Iga_Bobovic said:Only pussies wait for reds to become yellow. There is a video of someone at level 40 beating the crap out of a level 99 T-Rex. It is possible. If you understand the complexities of the battle systems and your stats, you will be able to beat monster that are 10 levels above you easily.
Almost every red I see I can't hit it. Their evasion is too high and my attacks simply do nothing. Plus they one hit kill me. That is not a good combo. I have taken down a red before but only certain ones that I can hurt.
gamingeek said:If the monsters levelled up with you to present a similar level of challenge to your ability then what would be the point of levelling up at all? Isn't the point to fight hard monsters which makes you more powerful, which in turn makes the game more managable i.e all your hard work starts paying off. When I played the game I did the main campaign until it got too difficult, then I went and did the side quests until I levelled up sufficiently to manage the next sticking point. It worked a charm.
Yes but shouldn't the game provide a good mix of enemies so that you have a constant challenge. Seriously what is the point of having level 80 enemies in the first section of the game but not level 30. It's those kinds of decisions that baffled me.
BTW I am 60 hours in and level 60. I also wonder what is the point I taking down the big guys, I doubt any are bidding super weapons. I should wait to get the quests to hunt them that way I get rewarded for doing so.
Foolz said:Scaled levelling: just say no.
I dont like it either but it could work in certain instances. Just dont do an entire game where it all scales.
Foolz said:Scaled levelling: just say no.
Yeah this is such a turndown with games like Oblivion and Skyrim.
Dvader said:Iga_Bobovic said:Only pussies wait for reds to become yellow. There is a video of someone at level 40 beating the crap out of a level 99 T-Rex. It is possible. If you understand the complexities of the battle systems and your stats, you will be able to beat monster that are 10 levels above you easily.
Almost every red I see I can't hit it. Their evasion is too high and my attacks simply do nothing. Plus they one hit kill me. That is not a good combo. I have taken down a red before but only certain ones that I can hurt.
Your most important stat is agilty. Agility determines your dodging and your accuracy. Cannot hit an enemy. Increase your agilty. You can do that with skill links, gems and armour selection. Use dunban as an agile tank. He will draw agro from enemies and dodge like a mutherfucker. Use the skill tree that increases his agility and load him up with agility gems. Do not give him to heavy armour because it will decrease his agility. Also important are the night vision gems. They will increase your accuracy (not evasion) at night. This will mean that fighting enemies at night will be beneficial to you. Other characters should have agility increased so they can hit the enemy, but they do not need to evade that is Dundun's job.
Learn how to avoid attacks. If you have an vision of an attack that is red in colour, it is a physical attack. Use Monado speed to dodge them, or if Dunban is agile enough he will just dodge it. Purple is ether attack, almost impossible to dodge, but there are ways. Do not want to spoil anything. White means talent art, you need Monado shield or let the enemy sleep to dodge this. Shield only works if your shield level is the same level or higher than the attack. You can also topple you enemies to delay their attacks. Or if you keep them toppled you can kill them before they have a chance to attack. Their are also gems that keep the enemies toppled for longer and increase the damage to enemies when they are toppled.
Also their are skill links that will heals your party after a chain attack. Use this in combination that allows you to increase the chance of a chain attacks repeating, with damage multipliers! Can you imagine a chain attack that lost 12 turns, while damage multiplier are used, while your party is getting healed? That is how you beat monsters that outlevel you. Increase agility and accuracy, learn how to avoid damage. Keep the enemies toppled and finally use the chain attacks to maximum efficiency.
Also Vader their are definitively sidequest that give you stuff that is very important and you immediately know it is useful. Don't want to spoil it and some others give you awesome background story info. Like what happened to the giants and stuff!
Iga_Bobovic said:Also Vader their are definitively sidequest that give you stuff that is very important and you immediately know it is useful. Don't want to spoil it and some others give you awesome background story info. Like what happened to the giants and stuff!
Damn your description excited me so much, I need to work on getting more agility gems. Remember I have been away from the game so the whole future sense danger thing is hazy.
as for the quests, where? You me filmed red pollen, I turned in the red plen and that was it. Do I have to find that dude again for part 2. Do I have to wait for a story trigger first or raise the star level. You have me that chart so I can see but it's stuff like that which makes the game feel so random.
Your chart did show me about new skill tree quests, hell yes. Some of the requirements are ridiculous how would I know to do that without a guide.
Dvader said:Your chart did show me about new skill tree quests, hell yes. Some of the requirements are ridiculous how would I know to do that without a guide.
You just do sidequests and someone asks for a specific character and you are set. I did not need a guide to find them. Red pollen keep doing the frontier village one.
I checked you need to have finished the Master's successor sidequest and you had to chose Gadada as the successor. If you talk to both Gadada and Cheri you would know that Cheri was not that interested in the job.
Ok as long as they tell you what is needed.
I have a feeling this is a game I will enjoy more once I finish the story and begin to do high level quests and fights.becaauee everything is so easy I haven't put much thought on characters and customizing them.
strength raises all attack power not just auto attack right? Just want to make sure.
Dvader said:Ok as long as they tell you what is needed.
I have a feeling this is a game I will enjoy more once I finish the story and begin to do high level quests and fights.becaauee everything is so easy I haven't put much thought on characters and customizing them.
strength raises all attack power not just auto attack right? Just want to make sure.
Strength raises your attack power of physical attacks. Ether does the same for ether attacks. About easy enemies. I did not bother me at all. I just completey ignored the normal enemies and just went on exploring and killing higher level monsters. The cockier you get the funner the battle system is. Later you will have to learn how to craft gems. There is a system that is poorly explained in the game, but you need it to take down the higher level monsters.
Hopefully you can do the Red Pollen sidequest. It is hilarious.
I can craft level 4 stuff to become level 5 gem. I don't understand the fever or flame crap but it still works or me.
Vader, the point of high level monsters is so that you won't explore some area's prematurely, and to have something to do when you do reach those higher levels yourself. I really don't see why having some high-level monsters roaming the landscapes would deteriorate from the experience. I found it to make things feel more 'realistic'.
Also, I don't think I dug half as deep into most systems as Iga did. But I got there nontheless. If I had the time to spare I'd get back in there to finnish King Agni's Tomb quest though. Also, I didn't bother much with Colony 6. Too many fetch quests. I think I got it to 20%.
SupremeAC said:Vader, the point of high level monsters is so that you won't explore some area's prematurely, and to have something to do when you do reach those higher levels yourself. I really don't see why having some high-level monsters roaming the landscapes would deteriorate from the experience. I found it to make things feel more 'realistic'.
Also, I don't think I dug half as deep into most systems as Iga did. But I got there nontheless. If I had the time to spare I'd get back in there to finnish King Agni's Tomb quest though. Also, I didn't bother much with Colony 6. Too many fetch quests. I think I got it to 20%.
I love having high level monsters roaming around, its one of the best aspects of the game. I am saying that there should be mid level monsters running around too. There is rarely a middle ground, its either monsters at your level or monsters at level 90.
I did nothing but a million nopon side quests today and its been awesome. I found ancient ruins, I summond a sage, a got some dude married. I started to unlock some of the skill tree quests. I am raising affinity for my team, especially the ones on yellow. Maybe I will move the story forward later but I am enjoying this too much.
BTW I am using the chart to help guide me.
I had hardly explored Valek Mountain, this place is awesome with all its slides and crazy mountain climbing. Over 15 hours of restarted play and I have yet to move the story along.
What would you need mid-level monsters for? When you're level 20, you're no more likely to be able to take on level 50 monsters then level 90 ones. From my experience with the game, monsters were levelled appropriately during most of the game, even without scaling.
Also, I can definitely say that I didn't dig into half of the systems of the game. Anything that was not in plain sight, I skipped. I didn't care much for party affinity, didn't pay much attention to which NPC's were related to eachother quest-wise and didn't bother with trading/gifting crap. But hey, at least I beat the game
Dvader said:Almost every red I see I can't hit it. Their evasion is too high and my attacks simply do nothing. Plus they one hit kill me. That is not a good combo. I have taken down a red before but only certain ones that I can hurt.
If they are evading you don't you need to increase your agility/speed with gems?
Dvader said:Yes but shouldn't the game provide a good mix of enemies so that you have a constant challenge.
This is what I just don't get, because the way I played the game, doing the campaign till it got too hard then doing sidequests to level up to beat the boss - worked out and the difficulty was always just right. Just right to me was within 3 levels of my own, usually 1 - 2 higher.
SupremeAC said:Also, I didn't bother much with Colony 6. Too many fetch quests. I think I got it to 20%.
Yeah the Colony 6 stuff is too much but it's nice to see the colony expand.
When you lock onto a bad guy his name and stats are shown with a colour denoting how easy or difficult they are/were. Blue is a (little) hard but easily do-able, black is pretty hard but doa-able, red is DO NOT GO THERE and some other colours denote that they're walkovers etc. Thankfully if I remember right when you are a high enough level the easy monsters dont even bother engaging you in a fight.
If the monsters levelled up with you to present a similar level of challenge to your ability then what would be the point of levelling up at all? Isn't the point to fight hard monsters which makes you more powerful, which in turn makes the game more managable i.e all your hard work starts paying off. When I played the game I did the main campaign until it got too difficult, then I went and did the side quests until I levelled up sufficiently to manage the next sticking point. It worked a charm.