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Xenoblade Chronicles X Wii U: Preparation and Playthrough thread
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Tue, 15 Dec 2015 16:05:17

I just added a whole fuckload of people to my Wii U list....didn't realize I was missing so many.


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Tue, 15 Dec 2015 17:47:00

Crimson Aurora in Sylvalum


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Tue, 15 Dec 2015 19:07:33

Just recently finished story mission 5. When do I get a mech?


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Tue, 15 Dec 2015 19:11:54
Archangel3371 said:

Just recently finished story mission 5. When do I get a mech?

You get the mission to get your license after Chapter 6.


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Tue, 15 Dec 2015 19:14:36
Nintyfan17 said:
Archangel3371 said:

Just recently finished story mission 5. When do I get a mech?

You get the mission to get your license after Chapter 6.

Ah ok, thanks.


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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 03:37:21


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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 08:04:00

The camera in this game really irks me.  There are a dozen settings you can tinker with, but you can't seem to set the distance you want the camera to be from your character.  You've got this huge expansive world, but the camera hugs to your character so tight that you can't get a decent view of your surroundings when say trying to climb a rock wall.  Also, when swimming all you see of your character model is the head as the rest disappears off the bottom of the screen.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 10:47:16
SupremeAC said:

The camera in this game really irks me.  There are a dozen settings you can tinker with, but you can't seem to set the distance you want the camera to be from your character.  You've got this huge expansive world, but the camera hugs to your character so tight that you can't get a decent view of your surroundings when say trying to climb a rock wall.  Also, when swimming all you see of your character model is the head as the rest disappears off the bottom of the screen.

Huh? L button + right analog stick!


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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 10:50:30

Does anybody know what the point of division support is? Like when you see a character out in the world you can take as a scout, or get "support" from that characters blade division. I'm not sure what that support is or does.


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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:09:35
edgecrusher said:

Huh? L button + right analog stick!

Seriously?  They've got sliders for everything, but for this you need to press some obscure combination on your controller?  Will try when I manage to play some more.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:33:20
SupremeAC said:
edgecrusher said:

Huh? L button + right analog stick!

Seriously?  They've got sliders for everything, but for this you need to press some obscure combination on your controller?  Will try when I manage to play some more.

I never bothered with the sliders for camera....couldn't figure out what they did so didn't touch them. When I began playing the game, I just fucked with all the buttons as I normally do to see what does what, and I found the camera code. You can do as you say..put the camera right up next to the character. Or, you can literally pull back about a football field away. Or anything in between.


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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 12:05:42
edgecrusher said:

I'm liking this one even more than the Wii title I must say. Goes to show what a difference better technology makes, because it just makes the whole world feel much more alive & immersive. Especially when its tech you're used to seeing on every other device, then you have to go back to the stone ages for a Wii game which was always akin to popping in an old Gamecube game from 2002.

Also, just the way this one is set up, with the base hub & the different military factions you can play with....different characters you can recruit whenever you want for each specific mission. I love it. I love the vibe of walking through the giant city then running out into the unknown to go on a mission seamlessly, and how the vibe and mood changes accordingly. Even the little details like collecting things, stats, skills and all feels just a bit more streamlined than the last game. Certainly my favorite Wii U game of the year, if not overall.

Having played the game for like 8 hours straight yesterday, and having worked out some more of the features, now I'm feeling this. It is better than XB Wii, more expansive more options, more freedom. And techically the visuals are just gorgeous and immersive.

So anyway I made my way from one end of Noctilum to the other, to cross this bridge to the next continent. Only to discover that the bridge led to another part of Noctilum............... that was 4x as big as the part I just cleared. surprise Like wow.

The only thing I don't like about the game are swapping out characters for affinity missions, only for the game to then tell you you still dont meet mission requirements and then you have to go back and find another 4th character to continue with the rest of the game.

Nintyfan17 said:

I changed my soul voices for my character to be Balanced.

I noticed my other party members were mainly set to "Melee Focused" Soul Voice Commands.

I found that adding Lao to the party really helps with Soul Voices as he keeps asking for covering fire (yellow gun arts) whilst Elma keeps asking for Melee arts moves and they alternate between them so you can do them continuously and do great in battle.

Oh yeah I was having trouble with the squid lady boss because I stupidly chose to pick off her support first which allowed her to keep raining down massive attacks on my team. And when I respawned the game asked if I wanted to lower the difficulty and it would only apply to this boss. And I thought..... FUCK YES, why don't more games do this? Stops those stupid annoying bottlenecks you run into on most games.

SupremeAC said:

Seriously?  They've got sliders for everything, but for this you need to press some obscure combination on your controller?  Will try when I manage to play some more.

It's in the digital manual. Nyaa

Also I discovered you can press + during battle and bring up a whole host of other actions/commands.

edgecrusher said:

I never bothered with the sliders for camera....couldn't figure out what they did so didn't touch them. When I began playing the game, I just fucked with all the buttons as I normally do to see what does what, and I found the camera code. You can do as you say..put the camera right up next to the character. Or, you can literally pull back about a football field away. Or anything in between.

Put the horizontal rotation speed to MAX, put the vertical one higher than the default but still nowhere near MAX.

edgecrusher said:

Does anybody know what the point of division support is? Like when you see a character out in the world you can take as a scout, or get "support" from that characters blade division. I'm not sure what that support is or does.

I think it's like when you play normally you get division support i.e rewards gained from what your division achieves online. This way allows you to switch rewards.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 12:21:34

One thing I have trouble with my party usually dies before me but it is complicated to revive them you have to walk over and press A to bring them back but most of the time it doesn't work.

The rare occasion that I die before my party they never revive me.


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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 14:25:56
Nintyfan17 said:

One thing I have trouble with my party usually dies before me but it is complicated to revive them you have to walk over and press A to bring them back but most of the time it doesn't work.

The rare occasion that I die before my party they never revive me.

I've only been revived once. I find you can only revive 1 person per battle and it's random as to whether you can revive them or not. Is there a system to how it works?

I find when you have a guest character they tend to get their ass handed to them and you can't even heal them. I'm guessing the only way is to get that healing art you can target but I hear you then have to use the lowest class.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 15:13:51

I masrered 5 classes so far: Drifter, Striker, Samurai Gunner, Duelist, and Shield Trooper.

I'm currently on my 6th class, Bastion Warrior.

If you Master the last class of each tree you can use those weapons and arts for any class.

Edited: Wed, 16 Dec 2015 15:16:56


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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 15:21:20
gamingeek said:
Nintyfan17 said:

One thing I have trouble with my party usually dies before me but it is complicated to revive them you have to walk over and press A to bring them back but most of the time it doesn't work.

The rare occasion that I die before my party they never revive me.

I've only been revived once. I find you can only revive 1 person per battle and it's random as to whether you can revive them or not. Is there a system to how it works?

I find when you have a guest character they tend to get their ass handed to them and you can't even heal them. I'm guessing the only way is to get that healing art you can target but I hear you then have to use the lowest class.

I think you need a certain amount of TP to revive a person. But you can use TP for more powerful attacks, offensive, and defensive stances, and overdrive.


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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 15:22:15

I don't even know what class I am.  Uneasy  Well, that's another bullet point to write down on my rapidly growing list of stuff I need to read up on.  Or is this something that gets explained to you a bit further in the game?  I'm still only about 5 hours in.

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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 15:33:15
SupremeAC said:

I don't even know what class I am.  Uneasy  Well, that's another bullet point to write down on my rapidly growing list of stuff I need to read up on.  Or is this something that gets explained to you a bit further in the game?  I'm still only about 5 hours in.

Go to Party and choose Class.

If you didn't change it you will be Drifter since that is the default.

Once you reach level 10 in that class you can move to the next class.

Classes determine which Arts, Skills, and Weapons you can use in battle.

  • Drifter only has 1 Skill Slot
  • The next Class up from Drifter have 2 Skill Slots
  • The next Classes have 3 Skill Slots
  • The final Classes on the tree have 4 Skill Slots
Edited: Wed, 16 Dec 2015 15:39:11


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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 15:43:13
Nintyfan17 said:

Go to Party and choose Class.

If you didn't change it you will be Drifter since that is the default.

Once you reach level 10 in that class you can move to the next class.

Classes determine which Arts, Skills, and Weapons you can use in battle.

  • Drifter only has 1 Skill Slot
  • The next Class up from Drifter have 2 Skill Slots
  • The next Classes have 3 Skill Slots
  • The final Classes on the tree have 4 Skill Slots

Ah, that explains why the classes max out at level 10.  That did seem like a very low number for a game of such length.  So basically it's something less to worry about untill I hit level 10.

XC on the Wii already offered a lot of systems to juggle, but this game ups everything a couple of notches still.  As someone who's used more to tactile games like racers or 'press A to jump on the goomba's head', I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around everything.  Good thing I'm so far behind in regards to you guys that I can just spam you all with my questions, GG style.  Nyaa

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Wed, 16 Dec 2015 16:16:42

My copy arrived today but it sounds way too complicated.  I may wait until the holiday before I start it since it now looks like I will not be going away for Christmas.


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