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E3 Press Conferences Thread
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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:21:17

Ravenprose said:

bugsonglass said:

gamingeek said:
Can you grab Milo around the neck and drown him?

gamingeek said:
What happens if I draw some boobies and show Milo? Does his mind explode?



I guarantee you, behind closed doors, everyone will give Milo the finger.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:26:42
Yeah it was a little underwhelming. . . not bad but nothing really surprising outside of the Metal Gear game.  I'm actually going to check out System Wars just to see the shit fly in there.  MGS on the 360??  That's the ultimate sacriledge to the PS3 fanboys.
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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:27:04
not a bad presentation i would say.  take out all the, sky, netflix, facebook, networking stuff, and take out some throw away games you're left with a handful of promising games and what we've all predicted about microsoft reacting to nintendo's motion controls.  

i thought the technology looked impressively robust and i'm sure some will do some pretty cool stuff with that.  my only worry is that for most games you need at least one button.  say you're playing a shooter, using your arm same way you would if you were holding a gun ... natal picks up your every motion ... what do you do about actually shooting though?  say tut tut tut?


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:27:48

Did I miss anything pre-COD MW2? Some Beatles game? Anything else?

I'm more excited about already released games than anything they showed here. There is awesome potential with Natal but that's all it is at the moment.

I wonder how it will work in traditional games? I mean how do you do the most simple of things? Moving forward in a game?

You walk forward a few feet and your face is flat against your TV screen. So you will have to use a controller anyway right?

How do you jump? Jump in real life? Will that not get tiring and old after a few seconds? There has to be a controller component somewhere otherwise it simply will not work for a normal game. How would you play COD MW2 for instance? Point your finger to shoot? How do you move or switch weapons and stuff?

Edited: Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:28:52

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:32:32

Forza 3 was the only game shown that I'll buy.

Edited: Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:32:48

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:35:08
gamingeek said:

Did I miss anything pre-COD MW2? Some Beatles game? Anything else?

I'm more excited about already released games than anything they showed here. There is awesome potential with Natal but that's all it is at the moment.

I wonder how it will work in traditional games? I mean how do you do the most simple of things? Moving forward in a game?

You walk forward a few feet and your face is flat against your TV screen. So you will have to use a controller anyway right?

How do you jump? Jump in real life? Will that not get tiring and old after a few seconds? There has to be a controller component somewhere otherwise it simply will not work for a normal game. How would you play COD MW2 for instance? Point your finger to shoot? How do you move or switch weapons and stuff?

The Beetles stuff went onfor 15-20 minutes. MW2 has first-person snowmobile driving while shooting; that alone makes it a must-rent in my book.

I don't think that camera can replace the standard controller. It looks like it'll only work for certain types of games, kinda like Eyetoy. We'll see.

Edited: Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:55:24

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:55:03

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Did I miss anything pre-COD MW2? Some Beatles game? Anything else?

I'm more excited about already released games than anything they showed here. There is awesome potential with Natal but that's all it is at the moment.

I wonder how it will work in traditional games? I mean how do you do the most simple of things? Moving forward in a game?

You walk forward a few feet and your face is flat against your TV screen. So you will have to use a controller anyway right?

How do you jump? Jump in real life? Will that not get tiring and old after a few seconds? There has to be a controller component somewhere otherwise it simply will not work for a normal game. How would you play COD MW2 for instance? Point your finger to shoot? How do you move or switch weapons and stuff?

The Beetles stuff went onfor 15-20 minutes. MW2 has first-person snowmobile driving while shooting; that alone makes it a must-rent in my book.

I don't think that camera can replace the standard controller. It looks like it'll only work for certain types of games.

I think that there will have to be some backpeddling on this no controller concept. There has to be a component there, or it will only work for certain game types.

I personally love the idea of a first person boxing game, or playing something like Gladiator A.D with this Natal device. But for other more fully featured designs, you just need more options. There is a reason why Nintendo introduced the nunchuk to the wii remote. It was just the standard remote until Retro complained.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 20:58:55

gamingeek said:

I think that there will have to be some backpeddling on this no controller concept. There has to be a component there, or it will only work for certain game types.

I personally love the idea of a first person boxing game, or playing something like Gladiator A.D with this Natal device. But for other more fully featured designs, you just need more options. There is a reason why Nintendo introduced the nunchuk to the wii remote. It was just the standard remote until Retro complained.

It would've sucked if Nintendo hadn't made the Nunchuck. I can't even imagine playing Mario Galaxy or Metroid with just the Wii Remote.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:19:54

Sorry guys, the site was down for me for a while so I just stopped checking here.

I thought the conference was great. It did go on for long but they showed a ton of great titles. Think about this, we saw the first GAMEPLAY (not stupid crap CG trailer) of MW2, Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction, that awesome 2D Epic game, Halo: ODST. They nailed Splinter Cell exclusivity, annouced L4D2, annouced Crackdown 2, annouced Forza 3, annouced a NEW Halo, annouced a NEW MGS game for the 360. What else do you want, I guess the issue was that it was expected, is that it.

They didn't stop at software, the hardware stuff was huge as well. The netflix instant stuff was great, I would be using that all the time if I had a 360.  Then there is Natal which is incredible tech. I know they showed a bunch of dumb mini games, I guess that is the curse of new ways to interact with games, devs only know to make stupid gimmick games. But look beyond that, imagine that tech, especially the voice and visual recognition, mixed with a traditional game controlling with a controller. The stuff a real game developer can do with that will be revolutionary.

Now in terms of that alone as a means to interact with games, its not as good as the wii. The wii has the advantage of it actually being a controler that can work with all sorts of games. How do you walk with Natal? But in terms of mini games, I think natal beats the Wii. Ask the people that love Wii Sports that they could choose to play with the wiimote or do that full body motion thing, I bet almost all choose the full body motion. I think MS may take some of that Wii audience, not a lot cause the 360 is so geared to the core gamer that it doesnt make sense to buy that just for a game like Wii Sports. I guess what i am saying is that its not just a dumb knockoff, its good tech, something that in some areas is better than the Wii and in others its not.

So yeah I enjoyed the conference a lot, I think they showed a lot of interesting stuff in both hardware and software.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:24:28

Dvader said:

What else do you want,

A new Rare game.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:32:01

In terms of the games shown Splinter Cell was the most impressive to me. That tagging and shooting thing made for some excellent Jack Bauer like moments. When he shot those two dudes in the head and the blood splattered on the walls, I felt that was the best headshot I have seen in a game.  Looks really cool.

Modern Warfare seems to have the same level of variety that CoD4 did, which is why I loved it so much.

Alan Wake was impressive in terms of atmosphere but i am iffy on the controls. It seems to have the standard third person shooter controls, I thought this was going to be more of an adventure like game. The shooting did seem that great, like a game whose focus is not action. The rest was cool, loved the moment when he saw trees being knocked down in the distance, really creepy.

Halo ODST looked like Halo. What else can I say.

Metal Gear Rising!!!!!! YESYESYESYESYES!!!!!!! Sadly Kojima was not ready to show it as they have nothing but I am so glad that the series will continue with Raiden. Hopefully this game is a different type of game, I want to see Kojima's take on a more Ninja Gaiden type of action, maybe this game can incorportate elements of that.

Forza 3, ok, but I'm a Gran Turismo guy which I will see tomorrow I hope.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:35:49

I LOLed at Eurogamers headline on the twitter Xbox live integration:

E3: 360 getting Facebook, Twitter,

"A 14-year-old racist just killed me."


Dvader said:

Think about this, we saw the first GAMEPLAY (not stupid crap CG trailer) of MW2, Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction, that awesome 2D Epic game, Halo: ODST.

Well we've seen snippets of MW2 gameplay already. Alan Wake, well it was always something mysterious and then it ends up looking quite conventional and they drop the Spring 2010 bomb on you, as did FF XIII.

Splinter Cell Conviction doesn't look as interesting as that reboot from ages ago with Hobo Fisher. The 2-D game = snooze fest. Halo ODST........... I mean we know about it, it looks okay I guess.

Dvader said:

, annouced L4D2, annouced Crackdown 2, annouced Forza 3, annouced a NEW Halo, annouced a NEW MGS game for the 360. What else do you want, I guess the issue was that it was expected, is that it.

You see the first three games you mention I couldn't give a crap about and most of them had either CG teasers or even worse, static artwork to music? That's like when Nintendo has another shitty conference and placates the audience with "The Mario and Zelda teams are working".

Halo Reach and MGS? Yeah, a title and nothing else? Gee thanks guys.

I agree with you on Natal, its really great tech, I think its better than the Wii motion tracking of course, but on the other hand the Wii controller is the way it is, with buttons and sticks and d-pads and two parts and all so it can be used in many ways.

As soon as natal starts adding a controller to the mix it loses the super advanced eyetoy hook. And then that add on controller must be standard too. You can't be using a two handed 360 controller as well as motion. Unless you want to stand and kick your feet whilst holding it.

On the other side of the equation, motionplus was announced last E3 and the games are just hitting right now. So the nearest natal games will be what? Summer 2010 at the very earliest? Unless they minigame it for launch.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:38:25

Dvader said:

Forza 3, ok, but I'm a Gran Turismo guy which I will see tomorrow I hope.

You certainly will, but only on PSP. Nyaa

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:44:23

G2G bed suckers.

Dont flame me while I'm gone.

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 21:48:20

*Lights GG on fire*

Oh you meant that kind of flame. Nyaa

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 22:00:49
How can I forget Shadow Complex!!! That is the game of the conference, an Epic made Mertoid like game, hell yes.
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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 22:09:40

I completely missed the conference but it seems like it was pretty awesome.  New Metal Gear!! Alan Wake gameplay,motion camera(snore), new Halo,L4D 2.  Looks good.  I just hope I don't get bummed out by Nintendo's conference.  

I'm serious, somebody keep Cammy off the damn stage.  Maybe Bruno can land on her and put his ass in her face. Nyaa

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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 22:13:07
EA conference, they said they will show stuff on Wii, they said the wii is a phenomenal system
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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 22:14:33
And they fucking show littlest petshop friends. Fuck you EA.
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Mon, 01 Jun 2009 22:19:03

Charm Girls Club for Wii, they got little girls on stage.

Make it stop!

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