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Dvader's not exactly 100 Favorite Games of All Time
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Sat, 19 Jan 2019 20:55:05

It would make my top 50. Maybe top 25. Probably not top 10. If Vader were to ever play it, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like it much.

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Mon, 21 Jan 2019 05:30:50

#97 Destiny

Image result for destiny cover

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I hear your growning, stop it, stop. I have put in probably over 500 hours in destiny and destiny 2, any game I spend that much time on is one of my favorites. Bungie is untouchable when it comes to the feel and responsiveness in shooting, the gunplay is so good. Just that alone makes every encounter fun to play, mix in the special powers and teamwork and you have a FPS that's mechanically one of the best. Destiny was at its best a year in when the expansion The Taken King came out and evolved the game into something special. The dreadnaut was filled with loads of secrets and the great court of oryx where we would go weekly to accomplish a cool mini horde mode. It had a great raid, raids which are still the best online FPS levels ever made, nothing I see are as complex and demands more teamwork. They are the zelda dungeons of the FPS genre. When destiny works it is better than nearly any FPS, sadly the grind model for GaaS really holds it back.

The best part about Destiny though is getting online with your friends every night. Solid and Dez were my main crew, we would get on and just grind it out to try to get raid ready. Raids were like epic events where we needed to clear our schedule cause we would be playing till late nights. There were so many fun moments like times when one of us just couldn't make a crazy jump. Figuring out the war of the machine raid on our own was one of the best online experiences I've had. Destiny can represent the worst practices of this gen but at the same time shows the potential of these living evolving games.

Edited: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 05:31:25
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Mon, 21 Jan 2019 20:42:44

"They are the Zelda dungeons of the FPS genre." This is a much more articulate description of why Gagan hates Destiny than he himself has managed. LOL

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Wed, 23 Jan 2019 06:05:08

#96 Astrobot

Image result for astrobot

Image result for astrobot

VR has been a dream of mine since I was a kid. The idea of being inside a game was fascinating to me. I have Sega Visions magazine and one issue they revealed that Sega was working on a VR helmet, this was like 95, obviosuly that never happened but I kept the dream alive. Enter Oculus and this new wave of VR, finaly VR gaming is a reality and its still in it's infancy. While many VR experiences are incredible because of what you can do, true 1:1 recreation of hands in a full 3D space, full body movement, there is no way to describe it if you haven't tried it. Yet the games remain stuck in a sort of experimental phase, many feel like tech demos of something greater, this is mainly due to none of the major developers really putting effort into VR. Sony of Japan decided to make a platformer, the old classic flagbearer of new tech, to show what VR can do to a traditional game. I bought a PS VR just for this game (and RE7) and I am satisfied. Astrobot works because not only is it a genius platformer if you remove the VR, but because of how well it uses every aspect of this limited tech that Sony has.

PSVR is not room scale and Astrobot does not use move controllers. This is a traditional third person platformer in which you sit and play with a controller. Maybe thats why this game is so great, the camera and controller are taken from traditional gaming. The dualshock 4 has motion built in and almost no game used it until now, Astrobot has so many clever uses for the controller. From firing water out like a hose, to shooting out ninja stars, or creating zip lines for your little bot to run across, the controller allows the player to be a character in the game independant of the bot. You can control astrobot like normal while controlling these gadgets, its two separate actions happening at once and both easily controlled by the player. This game is at its best when the levels require interesting uses of the gadgets while having great platforming.

The star of this show is the VR perspective and how it can enhance a traditional game. The game world appears all around you, your head is the camera and you will control Astrobot as he runs behind you, jumps of platformers on your right, climbs over your head, jumps way down where you need to lean and look down to see where he is landing. Not only does this allow for insanely clever level design but it allows for incredible precision jumping. This game isn't that long but what it lacks in length it makes up for in quality. Every level adds something new or is a new twist, there is no fat in this game. Each world ends in a gigantic boss battle, for real giant because the sense of scale is accurate, you fight stuff the size of a building. The last two bosses in particular are stunning battles that can't be appreciated the same way if it were on a screen.

Astrobot is a brilliant charming platformer at heart and that is why it works. This may not be the Mario 64 moment VR needs because it's not showing the future of gaming, instead it shows how VR can take the established norms and make them better. This is Nintendo quality level design and has that innovative spirit Nintendo had in the Wii days. I just wish this game was more challenging and had more depth to its combat, clearly its a first step into a hopefully longer franchise. The best VR exclusive game I have played.

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Wed, 23 Jan 2019 16:12:42
Sounds good. One of these days I will have to break down and get PSVR. Not today, but one day.
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Wed, 23 Jan 2019 20:27:48

I haven't replied to this list yet, but I condone your inclusion of Rogue Leader.  That game was, and still is, awesome.  One of the first battels saw you dipping in and out of green cosmic fog while you were taking down ties.  Back then it was just amazing, coming off the first gen of 3D gaming with the N64.  And then they did it all again with including the whole game in Rebel Strike, but in co-op this time.  I bought Rebel Strike just for the co-op.  I never even bothered playing the actual game itself.

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Wed, 23 Jan 2019 20:35:48

As for VR still waiting for it's Mario64, I don't think that will ever happen.  VR places you in the middle of the game, and while it's transformative to the player, it is not transformative to the gameplay, as the shift from 2D to 3D was.  If there should be anything as transformative released, it will be something in the line of Beatsaber, which is a whole new type of game that wasn't possible before.  Thing is that these games are too slight to have a similar impact as Mario64 had.  And there's the catch22.  Mario64 was made possible due to advances in computing technology, it was a natural evolution.  VR on the other hand will for ever remain niche, as no platform holder will risk inflating the price of his console far past the price of the competition just to include a VR headset with every unit sold.  Everyone remembers how long Kinect2 lasted.

The only way out I see for this is if Nintendo would create a switch like device that does VR.  That could see a high enough level of market penetration for VR games to evolve from indie like tech demo's to full fledged games capable of rocking the industry.

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Thu, 24 Jan 2019 00:35:47

On Beatsaber: the transformative shifts for VR happened with the Wii. VR allows for their expansion, but it is an expansion in that sort of game.

But I think Vader's point on it making precise platforming potentially more enjoyable valid, just as perfect 1:1 aiming controls can make FPS games so much better.

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Sat, 26 Jan 2019 06:38:17

Well a new game just entered my top 100, going to alter the list.

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Sat, 26 Jan 2019 07:11:48

#95 Pixeljunk Eden

Image result for pixeljunk eden

Image result for pixeljunk eden

At the start of the 360/PS3 era indie games started to explode. Geometry Wars was a standout 360 launch game, it set the stage for indies on consoles. Many were great, but few better than this odd platformer from Pixeljunk. Eden is a sort of platformer but its all about getting a highs score. You control this little seed looking thing and it can shoot a web and swing around these massive verticle levels. The point is to collect pollen to fill a seed up so a plant can grow giving you new areas to jump or swing from as you make your way around the level. The art style is minimalistic but unqiue, that combined with a fantastic synth music sountrack sets the tone.

The game could be a relaxing semi exploratory platformer where you just figure out how to complete a level and be done with it. Thats not how I played this, I became obsessed, I needed the high scores. There is something about a game where you combine skill of platforming and reflexes with a timer where finding the fastest way to complete the level is almost a puzzle on its own. When that mixuture occurs it speaks to me and I want to master it, Eden achived that mix beautifully. The levels keep raising the stakes with new elements or enemies but the core scoring system remained. I was top 3 in the WORLD in some of these levels, it would give me a rush that few games did. For like a month I was the Eden master, completely engrossed in this game in a way I rarely do with games today.

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Sat, 26 Jan 2019 08:58:54
Dvader said:

Well a new game just entered my top 100, going to alter the list.

Alter or expand?  Nyaa
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Sat, 26 Jan 2019 20:48:33

Is it the Pixeljunk series that turned into an endless series of endless runners, or am I thinking of something else?

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Sat, 26 Jan 2019 20:51:15
I think you're thinking of the Bit.Trip games. They had a variety of them, then Bit.Trip Runner took off so they made 2 sequels to it and no one gives a fuck anymore.
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Sat, 26 Jan 2019 22:11:33
Such a shame, because the variants I played were good fun.
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Sun, 27 Jan 2019 06:54:49
robio said:
I think you're thinking of the Bit.Trip games. They had a variety of them, then Bit.Trip Runner took off so they made 2 sequels to it and no one gives a fuck anymore.

That would be it.

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Sun, 03 Feb 2019 17:25:51

You can blame RE2 for the delay.

#94 Tomb Raider 2

Image result for tomb raider 2 cover

Image result for tomb raider 2 ps1

The start of the 3D era had some seminal games that set the bar for 3D gaming and Tomb Raider was one of those games. It controlled like ass but damn it felt mindblowing to have such an epic adventure in a 3D world. But the first game was rough, like many franchises do the second outing is really when formula shines. Tomb Raider 2 was a massive step up adding vehicles to its levels, taking Lara on a globe trotting adventure to some memorable locations like the Great Wall and Venice. With better combat, enemies and boss battles TR2 was one of the best games on the PS1.

My history with Tomb Raider started on the Saturn, I know, yes feel bad for me. Despite the rough port it still was one of the most unbelievable games I played, when that T-Rex stomps out for the first time it left a stamp in the list of most memorable game moments. By the time TR2 came out I had a PS1 so I could properly play it and boy did it live up to the hype. It felt so grand, this massive adventure with so many locations filled with devious puzzles. I still don't feel the franchise ever topped the second game, the third started to get a bit too annoyingly difficult and by then controls had evolved. Tomb Raider 2 is one of those great sequels that set the standard for its franchise.

Edited: Sun, 03 Feb 2019 17:45:54
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Sun, 03 Feb 2019 17:39:15

#93 Sim City 2000

Image result for simcity 2000 saturn

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My list isn't just action adventure games, I know, shocking. I did play all kinds of games and in the early 90s the PC scene was where the most unique games were coming out. Enter Sim City 2000 the most beloved of the Sim franchise. Who can forget the cover with the giant UFO, holy shit this game has aliens! Yes that was all I needed to give the city builder a try and man was it a blast. I played this at my friends house who had a good PC (pretty much all my early 90s PC gaming was done at my friends house so this will be a recurring theme), I remember being marveled at the incredible cities that were possible. I would never get far because it wasn't my game so I mostly stuck to premade stuff and then let natural disasters hit, come on you all did that, the alien was my favorite.

1995 Christmas I got the system I was most hyped for in my life. The system that would go down as the greatest game console in history, nothing would come close... or so I thought, I got the Sega Saturn (my poor parents, what they did for me). With such an amazing launch lineup of games to chose from like uhhh... ok I got Sim City 2000 and Panzer Dragoon (coming soon to a list near you). Yeah I got a Saturn to play a PC game, leave me alone, I'm a console guy. Finally Sim City 2000 was mine and I spent many many hours building my giant metropolis with good city management and save scumming whenever a disaster hit lol. The Sim City 2000 theme song is engraved in my mind, I can hum it on queue to this day. No other sim game comes close to making me love it like I did this one. It struck the right balance of complexity and accesability. Future Sim City games never struck that same cord like this one did.

Edited: Sun, 03 Feb 2019 17:48:50
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Sun, 03 Feb 2019 19:26:44

I find it crazy that my indepth list inspired so many others to make their own.

I really like your write ups.

Resident Evil 3 was the game that introduced me to the series, and everyboady remembers the game for two reasons: #1 Jill Valentine looked '90s hot, and #2 Nemesis is terrifying. Even though I was ten at the time, I haven't forgotten running away from Nemesis, getting to a different screen and letting out a sigh, just for him to appear from the corner again. Utterly terrifying. I remember being so frustrated because I got to the final boss in the game only to run out of ammo right before killing it.

Nights is a game I remember solely as being that weird Sega Saturn headliner game. From an outsider looking in, even today, it seems like the peak experimental '90s 3D game that was so common during the mid to lateish '90s. A game where you fly in a 3D space as a jester that is meant to be "a mascot platformer for the thrid dimension". It was definitely intriguing, but even as a child I remember Sega Saturn even a thing?

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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Mon, 04 Feb 2019 04:56:59
Punk Rebel Ecks said:

I find it crazy that my indepth list inspired so many others to make their own.

I really like your write ups.

Resident Evil 3 was the game that introduced me to the series, and everyboady remembers the game for two reasons: #1 Jill Valentine looked '90s hot, and #2 Nemesis is terrifying. Even though I was ten at the time, I haven't forgotten running away from Nemesis, getting to a different screen and letting out a sigh, just for him to appear from the corner again. Utterly terrifying. I remember being so frustrated because I got to the final boss in the game only to run out of ammo right before killing it.

Nights is a game I remember solely as being that weird Sega Saturn headliner game. From an outsider looking in, even today, it seems like the peak experimental '90s 3D game that was so common during the mid to lateish '90s. A game where you fly in a 3D space as a jester that is meant to be "a mascot platformer for the thrid dimension". It was definitely intriguing, but even as a child I remember Sega Saturn even a thing?

Yes thank you, I love lists like these. Without good stories about why these mean something it wouldnt work. The best part are the stories that come with the games and I will try to do that.

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Mon, 04 Feb 2019 06:35:36

FWIW I couldn't imagine doing a list like that again. While I still play games I find my gaming experience more "consistent" if that makes sense. Outside of Persona 5, games rarely blow me away like they did when I was a teen and early twenties. It's sort of like with movies. A quality release is just another quality release and I move on to the next one.

But anyway this thread isn't about me. Tomb Raider 2 I remember from the demo and I could almost never beat it because I was a stupid nine year old.

One of the site's forefathers.

Play fighting games!

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