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Legend of Zelda BOTW OT, hey is this a new console?!
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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 10:04:51
I did the lost woods yesterday and made it up to Death mountain. So good. I'm at the point where I'm almost stunned by how big this game is. Also went to the desert.

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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 10:44:00

I was in the desert and almost to the third dungeon then I got sidetracked and started exploring the Akkalai area near Death Mountain.  I haven't even been to Death Mountain yet.  Remember when that was Ganon's base of operations?

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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 14:02:06

Did the lost woods, that was fun. Best part is I completed the amiibo sets so I can now play the game the right way:

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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 14:10:48

What amiibo grants you the link outfit?  I'm getting that one.

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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 14:53:02
SupremeAC said:

What amiibo grants you the link outfit?  I'm getting that one.

Each one gives you the one from that game. So that's TP and zelda 1. And TP give some you epona too.

Edited: Wed, 15 Mar 2017 14:53:53
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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 15:21:14

Hmm.  I have the Wind Waker Link.  I'll try that out, see what happens.

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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 15:24:16

Damn, my first real reason to buy an amiibo.

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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 16:33:32

I have the Twilight Princess amiibo, need to use that.


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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 17:09:38

I found Tingle Island.  No sign of a thirty five year old fairy wannabe.

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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 18:27:24
travo said:

I found Tingle Island.  No sign of a thirty five year old fairy wannabe.

Yeah I saw that too. I don't think that I really explored it much yet.


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Wed, 15 Mar 2017 21:48:49

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Thu, 16 Mar 2017 09:49:04

Climbed up mount Lanaryu yesterday.  There was a cool bit at the top where you had to purge a deity infected by the calamity.  Was expecting a fight, but it turned out to be more of a puzzle.

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Thu, 16 Mar 2017 13:08:03
Dvader said:

Did the lost woods, that was fun. Best part is I completed the amiibo sets so I can now play the game the right way:

The fuck is this?!

How do I get the twilight princess outfit?

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Thu, 16 Mar 2017 15:29:33

Killed a Guardian by deflecting its laser beam back at it. So satisfying.


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Thu, 16 Mar 2017 15:31:05
gamingeek said:

The fuck is this?!

How do I get the twilight princess outfit?

I tried my windwaker amiibo and all I got was the cap.  Perhaps a full set requires spamming your amiibo untill you randomly receive them all?

Archangel3371 said:

Killed a Guardian by deflecting its laser beam back at it. So satisfying.

I'm still in the 'Guardian?  Run the hell away!' fase of the game.

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Thu, 16 Mar 2017 18:26:09

Man.... I think the last time I was this engrossed with a game was with Morrowind when I played it in the mid-to-late 2000's! The difference: Breath of the Wild's fun never lets up. Happy No matter where I go, I see more to do and some other weird environmental detail to check out (usually a Korok seed puzzle).

I just completed the map of Hyrule, traversed the Lost Woods and discovered I needed more health, and killed some Guardians for the first time. This latter feat managed to eat through a ton of health items and all but one of my shields, but I loved it! Even went to the castle to try to find the location of one of the two memories I'm missing, but no luck on that yet. Location-wise, the only champion's towns I've found have been the Rito and Gerudo ones, but locating them is pretty much all I've done -- haven't set foot into a dungeon yet! Just having so much fun in the overworld that it's all just a bit ridiculous. Happy The Hebra region will be mysterious for longer than the other ones, I think, just because I'm loathe to be there on a timer with my warmth elixirs. Hopefully there's some really warm clothing somewhere, but I'll find it on my own -- no spoilers! Nyaa

Did any of you know that your horses will automatically follow roads? I didn't find out until I watched a video discussing the game. Now I'll have better luck aiming at things and examining my surroundings.

This game is so incredible it's almost beyond words. Easily my favorite Zelda. Top spots are taken up by BotW, Skyward Sword, and Majora's Mask. Not sure about the order of the last two. Probably Ocarina after those, and Twilight Princess after that. Not sure where my ranking would go from there, but I think Wind Waker would be below the Oracles and A Link Between Worlds. The first two Zeldas are still at the bottom because of their difficulty, and I still haven't played Phantom Hourglass (and probably never will, seeing as I didn't particularly enjoy Spirit Tracks), Tri-Force Heroes, and Four Swords Adventures. How do your rankings look now, guys?

Edited: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 18:29:23
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Thu, 16 Mar 2017 18:42:36
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Thu, 16 Mar 2017 22:05:31
travo said:



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Fri, 17 Mar 2017 10:52:50
Great post beaver. I knew about the roads. Love how subtle it is and how easy it is to divert from a path. Nice to view the scenery too. As for rankings, I kinda see BOTW as its own thing. It feels too different than classic Zelda. So many of those past games are defined by their dungeons. That impossibly complex intricate design that only Nintendo seemed able to do consistently right. This game is defined by its overworld.

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Fri, 17 Mar 2017 11:59:01

Vader did you read the Eventide island thread on GAF?

Also you guys seen the thread on GAF that lets you know about some of the unexpected and cool things you can do in BOTW? It's mindblowing.

Also I fought a Lynel on the snowdrifts and he destroyed me. Compared to the one you fight within the campaign he's much harder.

I also beat a rock giant, but then I faced one in the snow and it was completely different and so much harder. I got my ass beaten hard.

It's impossible, you move slowly in the snow, he's an ice rock creature so you cannot touch him or he freezes you. You shoot him with fire arrows but he only drops for an instant so you cannot run up him in time. He never has his back facing you so you cannot hit his weak spot. There are no high points to fly down onto him so you cannot just drop onto his back. And if you climb out of his little cove, the fucker follows you out onto the mountain.

Topping this off he throws huge ice boulders at you that can kill you in two hits.

Any ideas guys?

I also followed a green light at night to a mountain top, crossed over 4 map regions on horseback in a rush to get there before morning. Got there, found an interesting scene I wont spoil for you, not sure what I'm suppossed to do there though.

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