Forum > Gaming Discussion > Are you as excited about gaming as you were in the last generation?
Are you as excited about gaming as you were in the last generation?
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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 18:11:38

Yeah in general this site seems to be losing its excitement for games. There is still a ton of great stuff to enjoy though, just not on the wii u which is easily the worst Nintendo console ever. But yeah things are formulaic in the big game space.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 18:21:09
SteelAttack said:

Sure, there's more variety than ever across all possible gaming options. Big games, small games, really small games. You name it. And they're available in more platforms than ever before.

And yet you seemed to have retreated from the console front lines?

edgecrusher said:

Sometimes coming here makes me depressed and ponder if I should stop gaming to focus on music and my shitty ass job. laugh

Anime is the answer. yes

Dvader said:

Yeah in general this site seems to be losing its excitement for games. There is still a ton of great stuff to enjoy though, just not on the wii u which is easily the worst Nintendo console ever. But yeah things are formulaic in the big game space.

Worse in terms of 3rd party support, worst ever techwise or 1st party gamewise? No, I don't think so.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 19:55:06

Just look at the lineup this year from Nintendo, it's the worst in years, this is the third year of wii u, it should have a bunch of great games. In terms of everything wii u is the worst.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 20:18:59

My excitement is waning but not because I can't find plenty of games to play but for lack of time and money.  Time especially.  It's hard to get excited when I average fifteen to thirty minutes a day.  I used to average two -three hours per day.

Yeah, Nintendo isn't really doing anything for me this gen after 2013.  No Zelda (as of yet)no Metroid on the U.  What big release do we have this holiday?  Yoshi?  That would've been an afterthought any other gen.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 21:16:23
Dvader said:

Just look at the lineup this year from Nintendo, it's the worst in years, this is the third year of wii u, it should have a bunch of great games. In terms of everything wii u is the worst.

You're just looking at this year, overall their Wii U games are better than anything they did on GC and NES games are shit in general. Sunshine and WW are lesser games. Try buying Splatoon, you'll enjoy it alot. XCX is going to be great this year and Zelda and Starfox got delayed - if they had made it this year, they would have been great? Don't forget Captain Toad, another game you didn't get. And you just got Mario Maker right? Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem for this year?

So this year we've had, Captain Toad, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Yoshi, Kirby, Mario Tennis Ultra Smash, XCX and FF to come, Devils Turd.

I think you are doing the same thing you did with Wii. You don't buy the games that are out, understandably because you are interested in other stuff. But you miss some big or small games and have a more negative outlook on the system as a whole; when you don't play those games. Reminds me of the spring when I was enjoying the hell out of Lego City and NFS Most Wanted and people were complaining about having nothing to play on the system. People still haven't picked up and played Lego City and it got a lot of 9/10 reviews. Unlike most other Lego games, it's not shit either.

These are old pics, delete what you know isn't coming out. Starfux delayed. XCX and Project Zero I guess. I only expect 3 decent Nintendo games per year as that is their M.O. I can't remember when it was ever any other way. I don't see Sony or MS coming out with anything better or being more productive on a yearly basis. Take away all their third party support and they'd be in the same boat.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 21:46:00

Oh please I had plenty of great games to enjoy the wifi, it was nothing like this. Yes I haven't played some but that's the point where are the games I want to play. Yes I want a new Mario, a new metroid, a new Zelda. Galaxy is better than anything in wii u, better then their wii u Mario games. Smash and kart are great better than the wii versions but it's still very similar. Wii had a metroid prime, wii had a Zelda, wii had a punch out revival how cool is that, wii had light gun games and puzzle games, DKCR was a new idea then they just pumped out another one.

It still has good games but this year man, it was splatoon and what, I have never see as bad a Nintendo year. And let's face it, star fox doesn't look that great. Captain toad was last year. Kirby and yoshi whatever, never cared for them. It's an entire year and splatoon and xenoblade are the only noteworthy thing they got. (Mario maker is fine but nothing special) this is year 3, not year 4 and 5 when Nintendo already forgot about the system, this is really bad.

If you had a system that did have a great lineup you wouldn't be on here sad looking for things to play. I have so much to play and not enough time in the day to get to it, it's just that basically none of it is on wii u.

Edited: Wed, 07 Oct 2015 21:47:52
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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 23:20:29
travo said:

My excitement is waning but not because I can't find plenty of games to play but for lack of time and money.  Time especially.  It's hard to get excited when I average fifteen to thirty minutes a day.  I used to average two -three hours per day.

this is basically my situation these days. I am busy and I am broke. Even with just a Wii U I don't have the money for everything I want, let alone the time to play it. I'm just hoping life slows down for me next month so I can spend more time with the game I really wanted to devote a lot of attention to.
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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 23:36:52
robio said:

this is basically my situation these days. I am busy and I am broke. Even with just a Wii U I don't have the money for everything I want, let alone the time to play it. I'm just hoping life slows down for me next month so I can spend more time with the game I really wanted to devote a lot of attention to.

Soccer pictures tonight, soccer practice tomorrow, soccer game on Saturday, plus art and music auditions. Sigh.

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Wed, 07 Oct 2015 23:58:52

I'm not less excited about games, as much as it's become a hard rule to accept that certain things are on their way out, or I'm old enough that more shit bugs me now.  

Part of it is what I like about games: I value gameplay, interactivity, mother fucking depth over video game stories, because video game stories are pathetic. For every rare outing like Silent Hill 2, Mother 3, or Planescape there is a Halo, an Uncharted, a jrpg, where the story is fucking garbage under any scrutiny. Even the better than that bar stuff like Last of Us, Red Dead, or the likes of Bioshock come with about as many cons as they come with positives. And I hate how this medium has decided that it needs to tell a story like a film, tv show, or a book, but when they are asked to tell a story through a game, it's like OMG how do you do that? Like bitch this is your medium, that you should be good at by now.

I also can not stand how extravagant these cutscenes have gotten. It was one thing in the PS1 era, but why the fuck am I watching some badass action sequence in cutscene? Like Halo 5 opens with the spartans jumping out of a jet in cutscene. Make that shit gameplay, make drop down all badass, have me shoot shit while I'm falling dealing with covies in mid air. No lets watch black guy look badass in a cutscene? Fuck off.

And I like Platinum Games, and some of their spectacle I can accept as "Okay that would be hard to do as gameplay".,...other things? Nah fuck that, make that shit gameplay.

Japan isn't looking any better. Capcom who for my money is the only Japanese company that belongs in a conversation with Nintendo for GOAT status is a shell of their former glory. The last great game from them was SF4. Devil May Cry is in some weird limbo, Resident Evil 5 and 6 were not worthy of being sequels to RE4, and pfft at the idea they ever make a survival horror game out of this series, Dead Rising peaked at the first game. Square sucks. Konami is whatever, and Sega can't draw a dime when they make fun things like Valkyria and Binary Domain.

Beyond that, and the fact that the 60 dollar game has become more dick, more uninspired, more sequels, more vapid, boring, banal, bitch work instead of fun gameplay. Or entertaining gameplay. Or compelling gameplay. Or cerebral gameplay. Or Satisfying gameplay. Or interesting gameplay. Nope, bitch work. And the new ips look a hell of a lot like the old ips

Destiny? Halo with hoods and shitty loot

The Order? Gears of Yore

Tittyfall? Brink with mechs

Bloodborne? Dickensian Dark Souls

3 machines, 2 years for the PS4 and X1, 3 for the WiiU, 1080pish hardware for 2 of them, a tablet controller, and between 3 big time first parties, they have 2 games between those 3 machines that actually feels like new and distinct from anything else (in terms of the triple A space), and that was The Wonderful 101 and Splatoon. And I'd give Nintendo the rub, but fuck them too, it takes the will power of the gods for those people to actually finally do something new.

But the indie, kickstarter, and middle market PC stuff always makes me happy, feel better about stuff. Ori isn't original, but fuck it doesn't completely shit on Nintendo's recent platforming outings, much less the fact that they were able to do cool stuff with 2d Metroid structure in a way that the company who makes Metroid isn't doing. Shovel Knight was rad, Rocket League is the tits, Hell Divers is one of the cooler coop games I've played in awhile, Divinity Original Sin had a combat system that was legit new for its space, and highlighted the strength of modern tech at the same time. you know the shit the 60 dollar games are supposed to do, except the best playing games are on a glorified 360(WiiU) or a cross gen game (MGSV).

Also the remasters? I'm all for preserving gaming, but how about we remaster games that actually need to be remastered.

Edited: Thu, 08 Oct 2015 00:04:00

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Thu, 08 Oct 2015 18:13:23
gamingeek said:
SteelAttack said:

Sure, there's more variety than ever across all possible gaming options. Big games, small games, really small games. You name it. And they're available in more platforms than ever before.

And yet you seemed to have retreated from the console front lines?

gamingeek said:
SteelAttack said:

Sure, there's more variety than ever across all possible gaming options. Big games, small games, really small games. You name it. And they're available in more platforms than ever before.

And yet you seemed to have retreated from the console front lines?

Well, it is a matter of available time more than anything else. I don't have enough time to play what I want on PC alone, buying one or two consoles on top of that would be just a waste of money. But there is a fuckton of stuff out there, enough to cater to most people's tastes.

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Thu, 08 Oct 2015 18:35:38
We've reached the age where we are slaves to the grind & don't have the free time to game properly anymore. We just don't want to admit it.


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Thu, 08 Oct 2015 19:57:26

I admit it.

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Thu, 08 Oct 2015 20:18:05
SteelAttack said:

I admit it.

Same here.  I want my teenage years back.

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Thu, 08 Oct 2015 23:48:01
travo said:

Same here.  I want my teenage years back.

I want to masturbate for the first time again. And again.


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Fri, 09 Oct 2015 00:20:24

Fuck my teenage years. I want my early 20's back. I had money and was getting laid.

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Fri, 09 Oct 2015 08:04:12

Yeah, time constraints are a real issue.  I haven't even bought stuff off my steam wishlist when it was heavily discounted just for lack of time.  Same reason I've never bought a PS3 or X360 or now a PS4 or Xbone...  Although I must admit, game time has improved considerably ever since the missus took up sewing.  She'll happily spend upwards of 3 hours sewing for multiple nights a week.  Time I put to good use.

I'm also heavily anticipating the arrival of Steam Link.  That way I'll have cheap and easy access to most multiplatform titles, all from the comfort of my living room, at a fraction of the price it'd cost me to buy a new console.

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Fri, 09 Oct 2015 12:41:08

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Fri, 09 Oct 2015 12:43:40
SteelAttack said:

Well, it is a matter of available time more than anything else. I don't have enough time to play what I want on PC alone, buying one or two consoles on top of that would be just a waste of money.

Yeah, me too.

SteelAttack said:

But there is a fuckton of stuff out there, enough to cater to most people's tastes.

If you can be bothered and want to waste money building up a backlog you wont play. Sure.

The AAA train is getting monotonous though.

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Sat, 10 Oct 2015 22:39:07
gamingeek said:
SteelAttack said:

But there is a fuckton of stuff out there, enough to cater to most people's tastes.

If you can be bothered and want to waste money building up a backlog you wont play. Sure.

The AAA train is getting monotonous though.

On the contrary. Having variety doesn't mean you're going to end up drowning yourself in games. Pick what you want from whatever is available, then proceed to have fun.

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Sun, 11 Oct 2015 02:57:07
SteelAttack said:
gamingeek said:
SteelAttack said:

But there is a fuckton of stuff out there, enough to cater to most people's tastes.

If you can be bothered and want to waste money building up a backlog you wont play. Sure.

The AAA train is getting monotonous though.

On the contrary. Having variety doesn't mean you're going to end up drowning yourself in games. Pick what you want from whatever is available, then proceed to have fun.

Exactly. I'd rather have too much to choose from then too little. You don't have to buy it all, just get one at a time and play it as long as you want until you choose to buy another.


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