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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 12:57:54

I checked out the app last night on my phone while the tv was occupied. It's actually very good because your phone is always on and takes seconds to check who is online. I saw you in a ranked battle and Nintyfan was online but since the tv was occupied I couldn't join. It was still nice to be able to see who was playing without booting up the U.

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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 20:48:28

So anyway I've been tinkering about on Tower control. I had an epiphany, I could use a dual squelcher the machine gun with the furthest range and it has a krarken as a special. I can shoot the tower from miles away and when on the tower, shoot the bad guys keeping them well back. Did it work?

Nope. indecision The Dual Squelcher fires accurate long range fire, but it has no splatter pattern when it lands. People on the tower can hide directly behind the pole on the tower and your gun has no effect. Not only that it takes ages to use the Kraken, but worse still, when your Kraken ends you are usually close to the enemy where your gun is useless.

So I thought use the 96 gal instead which was my old standby, first match it was great I killed and won us the match. Second match the enemy came into our start area and inked over me defensive path. Because the 96 has a slow fire rate and poor movement it was impossible for me to quickly ink over the mess and get back to my final defensive point. Nerfed.

So I realised on the maps I was on the slosher was perfect, any map with low or high levels are great for sloshers. You can land so much ink on the tower it's virtually impossible for them to hide on the tower. Use the right equipment and you can quickly charge the inkstrike too and inkstrike known sniper positions. When on the tower you lay the smack down on people attempting to ink their way up the tower to splat you at close range.

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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 21:26:40

But did it work?

I had some great Splat zone matches yesterday.  I think I only lost 2 or 3.  Splat zone is such an easy way of levelling up.  For some reason I never get paired with lower level people, always higher level  Hrm  Lost one match after having the advantage with only 4 seconds on the clock, very tense.

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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 22:44:17

Had a good run tonight, despite somehow missing Robio and noticing Ninty came on just as I turned off my WiiU.  Played mostly turf wars, still my favorite mode.  I dropped into a match with 3 rollers on each side.  It's like shooting ducks, came on top in every match.  Also nice to see 2 of my favorite maps on rotation together: saltspray rig and walleye warehouse.  Good times, perhaps I'll be able to squeeze in some more tomorrow night.

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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 22:46:23

I haven't played in a while but currently I'm focused on beating Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.


  • SMB Mix-Up! (1AB2-0000-0047-5A7D)
  • Storm the Castle (77BD-0000-00E0-A9C0)


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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 11:01:50
SupremeAC said:

But did it work?

I had some great Splat zone matches yesterday.  I think I only lost 2 or 3.  Splat zone is such an easy way of levelling up.  For some reason I never get paired with lower level people, always higher level  Hrm  Lost one match after having the advantage with only 4 seconds on the clock, very tense.

Yes it worked but the method will be useless on many maps like Port Mackeral or Hammerhead bridge. You want to avoid using the slosher on tower control on large areas with flat ground, or high visibility - range - for instance.

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Mon, 12 Oct 2015 09:33:22

I like how the Splatnet website/app also lets you view other player's gear and how much they play with what weapons.  It really shows I only ever play with the .52Gal.  Nyaa  I can also tell that Robio is filthy sniping scum!  But hey, at least you're no cheap roller player, so all is a-ok.

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Mon, 12 Oct 2015 18:40:20

I've mastered the skill of cheap roller player so I can Krakken the shit out of Japanese snipers.

So satisfying. Happy

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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 15:16:45

I've clawed my way back up to A - rank again, woot! Grinning

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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 15:21:49
gamingeek said:

I've mastered the skill of cheap roller player so I can Krakken the shit out of Japanese snipers.

So satisfying. Happy

Congrats on becoming the worst type of Splatoon player.

gamingeek said:

I've clawed my way back up to A - rank again, woot! Grinning

Who cares about rank?  We should be comparing the only stat that matters: our squid jump high scores!

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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 15:38:10
I'll tell you, I'm about to hang my hat up on Splatoon. I'm getting too tired of playing with people who have no clue what they're doing. I either need a squad or to stop playing for a year, and wait for the community to wisen up or thin out to just the diehards.
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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 15:46:37

Can't say I still run into complete idiots often anymore.  I'm up for forming a squad as well, but between you, GG and me, we're still one player short.  If only Dvader had bought the game!  *sob*  Nyaa

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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 15:47:42
Why has Vader abandoned us? What did we do wrong? We just wanted to love him...
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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 16:25:24
SupremeAC said:
gamingeek said:

I've mastered the skill of cheap roller player so I can Krakken the shit out of Japanese snipers.

So satisfying. Happy

Congrats on becoming the worst type of Splatoon player.

gamingeek said:

I've clawed my way back up to A - rank again, woot! Grinning

Who cares about rank?  We should be comparing the only stat that matters: our squid jump high scores!

Hey, to do this well takes a lot of skill. It mostly means charging up your special but you can't do this when you're rolling on your own ink and when you die your special meter gets butchered. You also have to be strategic in your beacon placement.

robio said:
I'll tell you, I'm about to hang my hat up on Splatoon. I'm getting too tired of playing with people who have no clue what they're doing. I either need a squad or to stop playing for a year, and wait for the community to wisen up or thin out to just the diehards.

Turf war or ranked? As a sniper your losses are partially your own fault, you should try a weapon that aids in painting turf.

SupremeAC said:

Can't say I still run into complete idiots often anymore.  I'm up for forming a squad as well, but between you, GG and me, we're still one player short.  If only Dvader had bought the game!  *sob*  Nyaa

Did you just call Vader an SOB? yes

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Wed, 14 Oct 2015 16:31:08
I only play ranked. Turf war is for children who cannot aim.
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Thu, 15 Oct 2015 19:13:20

Talk about a game of two timezones, spent half the matches being massacred by Japanese, then the other half actually doing well today.

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Fri, 16 Oct 2015 16:53:07

Major Splatoon update coming on Oct. 20th

Splatoon - version 2.2.0 weapon changes videos

Nice, seems they have depowered the blaster unless it's a direct hit.

Oh, they have depowered the carbon roller when it's a side hit as opposed to a direct hit.

They've depowered the 3K charger at anything between lowest damage and highest damage which remain the same. So the two medium shots give off less damage. Yes. Sniper scumbags and Popping blasters are nerfed.

Dynamo rollers side damage is nerfed too.  

Splat rollers, now it takes longer between when you exit the Krakken and when you can splat someone with one swish but the damage you deal is slightly higher.

These are great balancing updates, sorts those asshole Japanese poppers out who barely have to aim and sorts out those omnipotent snipers. You can now escape the Krakken and not have the instant following death from a splat roller swish immediately after. And those overpowered Dynamos can fuck off too.

Now all the have to do is put the inkzooka back to how it was before so it charges fairly not taking extra long. It's hard enough to hit things with it anyway and there is a movement cost to it and you have to be below whatever you want to hit.

Edited: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 17:05:00

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Sun, 25 Oct 2015 16:04:37

The red squelchers speed improvement has made it a much improved weapon. Went toe to toe with an nzap user with a 52gal and the nzap won every time. That's fucked up, they have the same range too. As expected the splat roller is much weakened since the update. Snipers are still fucking awful too. Port Mackerel...... ah.....

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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 13:57:55

I have achieved Godhood! *cough, cough*

(A) rank status achieved!!!!!!!!!

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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 14:03:14

A?  Godhood?  Come back when you've achieved S, you false demi-god!

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