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XENOBLADE Reviews from page 10 onwards - "A goosebump inducing, splendid, expansive, epic."
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Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:43:19

UK TVs since the mid-90s pretty much displayed PAL and NTSC signals as standard. But I do hear it's not the same for US TVs to support PAL.

I can see why, Japan and the US are NTSC which left Euros with a lot of content we needed to see on our sets. PAL is actually superior to NTSC, it's got a lot more vertical lines, sort of like 720p vs 1080p but less pronounced.

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Tue, 20 Sep 2011 19:59:13

Okay I am a idiot. I finally figured out why that boss gave me such a hard time. I you hit an enemy and you see a double shield icon coming out, it means that the enemy is resistant to physical attacks. Use ether attacks to damage them good. Ether arts have a horizontal bar on the arts icon, so you can easily see which one is physical and which one is ether. Also this is the reason why it takes ages to kill those energy balls, you need to use ether attacks there too.

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Wed, 21 Sep 2011 03:51:42
Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay I am a idiot. I finally figured out why that boss gave me such a hard time. I you hit an enemy and you see a double shield icon coming out, it means that the enemy is resistant to physical attacks. Use ether attacks to damage them good. Ether arts have a horizontal bar on the arts icon, so you can easily see which one is physical and which one is ether. Also this is the reason why it takes ages to kill those energy balls, you need to use ether attacks there too.

lol same thing happened to me with the second last boss on FFX. Spent literally an hour or two wailing away at it with physical attacks. Got nowhere. Tried again with magic only. Killed it in a few minutes, if that.

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Wed, 21 Sep 2011 16:54:44

What do you mean horizontal bar?

I went back to valek mountain, not so bad when you explore. Love those huge rams.

Ploughed through Sword valley. Damn that git in the fortress, he's surrounded by his two buddies and seems to get one hit kills on me.

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Wed, 21 Sep 2011 17:46:16

Pay special attention to these arts icons GG. Youu see the light heal icon? See the horizontal bar? This means it is an ether based art. Backslash, Sideslash and the two break arts do not have a horizontal bar, so they are physical attacks.

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Thu, 22 Sep 2011 10:42:03

Thanks, I don't think I have any ether attacks in my team apart from a couple of sharla moves.

Do you have to play as melia?

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Thu, 22 Sep 2011 14:40:55
gamingeek said:

Thanks, I don't think I have any ether attacks in my team apart from a couple of sharla moves.

Do you have to play as melia?

Melia should be in your team regardless. Dunban also has some ether attacks and all Shulks Monado arts beside the Buster are ether based. My advice, fix the broken bridge in Makna and do the sidequest in Frontier Village on the Archaeological level. Do it, you can thank me later.

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Thu, 22 Sep 2011 16:23:45
Iga_Bobovic said:

Melia should be in your team regardless. Dunban also has some ether attacks and all Shulks Monado arts beside the Buster are ether based. My advice, fix the broken bridge in Makna and do the sidequest in Frontier Village on the Archaeological level. Do it, you can thank me later.

I'll try that when I pick the game up again. I'm battling M***** again and he's too tough for my level so I might as well roam and increase my stats.

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Fri, 23 Sep 2011 12:55:27

I am now Level 93. Did that by doing sidequest and killing stuff. Also completed Colony 6. Now I will go and kill some dinosaurs. Why? Because I can. I actually beat a level 99 monster today in a epic battle. Bitch did not go down easily, but after some clever gem use it went down.

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Fri, 23 Sep 2011 19:29:13

The Heropon goes to TGS

Iga_Bobovic said:

I am now Level 93. Did that by doing sidequest and killing stuff. Also completed Colony 6. Now I will go and kill some dinosaurs. Why? Because I can. I actually beat a level 99 monster today in a epic battle. Bitch did not go down easily, but after some clever gem use it went down.

I'm finding it hard to collect the items for colony 6 upgrades. I used to collect everything but then my inventory was full and I started having to sell stuff. I think I may have sold some important stuff. I avoid selling stuff with the (!) next to it, quest items. But some items have like a little star shape on them and some don't. I'm pretty sure I sold a bunch of the star ones, what is that icon for anyway? Have I got rid of important stuff?

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Fri, 23 Sep 2011 19:33:23
gamingeek said:

The Heropon goes to TGS

Iga_Bobovic said:

I am now Level 93. Did that by doing sidequest and killing stuff. Also completed Colony 6. Now I will go and kill some dinosaurs. Why? Because I can. I actually beat a level 99 monster today in a epic battle. Bitch did not go down easily, but after some clever gem use it went down.

I'm finding it hard to collect the items for colony 6 upgrades. I used to collect everything but then my inventory was full and I started having to sell stuff. I think I may have sold some important stuff. I avoid selling stuff with the (!) next to it, quest items. But some items have like a little star shape on them and some don't. I'm pretty sure I sold a bunch of the star ones, what is that icon for anyway? Have I got rid of important stuff?

Not really, but you might have sold some stuff you could use in a future sidequest. No big deal, you can get them again. The game is pretty generous with item drops, even for the rare ones. Not sure what the star icon is for, just sell the non star icons first.

Edit: maybe the star icons are items that can be traded with various named NPCs?

Are going to kill some dinosaurs now. Later.

Edited: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 19:34:53
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Mon, 26 Sep 2011 11:41:44

I killed Mu*** in Sword valley. Am I nearing that point you said where the eryth sea sidequest run out of time?

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Mon, 26 Sep 2011 12:09:55

Not even close man. LOL

But seriously fill your collecthapedia for Sword Valley and Galahad Fortress and fill up thr map of both before moving on. This will close a lot sooner than Alcamoth.

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Mon, 26 Sep 2011 12:12:53

Ok level 95 180+ hours in.

I think I finished all the sidequest that are available to me. Now all that rest is to level up to level 99. Finish all the heart to hearts. Raise affinity between all characters, beat all the unique monsters, get all the achievements, finish the game again. Start game+ and do it again, but this time with English voices and different choices.

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Mon, 26 Sep 2011 12:16:09

You played with the japanese dub?

Iga I fixed the bridge in makna, was I suppossed to keep the sword they gave me? I forgot what it was called and sold it.

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Mon, 26 Sep 2011 12:18:10

Don't know what sword you are talking about.

Now go to frontier village and talk to the nopon on the archaeological level.

edit: yes I am using the superior Japanese voices. Dunban = Vegeta.

Edited: Mon, 26 Sep 2011 12:18:54
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Wed, 28 Sep 2011 10:59:58

If u are talking about the Agni ruins quest I done all of that already. What use is the item you get in the special items section of your menu?

I am 70 hrs in and just arrived at the fallen hand thing.

I really like the cutscenes in this game, the close up stuff of the characters isn't that great but the action scenes are MGS rivals IMO.

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Wed, 28 Sep 2011 14:25:41

The items will come in handy later.

Questions for you and spoiler for anyone else

Did you get the new Monado Eater art?

Edited: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 14:26:17
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Thu, 29 Sep 2011 01:42:22

Did you say you are 180 hours in? Holy shit.

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Thu, 29 Sep 2011 03:45:03


That's like 10-20 "blockbuster" games right there.

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