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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 15:30:16
Apparently I've killed a god.
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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 15:50:30
robio said:
Apparently I've killed a god.

Robio hath committed ... Deicide!


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 18:00:45
bugsonglass said:
robio said:
Apparently I've killed a god.

Robio hath committed ... Deicide!


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Mon, 26 Oct 2015 18:34:38
SupremeAC said:

A?  Godhood?  Come back when you've achieved S, you false demi-god!

Hush you. This is a big day for me.

robio said:
Apparently I've killed a god.

That makes you a Campione!

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Tue, 27 Oct 2015 06:37:46

Congrats on the A-rank. Did it with a squad or had to suffer randoms?

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Tue, 27 Oct 2015 10:18:44

Randoms. Had a good run, sure I'll drop back within a week or less.

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 02:16:30

Congrats, GG. It was a pain enough to get to B. :X (Or did I only make it to b-? Can't remember.)

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 09:36:47

yeah, all foolery aside, well done.  I'm currently stuck halfway B+.  Also, for some reason, I never get teamed up with lower level players, while I see higher leveled players all the time.  What's up with that?

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:11:24

Thanks guys.

Not sure what to do now. Play more and get reamed back to A minus or try for A plus-hood.

SupremeAC said:

yeah, all foolery aside, well done.  I'm currently stuck halfway B+.  Also, for some reason, I never get teamed up with lower level players, while I see higher leveled players all the time.  What's up with that?

Sometimes it's a benefit.

When I made it past B + into the A - rank my teamates seemed a lot more competant and we did pretty well. Before I reached A, I was paired with a lot of A + characters and you get some on your team and some on the opposing team. It's not bad.

A few tips for ranked battles, play Rainmaker, work out the best levels and just how it works in general. Although at first it seems ridiculous and unfair, once you cotton onto the rules and systems it is one of the best and most fair modes around. As with Tower control it's not always about how far you take the tower/rainmaker - but about how far away you can keep it from your end goal. So find a good kill point and camp there with a weapon suitable.

Some people are shy about picking up the rainmaker, do it yourself and plunge deep inside enemy territory even if it means kamikazee-ing yourself. If you can push a meter further than the other team you win.

And pile onto the tower repeatedly with super jumps, one after the other with your team. The tower goes faster with more people on it and if you time your jumps right one person dies as another lands on the tower so its momentum continues forwards.

Splat Zones.... are just a pain the ass with two separate zones. Steer clear of Moray towers and port makerel.

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:23:05
gamingeek said:

Thanks guys.

Not sure what to do now. Play more and get reamed back to A minus or try for A plus-hood.

SupremeAC said:

yeah, all foolery aside, well done.  I'm currently stuck halfway B+.  Also, for some reason, I never get teamed up with lower level players, while I see higher leveled players all the time.  What's up with that?

Sometimes it's a benefit.

When I made it past B + into the A - rank my teamates seemed a lot more competant and we did pretty well. Before I reached A, I was paired with a lot of A + characters and you get some on your team and some on the opposing team. It's not bad.

A few tips for ranked battles, play Rainmaker, work out the best levels and just how it works in general. Although at first it seems ridiculous and unfair, once you cotton onto the rules and systems it is one of the best and most fair modes around. As with Tower control it's not always about how far you take the tower/rainmaker - but about how far away you can keep it from your end goal. So find a good kill point and camp there with a weapon suitable.

Some people are shy about picking up the rainmaker, do it yourself and plunge deep inside enemy territory even if it means kamikazee-ing yourself. If you can push a meter further than the other team you win.

And pile onto the tower repeatedly with super jumps, one after the other with your team. The tower goes faster with more people on it and if you time your jumps right one person dies as another lands on the tower so its momentum continues forwards.

Splat Zones.... are just a pain the ass with two separate zones. Steer clear of Moray towers and port makerel.

What to do now?  Create an alt account and play ranked mode together with me!

As for your tips: I only played rainmaker once, seems rather lame to me.  Then again, I avoided splatzones for a long time as well, and now I'm loving it.  It's the easiest to play, and much easier to win than tower controll.  I also have no beef with splatzones in port mackerel.  One guy stays behind to keep the other team from capturing 'your' splatzone, while the other 3 make a push for the opposing splatzone.

Personally I'm on a new quest to level some good offensive gear so I can start playing with a custom duel squelcher again, without being chanceless at short range.

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:38:18

For a 52 gal with a splash wall, splat zones would be ideal.

On port mackeral I am always that one guy who has to protect our zone. Everybody else fucks off. indecision

With two zones, the best thing to do is to hold one zone as the timer only goes down when two zones are captured. You can effectively cut off the enemy. Try Rainmaker though, IMO it's the best mode. Just stay clear of the exploding Rainmaker shield.

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:41:30

Not to mention my killer wail  Cool

I guess I'm just a bit weary about starting another mode and risking losing a lot of ranked matches.  Also, rainmaker, to me, seems very similar to tower control.  One is on rails, the other is not.

edit: also, just found this

Edited: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:42:03
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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:45:42

I don't like using the gal as much anymore, and I only ever really felt using the zapper, and this last team I just had made me want to drop kick babies, from space. So I rage quit and played Squid Jump ^_^

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:53:25

Yeah, the .52Gal has lost some of it's edge now that everyone is applying damage ups and defence ups...  Still, it has a rather good spread and I love me my splash wall and killer wail.  But yeah, it sucks when you come up close against someone with a puny little weapon and they annihilate you.

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 12:57:20

My gal had the inkstrike, good power up for turf war, don't really like it for the other modes.

It also didn't help that I haven't touched the game in awhile, gotta knock off rust...or just be lazy and play more Rocket League.

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 15:48:52
SupremeAC said:

Not to mention my killer wail  Cool

I guess I'm just a bit weary about starting another mode and risking losing a lot of ranked matches.  Also, rainmaker, to me, seems very similar to tower control.  One is on rails, the other is not.

edit: also, just found this

They aren't the same. Rainmaker matches are more aggressive but easier to turn around. It can take one flash of brilliance, one un-thought of route, one great quick look and assesment of the map. It's a lot more tactical than the tower. Sometimes the fate of a tower control match lies with timing, who dies when. And if there is a gap and several die within a short while the tower can advance far enough for your team to win. On loooooooong levels like the bridge this can make and break a match.

Also, extra time is crucial. Pile on in on the tower in extra time or if the other team has the tower or rainmaker in extra time it is crucial you kill them ASAP or the match wont end and they can sneak ahead of you at the last minute.

Gagan said:

I don't like using the gal as much anymore, and I only ever really felt using the zapper, and this last team I just had made me want to drop kick babies, from space. So I rage quit and played Squid Jump ^_^

I tried using the zapper. It's great for killing but the coverage of the weapon is spotty and uneven. The echolocater is great but now they have upped the red squelchers run speed by 20% you might as well use that and no one except snipers can get near you. Apart from the 96 gal which has the same range.

Speaking of which since I learned this I went back to using the 96. With a few equipment changes it can be a powerful weapon. You have to stay well back for it to be of any use though.

SupremeAC said:

Yeah, the .52Gal has lost some of it's edge now that everyone is applying damage ups and defence ups...  Still, it has a rather good spread and I love me my splash wall and killer wail.  But yeah, it sucks when you come up close against someone with a puny little weapon and they annihilate you.

I found in tower control the Splattershot kills as well as the 52 but also allows faster movement and a more useful special in the sticky bomb. In fact, the splattershot is the most balanced weapon in the game.

The Jr is also, surprisingly one of the most useful weapons in the game which is why you see level 40 + Japanese pros using it. The bubbleshield is something of a cheat and you can ink loads. You need to use the right equipment too.

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Wed, 28 Oct 2015 17:58:00

Bah, lost two tower control matches then won two, ended up about even. Inept team mates shy of actually jumping onto the tower. When I rode it on Walleye I rode it about 10 m from the end. Seriously what's up with people shy of grabbing rainmakers or riding towers? They mill about the bottom when the person riding the tower dies instead of jumping up to continue the journey. In one match as expected the one time I get creative and stop defending the end point it slips past and we lose by 5 metres.

I know it's boring but sometimes you need to defend to fight the tower off. Like Greece in the Euro finals.

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Sat, 07 Nov 2015 12:28:51

I was two wins away from an A+ ranking when my internet cut out in three matches. Only to learn that the game takes away 10 points from your ranking every time your internet cuts out.

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Sat, 07 Nov 2015 13:15:28
gamingeek said:

I was two wins away from an A+ ranking when my internet cut out in three matches. Only to learn that the game takes away 10 points from your ranking every time your internet cuts out.

Well that sucks.  Wish I had more time to play.  Then again, what time I do have these days tends to get eaten up by Bravely Default.  I probably will also not be able to make it for tonight's splathour.

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Sat, 07 Nov 2015 13:48:11
gamingeek said:

I was two wins away from an A+ ranking when my internet cut out in three matches. Only to learn that the game takes away 10 points from your ranking every time your internet cuts out.

That's what you get for living in a third world country.  Happy
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