 2015 05:14:42
Archangel3371 said:

X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse on the SNES was awesome. I never played this one though. Just more proof that SNES kicked Genesis' pathetic ass. Nyaa

Xmen clone wars for genesis shits on mutant apocalypse. Genesis wins.

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Thu, 12 Feb 2015 05:16:17

Braid is fantastic, what is wrong with you people.

Robio did you get to the part in xmen where you had to reset the system to move on.

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Thu, 12 Feb 2015 12:58:55
Dvader said:

Robio did you get to the part in xmen where you had to reset the system to move on.

I did. The first time I got to it I didn't know what to do, but like I going to press the reset button. I don't give a shit if Professor X was telling me to do it, YOU DO NOT PRESS THE RESET BUTTON WHILE PLAYING A GAME!!! And then course the time limit reset and it was game over.  I actually got up to the final battle with Magneto, but I was never able to beat him.

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Fri, 13 Feb 2015 03:53:51

12. Herdy Gerdy

This game represents one or the few times the wife took an interest in my gaming habits. She saw that this game was about herding animals, and thats like Harvest Moon so this game might be up my alley. Sound logic. Unfortunately it wasn't the case.  It may probably be unfair for me to say this game is bad because I haven't played it much. You see the fucking load times in this game are horrendous. I'm actually still trying  get the third level to load. Its been 10 years, but the progress bar is still moving so perhaps when it finally loads I'll be able to play it and maybe change my opinion.

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Fri, 13 Feb 2015 11:25:55

I liked Herdy Gerdy, but it certainly deserves its spot on this list for the loading times.

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Sat, 14 Feb 2015 03:04:14

13. Final Fantasy X.

This was the game that killed my interest in Final Fantasy. The entire cast is made up of RPG cliches except for Wakka who is pretty much the worst character in the history of gaming. The completely linear nature of the game was a slap in the face for people who enjoyed exploring. And Blitz Ball was a shitty mini game. I got 2 hours from the ending when I realized I was miserable, and never touched a future installment other series from that moment forward.

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Sat, 14 Feb 2015 14:13:27

Oh the humanity! crying


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Sat, 14 Feb 2015 14:29:12

I liked ffx but it's one of the crappier ones.

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Sat, 14 Feb 2015 14:57:46

FF1 and X are the only FF's that I bothered to complete.  That alone makes it a fond memory for me.

Edited: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 01:27:02
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Sun, 15 Feb 2015 01:00:29

While FFX is awesome, you chose the perfect time to stop playing FF games, so it's a good thing you hated it so much.

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Sun, 15 Feb 2015 01:10:08

I am a fan of FF10, but that is indeed when they started changing things for the worse. However, its still a great game IMO. I really liked most of the characters...even Tidus I thought it was cool that he was at least different with his upbeat personality instead of the usual FF downtrodden guy. The battle system wasn't the best (I still prefer the materia system from added strategy and it was just fun) but it wasn't bad either.

The only thing I hated about it was that they removed the overworld exploration map. To me, that was ass backwards. You have this system that's a trillion times the power of PS1, and you choose to cut out the overworld instead of expanding it? When I first thought about FF on the PS2 era consoles, that was the first thing I thought awesome the overworld will now be.


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Sun, 15 Feb 2015 03:54:12

14. Actraiser 2

I'm well aware that I lot of my choices have been games that other people have really enjoyed, but as I reach the midway point with this I'd like to present a game that I truly believe may be the most universally reviled game ever made - Actraiser 2. The original is a beloved 16 bit classic. The sequel removed the charming city sim half of the game that made it such a unique experience, and doubled down on the action by making it insanely difficult to the point where no one wanted to play it. It was criminal on every level. Everyone should hate this game.

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Sun, 15 Feb 2015 03:56:06
edgecrusher said:

I am a fan of FF10, but that is indeed when they started changing things for the worse. However, its still a great game IMO. I really liked most of the characters...even Tidus I thought it was cool that he was at least different with his upbeat personality instead of the usual FF downtrodden guy.

Personalitywise, Tidus was an exact clone of Zidane, the lead character from the previous game. The two were interchangeable. Only goes to further my arguement that there was nothing new in the game.

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Sun, 15 Feb 2015 09:19:10
robio said:

Personalitywise, Tidus was an exact clone of Zidane, the lead character from the previous game. The two were interchangeable. Only goes to further my arguement that there was nothing new in the game.

I forgot about that guy. See I wasn't a huge fan of FF9. It wasn't bad, but it just didn't hit me like FF7 and FF8 did. Maybe I should replay it one day.

robio said:

14. Actraiser 2

I'm well aware that I lot of my choices have been games that other people have really enjoyed, but as I reach the midway point with this I'd like to present a game that I truly believe may be the most universally reviled game ever made - Actraiser 2. The original is a beloved 16 bit classic. The sequel removed the charming city sim half of the game that made it such a unique experience, and doubled down on the action by making it insanely difficult to the point where no one wanted to play it. It was criminal on every level. Everyone should hate this game.

I never played Actraiser 2...and its probably a good thing because my memories of the original are untainted.


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Sun, 15 Feb 2015 15:17:50

The first Actraiser was pretty awesome, never played the second one.


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Sun, 15 Feb 2015 15:50:23

I'm glad to hear you guys skipped Actraiser 2. I've even tried giving it a second chance with proper expectations, and it was still really bad.

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Mon, 16 Feb 2015 02:40:08

15. SaGa Frontier 2

The original SaGa Frontier was an incomplete mess that still managed to charm the hell out of me. The sequel was promising as hell. It has beautiful watercolor graphics, and this time the game would be focused on just two characters as opposed to the legion of main characters in the original. Formula for success?? You'd think so but no. SF2 is the game where nothing happens you see. Sure there's two stories going on, but the action was really limited, or you were just overpowered and never had to deal with a real challenge. Maybe there was more to it, but after a few hours I quit. It felt more like a novel where I just pressed X to advance the story. A game full of nothing I tell you.

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Tue, 17 Feb 2015 03:11:55

16. Children of Mana

One last game from Square-Enix -Children of Mana, the long awaited return to the Mana series and marked the beginning of games that was S-E's grand attempt at revitalizating the series.... The Yea of Mana they called it. Sound glorious. It wasn't. All o the new Mana games ended up being experiments that had little to do with the original ones, and each one was generally disliked. Children of Mana was arguably the weakest. It was a dungeon crawler that was the definition of generic. There was no motivation to go in the tower and even less to go back to town. The while thing was a kick to the shin to all Mana fans.

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Wed, 18 Feb 2015 01:40:24

17. Assassin's Creed

What pisses me off about Assassin's Creed is that I should absolutely love it. I should love the stealth killing, the exotic settings, the revisionist history.... it's all stuff I love. And yet this game finds a way to continually ruin it all because of that modern day setting.  As soon as the story starts to get interesting, you zip back to present day for a bunch of blah, blah blah. And the combat just isn't as interesting as it should be. It gets repetitive quickly. Normally this would simply be a game I don't like, but because I should like it and I don't.... I hate it...

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Wed, 18 Feb 2015 02:27:25

But you liked AC 2 righy?

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