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Monster Hunter World impressions
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Thu, 16 May 2019 08:50:19
I'm also a bit worried about my PC being able to run the DLC. I built it back in 2013 to be more or less the equivalent of a PS4, but all that deformable snow makes me a tad uncomfortable.
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Sun, 19 May 2019 00:55:48

Just finished a successful Arch Tempered Nergigante run and man it was intense. Two people carted near the end and I was getting pretty nervous and my palms were getting a bit sweaty. Managed to mount him near the end as everyone else kept hammering him to finish him off. The music during the whole thing was great and it really felt epic. He’s definitely my favourite monster to fight in MHW.


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Tue, 21 May 2019 20:04:57

So has anyone here experience with Kulve Taroth?  I've been reading a guide for it, but it's not making much sense.  Basically you have to keep replaying the mission untill your persuit level is at least 3, and better yet 5 or higher, in hopes of being able to slay it or break its horns?

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Tue, 21 May 2019 23:30:26

Yeah for Kulve Taroth you can’t kill it but the goal is to break its horns off. Usually it takes about 3 or 4 runs but can be done quicker depending on the damage power of your party’s weapons. In each run you should just hammer away at different parts of Kulve to break them which give points to go towards raising your “pursuit level”. You should also run around checking out footprints and other things left behind by Kulve that contribute to your pursuit level as well. He’ll escape each run after a period of time, up to 5 times I think before your mission is finally over. Whether he ultimately escapes or you break his horns you’ll get awarded loot based on your pursuit level. The higher the level the more and better loot you get. It sounds more complicated then it is and after a couple of runs you should get it down pretty well.

I think the max level for pursuit is 16 or 17.

Edited: Tue, 21 May 2019 23:31:57


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Wed, 22 May 2019 09:26:54
Archangel3371 said:

Yeah for Kulve Taroth you can’t kill it but the goal is to break its horns off. Usually it takes about 3 or 4 runs but can be done quicker depending on the damage power of your party’s weapons. In each run you should just hammer away at different parts of Kulve to break them which give points to go towards raising your “pursuit level”. You should also run around checking out footprints and other things left behind by Kulve that contribute to your pursuit level as well. He’ll escape each run after a period of time, up to 5 times I think before your mission is finally over. Whether he ultimately escapes or you break his horns you’ll get awarded loot based on your pursuit level. The higher the level the more and better loot you get. It sounds more complicated then it is and after a couple of runs you should get it down pretty well.

I think the max level for pursuit is 16 or 17.

So with how many people did you attempt this?  Apparently you can have up to 16 players partake, but since the matchmaking is even more useless than it used to be, we just tried to do it with the 2 of us.  How does the rewards system work?  Do you only get rewards when you manage to break the horns?  We did runs for over little under 2 hours, but had nothing to show for it.

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Wed, 22 May 2019 09:28:09

What weapons is everyone using?  Might have asked this before, but who cares?

I'm using charge blade and thinking of moving back to hammer or even hunting horn.

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Wed, 22 May 2019 09:57:04
SupremeAC said:

So with how many people did you attempt this?  Apparently you can have up to 16 players partake, but since the matchmaking is even more useless than it used to be, we just tried to do it with the 2 of us.  How does the rewards system work?  Do you only get rewards when you manage to break the horns?  We did runs for over little under 2 hours, but had nothing to show for it.

You always get some rewards but the amount and rarity depends on your final pursuit level. When Kulve escapes for the final time or you break its horns it’ll say that the Kulve event, mission, or whatever you want to call it has ended displayed on your screen. Go up to the Quest giver at the counter and you select the option to claim the rewards. It’s mostly a variety of weapons that can only be obtained from this quest. If you break the horns you can carve each one to get a few more random weapons as well.

I’ve typically always did it with a full team of 4 myself. Each online room has a max occupancy of 16 people so there can be up to 4 different teams doing Kulve runs along with your team as well. This is pretty cool in how it’s done because you’ll sometimes see messages that another team has broken such and such a part on Kulve and I think these all get added to the pursuit level as well so you kind of working with other groups of people. I find the matchmaking to be quite easy in this game myself. Just do a lobby search and select Kulve Taroth as a search option criteria and it’ll bring up a whole list of lobbies that are doing it. Look for one with like 13 or 14 people in it and join that lobby. You’ll have no problem getting lots of full 4 people Kulve runs going.


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Wed, 22 May 2019 10:01:16
SupremeAC said:

What weapons is everyone using?  Might have asked this before, but who cares?

I'm using charge blade and thinking of moving back to hammer or even hunting horn.

I’m using the Insect Glaive myself. Wouldn’t mind trying out a couple of other weapons but I’m just so comfortable with the IG now that I’ve been sticking with it especially when tackling the more difficult monsters.


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Wed, 22 May 2019 11:50:26
Archangel3371 said:

You always get some rewards but the amount and rarity depends on your final pursuit level. When Kulve escapes for the final time or you break its horns it’ll say that the Kulve event, mission, or whatever you want to call it has ended displayed on your screen. Go up to the Quest giver at the counter and you select the option to claim the rewards. It’s mostly a variety of weapons that can only be obtained from this quest. If you break the horns you can carve each one to get a few more random weapons as well.

I’ve typically always did it with a full team of 4 myself. Each online room has a max occupancy of 16 people so there can be up to 4 different teams doing Kulve runs along with your team as well. This is pretty cool in how it’s done because you’ll sometimes see messages that another team has broken such and such a part on Kulve and I think these all get added to the pursuit level as well so you kind of working with other groups of people. I find the matchmaking to be quite easy in this game myself. Just do a lobby search and select Kulve Taroth as a search option criteria and it’ll bring up a whole list of lobbies that are doing it. Look for one with like 13 or 14 people in it and join that lobby. You’ll have no problem getting lots of full 4 people Kulve runs going.

I only have experience with matchmaking when I tried to look for people doing Kushala Daora quest.  I found precisely zero.

So you just need to keep repeating untill you either break the horns or Kulve Taroth just gives up?  Bah.

I've also been looking into the weapons she drops.  They seem to be very powerfull, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of the game, namely to slowly craft your way up to the best possible weapons.  A strange choice if you ask me.

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Wed, 22 May 2019 13:25:23
SupremeAC said:

I only have experience with matchmaking when I tried to look for people doing Kushala Daora quest.  I found precisely zero.

So you just need to keep repeating untill you either break the horns or Kulve Taroth just gives up?  Bah.

I've also been looking into the weapons she drops.  They seem to be very powerfull, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of the game, namely to slowly craft your way up to the best possible weapons.  A strange choice if you ask me.

Well your goal is to try and break the horns before Kulve escapes for the final time. It’s kind of like a race against time. Breaking the horns and tail are what net you the most points towards maxing out your pursuit level and granting you the chance for the really best of the loot. Breaking the horns is basically the same as killing or capturing the other monsters, as in its the real objective. Just doing a bunch of runs and having Kulve simply get away isn’t going to get you any of the good stuff.

The way I look at it is that these are the very “end game” type weapons and they’re all random so you still do all the crafting getting up to weapons that bring you to this point.

Edited: Wed, 22 May 2019 13:25:49


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Sat, 25 May 2019 15:03:54
I'm finally getting my monster hunter groove back after a couple hours of playing. I just started the Final Fantasy crossover Quest, and after about four attempts managed to kill the chocobo/Kulu Yaku which was a far bigger pain in the ass than I expected. Fortunately, that seems to be the rule for just about everybody. Anyway, on to the behemoth.
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Sat, 25 May 2019 19:54:53
robio said:
I'm finally getting my monster hunter groove back after a couple hours of playing. I just started the Final Fantasy crossover Quest, and after about four attempts managed to kill the chocobo/Kulu Yaku which was a far bigger pain in the ass than I expected. Fortunately, that seems to be the rule for just about everybody. Anyway, on to the behemoth.

Yeah that Kulu is tougher then one would expect. Good luck with the Behemoth fight. He’s got a wind attack which I find to be quite annoying. In fact I find the wind attacks to be pretty annoying in this game in general.


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Sat, 25 May 2019 20:09:17
I haven't attempted the Behemoth yet. We're currently on the Lunastra and Teostra mission. I crafted me an ice hammer, but they didn't seem too impressed by it.  Nyaa
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Sat, 25 May 2019 20:20:28
To say the Behemoth battle went poorly would be a a very generous statement. I have not felt so helpless in a battle since I played Bloodborne. This... this was just ugly.
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Sat, 25 May 2019 23:03:24
SupremeAC said:
I haven't attempted the Behemoth yet. We're currently on the Lunastra and Teostra mission. I crafted me an ice hammer, but they didn't seem too impressed by it.  Nyaa

You must teach them respect.

robio said:
To say the Behemoth battle went poorly would be a a very generous statement. I have not felt so helpless in a battle since I played Bloodborne. This... this was just ugly.

So what you’re saying is that Behemoth had his way with you.


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Sat, 25 May 2019 23:41:08
Yep. And I kept coming back for more until all I could do was limp away.
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Sun, 26 May 2019 05:00:28

Well on the bright side after you’re done with regular Behemoth you have Extreme Behemoth to look forward to. devil


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Sun, 26 May 2019 13:02:19
Jesus, what the hell does he do? Kick your ass while drinking Mountain Dew Code Red?
Country: BE
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Sun, 26 May 2019 15:03:03
I can share that the Royal Roasts have been bested. Not content with our joint effort on Friday, I set out to create the fire resistant cloak and head out for revenge on my own. 't was a fierce fight, all the more nerve wrecking as the' 10 minutes remaining' sign popped up just as Lunastra limped towards her den. My only regret is that I didn't manage to carve Teostra's still warm corps.
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Sun, 26 May 2019 15:34:32
robio said:
Jesus, what the hell does he do? Kick your ass while drinking Mountain Dew Code Red?


SupremeAC said:
I can share that the Royal Roasts have been bested. Not content with our joint effort on Friday, I set out to create the fire resistant cloak and head out for revenge on my own. 't was a fierce fight, all the more nerve wrecking as the' 10 minutes remaining' sign popped up just as Lunastra limped towards her den. My only regret is that I didn't manage to carve Teostra's still warm corps.

Congrats. yes


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