9Aww, just beaten. Lol
1. Paper Mario Color Splash
2. Telltale Batman (100%)
3. Grand Theft Auto V
4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
5. Mass Effect: Andromeda
6. Mad Max
7. The Last of Us: Remastered
8. The Last of Us: Left Behind
9. Arms
10. Mario Kart 8
11. Abzu
12. Horizon
13. Uncharted: Lost Legacy
14. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
15. Resident Evil 7
16. Super Mario Odyssey
1. Resident Evil (Remake) - 06/01/2017
I should have looked up the difficulties before playing.
2. The Walking Dead: Season Two - 18/01/2017
Bros before hoes.
3. Tengami - 20/01/2017
If only you could run, but then the game would be 10 minutes long.
4. Bioshock 2 - 27/01/2017
I thought this game was supposed to be bad? Better combat than the original, and far better as a whole than Infinite.
5. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - 31/01/2017
Only took three months to complete a 4 hour game.
6. Stacking - 15/02/2017
I'm beginning to think Double Fine don't make very good games.
7. Hollow Knight - 07/03/2017
8. Nier: Automata - 21/03/2017
Ending A.
9. Nier: Automata [2] - 26/03/2017
Ending B.
10. Nier: Automata [3] - 30/03/2017
Ending D.
11. Nier: Automata [4] - 30/03/2017
Ending C.
11. Nier: Automata [5] - 30/03/2017
Ending E.
12. ABZÛ - 05/04/2017
Austin Wintory is an amazing composer.
13. Bayonetta 2 - 14/04/2017
One of the best sequels ever made? Just might be.
14. Bayonetta - 17/04/2017
PC version is gawjus.
15. Bayonetta [2] - 23/04/2017
Route 666 is shit.
16. Rise of the Tomb Raider - 12/05/2017
How did they miss the mark so much?
17. Dark Souls - 03/06/2017
18. Crysis 3 - 18/06/2017
I literally turned invisible and walked to the end of the game.
19. DOOM - 08/07/2017
What a great fucking game.
20. God of War: Chains of Olympus - 13/07/2017
I find it funny that the PSP spin-off game has better character development for Kratos than II and III.
21. Devil May Cry - 15/07/2017
Still the GOAT.
22. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition - 22/07/2017
Definitely my 2nd favourite, even with the underwhelming level design later on.
23. Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition - 24/07/2017
Maybe because I was playing as Vergil, who is insanely fun to play as, but I really enjoyed it this time around.
24. Darkest Dungeon - 25/07/2017
As much as I enjoyed it new players should play on Radiant mode.
25. DmC: Devil May Cry - 29/07/2017
A good game that isn't a good Devil May Cry game.
26. Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition [2] - 02/08/2017
Son of Sparda mode with Nero/Dante.
27. Viewtiful Joe - 06/08/2017
For got how great this was.
28. Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny - 10/08/2017
Fun enough, but not as fun as the first.
1. Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways - 23/01/2017
Upskirt action/10.
2. Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den - 30/01/2017
Great DLC for the best game in the series.
3. The Witcher 3: Blood & Wine - 11/04/2017
Final piece of content for a legendary game.
4. Dark Souls: Artorias of the Abyss - 03/06/2017
DLC that's better than the last 4 areas of the main game.
5. Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court - 23/07/2017
Review to come on Game Under.
6. Dark Souls II: Crown of the Sunken King - 30/11/2017
I don't want to play this game anymore.
7. Dark Souls II: Crown of the Old Iron King - 21/12/2017
No more please.
1. Osman (arcade) - 2.2.17
2. Contra (NES) - 2.10.17
3. ActRaiser (SNES) - 2.12.17
4. Street Fighter V (PS4) - 2.19.17
5. The Evil Within (PS4) - 3.11.17
6. The Evil Within - The Assignment & The Consequence (DLC) - 3.18.17
7. Toukiden: Kiwami (PS4) - 4.8.17
8. Dragon Quest Heroes (PS4) - 4.30.17
9. Valkyria Chronicles (PS4) - 5.29.17
10. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (PS4) - 8.26.17
11. Little Nemo the Dream Master (NES) - 9.11.17
12. Diablo III - Reaper of Soules (PS4) - 10.14.17
SuReserved for the eternally second place guy.
Games Beat:
- Final Fantasy XV
- Resident Evil 7
- Vanishing Realms
- Pony Island
- Horizon
- Zelda: BOTW
- Castlevania Legends
- Climbey
- Robo Recall
- Splatterhouse
- Chrono Trigger
- Super Mario Bros.
- Legend of Zelda
- Castlevania Lecarde Chronicles 2
- Thumper
- Aaero
- Star Fox
- Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
- Another World
- Nex Mechina
- Watch Dogs 2
- Valkryia Chronicles
- Ori and the Blind Forest
- Splatoon 2
- Sonic Mania
- Sunset Overdrive
- Uncharted Lost Legacy
- Sonic 2
- Sonic 3
- Sonic and Knuckes
- Destiny 2
- Metroid Samus Returns
- The Evil Within DLC
- The Evil Within 2
- Cuphead
- Super Mario Odyssey
- Horizon Frozen Wilds
- Star Wars Battlefront 2
- Bioshock remaster 9/10
- Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 8.5/10
- Dead Rising 4 7.5/10
- Super Mario Run 7/10
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 10/10
- Resident Evil 7 9/10
- Layers of Fear 6.5/10
- Metal Gear Rising 9/10
- Tekken 7 9/10 100%
- Mass Effect Andromeda 7/10
- Halo Wars 2 8/10
- Grand Theft Auto V 10/10
- The Witcher III: Wild Hunt 9.5/10
- The Witcher III: Hearts of Stone 9/10
- The Witcher III: Blood and Wine 9/10
- Destiny 2 9/10
- Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite 7.5/10
- Doom 2016 8/10
- Super Mario Odyssey 10/10
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS4) January 09
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS4) January 11
- Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) [03/29/2017]
- Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment (Wii U) [04/27/2017]
- Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4) [07/09/2017]
- Pokken Tournament
January 7th 6.5/10
- Rainbow Six Siege
January 25th 8.5/10
- Resident Evil 7
Feb. 1st 8.7/10
- Tekken Tag 2
Feb. 3rd 7.5/10
- Soul Calibur 2 HD
Feb. 3rd 8.2/10
- Battlefield 1
Feb. 11th 8.8/10
- Battlefield Bad Company 2
Feb. 13th 8.2/10
- Final Fantasy 15
Feb. 19th 8.8/10
- Tomb Raider Legend
Feb. 23rd 8.6/10
- Tomb Raider Anniversary
March 1st 9/10
- Journey
March 3rd 7/10
- Modern Warfare Remastered
March 9th 8.5/10
- Infinite Warfare
March 10th 8.5/10
- Dishonored
March 15th 8.4/10
- Mass Effect Andromeda
April 7th 8.2/10
- Vanquish
April 14th 7.8/10
- DMC Devil May Cry
April 19th 9/10
- Duke Nukem Forever
April 22nd 8/10
April 29th 8.1/10
- Until Dawn
May 1st 7.7/10
- Max Payne 3
May 3rd 8.2/10
- Prey
May 14th 9.3/10
- Metal Gear Solid 2 HD
May 18th 9.7/10
- Killzone
May 27th 7.7/10
- GodofWar: Ascension
May 29th 8.4/10
- Red Faction PS4 Edition
May 31st 9/10
- Killzone 2
June 6th 8.4/10
- Valkyria Chronicles
June 24th 9.1/10
- Star Wars Racer Revenge PS4
June 24th 8.2/10
- Killzone 3
June 30th 8.8/10
- Horizon Zero Dawn
July 15th 9/10
- Quake 2 N64
July 26th 8/10
- Resident Evil 4
July 27th 9.7/10
- Mirror's Edge 2
August 5th 7.2/10
- Dark Souls 2
August 20th 9.1/10
- Dark Souls 3
Sept 3rd 9/10
- System Shock 2
Sept 21st 8.2/10
- The Darkness 2
Oct. 7th 7.5/10
- Castlevania Legacy of Darkness
Oct 12th 8/10
- Wolfenstein The New Order
Oct 17th 8.4/10
- Evil Within 2
Oct 26th 9/10
- Assassin's Creed Origins
Nov. 22nd 8.9/10
- Wolfenstein The Old Blood
Dec. 15th 7.8/10
- Splinter Cell HD
Dec 30th 9/10
Reserved for staring at edge's image. Would have preferred a gif.
- Titan Souls - PC
- Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Switch
- Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero - Switch
01. Resident Evil 6 (PS4) -- [01/03/2017]
02. Earth's Dawn (PS4) -- [01/09/2017]
03. The Last Guardian (PS4) -- [01/21/2017]
04. Dishonored: Definitive Edition (PS4) -- [01/25/2017]
05. Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4) -- [01/29/2017]
06. Nioh (PS4) -- [04/12/2017]
07. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (PS4) -- [04/22/2017]
08. NieR: Automata (PS4) -- Ending A -- [04/28/2017]
09. Everything (PS4) -- [04/30/2017]
10. Mortal Kombat XL (PS4) -- [05/20/2017]
11. Final Fantasy XV (PS4) -- [06/07/2017]
12. Injustice 2 (PS4) -- [06/08/2017]
13. Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4) -- [07/08/2017]
14. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition (PS4) -- [08/??/2017]
15. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild -- [09/28/2017]
16. Ever Oasis (3DS) -- [10/05/2017]
17. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (PS4) -- [11/02/2017]
18. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4) -- [11/07/2017]
19. Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (One) -- [12/07/2017]
20. Hob (PS4) -- [12/15/2017]
21. Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (PS4) -- [12/18/2017]
22. Dragon Quest Builders (PS4) -- [12/27/2017]
- Batman The Telltale Series
- The Last Guardian
- Mafia III
- VA-11 Halla
- Mafia III
- The Last Guardian
- Yakuza Zero
- Transformers Destruction
- The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
- Titanfall 2
- Uncharted: Lost Legacy
- Yoshi's Story
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
- Gears of War 4
Pretty far down again.
1. Dark Souls III [PS4] - 1st of January to 15th of January
My yearly tradition forcing me to play the third game of a trilogy on the first day of the year. 8/10
2. Gran Turismo 6 [PS3] - 16th of January to 2nd of February
Now GT4 is the only one I haven't played. 8/10
3. Stories: The Path of Destinies [PS4] - 8th of February to 12th of February
From pretty good to good to great to pretty good. Yip. 7/10
4. Lords of the Fallen [PS4] - 21st of February to 1st of March
Might want to try imitating another game next time. 6/10
5. Horizon Zero Dawn [PS4] - 11th of March to 30th of March
I'm getting tired of open worlds. 8/10
6. Tearaway Unfolded [PS4] - 31st of March to 18th of April
Just when I think the game's over it keeps going. 8/10
7. Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker [DS] - 27th of April to 4th of June
I spent far too long on this relative to its rating. 7/10
8. Long Live the Queen [PC] - 28th of April (played) and started and completed twice on the 6th of June.
I'm occasionally compelled to play this game, though I do wish it had more variety. 8/10
9. Syberia [PC] - 6th of June to 21st of June
Played along with Foolz, was ahead of him until he finished it first. 7/10
10. Civilization V [PC] - 25th of June to 7th of July [As of the 24th of August I may be done playing this.]
Persia was always starting what it couldn't finish. 9/10
11. Princess Maker 2 Refine [PC] - 5th of July to 7th of July
It's no Long Live the Queen. Too repetitive. 6/10
12. Syberia II [PC] - 22nd of June to 25th of July
It took me a month. 6/10
13. The Order:1886 [PS4] - 26th (?) of July to 2nd of September
Supposedly short, it took me more than a month to finish! Or maybe I'm just playing too slowly now. 7/10
14. Bookworm Deluxe [PC] – 31st of August to 5th of September
After getting the highest rank with a unique name I feel satisfied. 7/10
15. Star Fox 64 [3DS] - 10th of August to 7th of September (had a few weeks away from it in between)
I thought I was just getting started and then it ended. 7/10 (I'll have to give it another try)
16. Rogue Galaxy [PS4] - 11th of September to 30th of November
It has some problems. 6/10 or 7 if I'm being generous.
By Miu Watanabe.
Just finished my first game of 2017, Bioshock remaster. Such a fantastic game now a touch prettier then the original. I bestow upon it a 9 out of 10. Now would you kindly give this post a +1.
Finished Pokken Tournament.
Meh.....boring game. Drags on waaaaay too long.
Finished Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and it is a damn good game. Solid campaign with a decent story, great visuals, and excellent gameplay. The Jackal Strike missions are really fun. Zero G combat is pretty cool as well. Multiplayer feels a bit tame given the potential of some things in the campaign which could have been implemented. Great game overall though, 8.5 out of 10.
edgecrusher said:Finished Pokken Tournament.
Meh.....boring game. Drags on waaaaay too long.
I hate when a game is boring as hell but I feel an obligation to complete it.
Uncharted 2 (PS4) [01/09/2017]
Uncharted 3 (PS4) [01/11/2017]
Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) [03/29/2017]
Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment (Wii U) [04/27/2017]
Batman: Arkham Knight [07/09/2017]
Because we're all about to be balls deep in beaten games if we don't have a thread.
Sorry, the thread isn't as good as if Leo had done it, but here's a Frigay gif in his honour:
1. Beeswing: 3rd of January.
As advertised it is indeed under 3 hours of content. Does that make it a 10/10?
2: Valhalla: 14th of January.
Well over 3 hours of content. Does that make it a 0/10?
3: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End: 14th of January.
Or, as I like to call it, Uncharted 4: Times as Long as it Should Be.
4. Long Live the Queen: 17th of January.
Is 40 weeks long for a queen to live, though?
5. Cinders: 21st of January.
Was it my fault Cinderella was more obnoxious than her sisters?
6. Ratchet and Clank: 24th of January.
First everything was Star Wars. Then everything was the Star Wars prequels.
7. Oxenfree: 31st of January.
Um. Ah. Ugh.
8. Pangolin Love: 14th of February.
Yes, I'm counting it.
9. Else Heart_Break(): 16th of February.
Mom's spaghetti code.
10. Hyper Light Drifter: 27th of February.
Pulled over to the river to take a rest,
Pulled out a pair of pliers, pulled a bullet from my chest.
11. 21st of March: Mother Russia Bleeds.
I wanted to be their whores.
12. 7th of April: Until Dawn.
Sorry, Mike. LOL
13. 16th of April:. Torment: Tides of Numenera.
No worse than the original, but less original than the original.
14. 8th of May: Battlefield Hardline.
Simultaneously anti-communist and anti-capitalist propaganda, made by marxist SJWs - YouTube intellectuals.
15. 25th of May: Titan Souls.
Better than Dark Souls 2.
16. 31st of May: Grim Fandango Remastered.
Stone cold classic.
17. 21st of June: Syberia.
Neither stone, nor a classic. A bit cold, maybe?
18. 2nd of July: Syberia 2.
The end of the original game, stretched out to the length of the original game.
19. 8th of July: Year Walk.
Year walking sim. Literally.
20. 12th of July: Hamlet or the Last Game without MMORPG Features, Shaders and Product Placement.
Too much budget was devoted to the title.
21. 13th of July: Ridge RacerType 4.
Blows Gran Turismo's soundtrack out of the water.
22. 28th of July: Princess Maker.
I don't think I made a princess, though.
23. 26th of August: Banner Saga.
Watched Gran Turismo streams while playing most of it. Really fun combat, but not enough of it. Everything else bad.
24. 17th of September: The Cat Lady.
Beating depression, one murder at a time.
25. 12th of October: The Wonderful 101.
26. 17th of October: 1979 Revolution: Black Friday.
Just read Persepolis instead.
27. 28th of December: The Last Guardian.
At least it didn't take me almost a decade to finish.