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Dvader's not exactly 100 Favorite Games of All Time
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Mon, 25 Mar 2019 22:51:10

You need to try Tropical Freeze on the Switch.  That game is already amazing but feels better on the newer platform.

Edited: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 22:52:05
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Mon, 25 Mar 2019 22:53:13

By "68", I assume what you meant to write was, "6 & 8".

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Mon, 25 Mar 2019 23:06:02

Well, he already has a hundred games on the list so maybe.

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Tue, 26 Mar 2019 02:12:14
Foolz said:

By "68", I assume what you meant to write was, "6 & 8".

YOu like those games that much?

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Tue, 26 Mar 2019 03:13:16

Bayonetta 1 and 2 at number 68? What is this madness?


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Tue, 26 Mar 2019 19:54:34
Archangel3371 said:

Bayonetta 1 and 2 at number 68? What is this madness?

No pleasing you people lol.

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Tue, 26 Mar 2019 20:38:07

66. AM2R, Metroid Prime 2 and Metroid Zero Mission

Metroid, the father of the non linear 2D sidescrolling world that slowly opens up as you play. This franchise is legendary and these are a few of the games that some of my favorites but there will be more later on.

Image result for am2r

Image result for am2r

Lets start with a Metroid game thats not even made by Nintendo. Another Metroid 2 Remake is a fan made title that remakes the Game Boy Metroid 2 into the style of Metroid Zero Mission. The game is incredible, every bit as great as a Nintendo game. All the quality you expect, polished to perfection. The game has you hunting down 40 or so Metroids, each of these a well done boss battle but they didn't just stop there. They invented brand new bosses with cool strategies to beat them. Added all new game areas, put in all the upgrades you would expect and hid secrets all over. It's way better than the official Metroid 2 remake, best of all it's free. Play this game now.

Image result for metroid prime 2

Image result for metroid prime 2 quadraxis

Metroid Prime 2 is the weird middle child of the Prime trilogy, it took a step back from the first game but still maganed to provide one incredible adventure. What I didn't care for was the setting, a bland grey and purple world that was split into light and dark. It was missing the perfect pacing and level design of the first game but the second game added some great new abilities like having the screw attack in full 3D glory. What I do remember most of Prime 2 are the incredible boss battles, mainly Quadraxis which is a member of the game boss hall of fame. It encompases everything a boss battle should be making use of all kinds of skills and making you think. The Prime 2 maybe my least favorite Prime game but it's still leaps and bounds better than most action adventure games.

Image result for metroid zero mission

Image result for metroid zero mission

When Metroid Prime 1 came out it was one of two Metorid games to hit. Metroid had been on hiatus for almost ten years, no sequel since Super Metroid so Nintendo brought the series back with a vengence. Fusion was the 2D game counter part to Prime, while it's still a great game I didnt care for the story driven almost hand holding style. You won't find Fusion on this list, the follow up though was a genius idea. Remake the original game in the vein of Super Metroid, add all new areas, make it modern. Zero Mission is the RE Remake of the Metroid series, it takes all that was learned from multiple games to make one killer remake. I remember sinking so many hours into this game while playing on that tiny GBA screen. I did eventually get the Game Boy player for GC mostly for games like this, so that I can experience Metroid as it should be, on a TV screen. I loved the zero suit samus section, took me totally by surprise. But my favorite part are the imaginative shine spark puzzles, they maybe go a little over board even. I spent hours searching around and performing carzy stunts to reach items I didnt really need, I just wanted that 100%.

Edited: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 20:38:53
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Tue, 26 Mar 2019 22:25:53
Dvader said:

YOu like those games that much?

Yep. They're contenders for the top 5; guaranteed place in the top 10.

I need to give AM2R a go. I downloaded it, but never got around to actually playing it.

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Wed, 27 Mar 2019 01:39:33
Foolz said:

Yep. They're contenders for the top 5; guaranteed place in the top 10.

I need to give AM2R a go. I downloaded it, but never got around to actually playing it.

But the Devil May Cry series is better.

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Wed, 27 Mar 2019 21:32:09
Dvader said:

But the Devil May Cry series is better.

Maybe 3, 4 or 5 is. 1 and obviously 2 aren't.

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Wed, 27 Mar 2019 21:36:14

Is AM2R just a PC game or did it get dropped as a ROM for an emulator?

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Thu, 28 Mar 2019 01:38:27
Foolz said:

Maybe 3, 4 or 5 is. 1 and obviously 2 aren't.

1 for its time is, DMC1 means more to the genre than Bayo.

Robio it’s a free PC game, no emulator needed

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Thu, 28 Mar 2019 22:18:18
Dvader said:

1 for its time is, DMC1 means more to the genre than Bayo.

Robio it’s a free PC game, no emulator needed

Quit living in the past, man. Nyaa

DMC1 is more important to gaming than Bayonetta, sure, but that doesn't mean it's a better game. Either way, they're both great, and I have no complaints with anyone picking one over the other. My only problem is Bayonetta being at 68; but it's not my list, so it's not really a complaint, either.

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Fri, 29 Mar 2019 02:23:40
Dvader said:

1 for its time is, DMC1 means more to the genre than Bayo.

Robio it’s a free PC game, no emulator needed

Yeah, but I don't want to play it on the computer.
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Sat, 30 Mar 2019 06:01:45

65. Final Fantasy 6 and 12

Image result for final fantasy 6

Image result for final fantasy 6 moments

Final Fantasy, THE JRPG series. I wont get into my history with this franchise much here, thats for a later date but I like many fell in love after 7. Still back in the 90s I had many game magazines and one of the most advertised games was Final Fantasy 3. Ads with a red background and a moogle with a sword, I knew of it's reputation but with no SNES I never played it, nor did I care to play any RPG back then. So I played FF6 when I picked up FF Anthology on the PS1 and even then I waited many years to finally sit down and play it. First thing that stood out were the impressive mode 7 graphics which attempted to create incredible moments using spirtes. It worked, we all know the legendary opera house scene, mechs in the snow and the incredible final battle with Kefka.

The coolest thing about FF6 is how there is no main protagonist, it is a true ensemble cast with great characters. The combat system was really good with lots of options catering to the strength of the different characters. Locke doing his theiving, Sabin with his Street Fighter like inputs for attacks, Mog's dancing techniques, they all did something different. It was a huge cast with many optional characters and ways to build your squad, in terms of customization and content FF6 is easily one of the best in the series. Then came the incredible moments and the last part of the game which was a huge shock to me. SPOILER ALERT, the world is destroyed and you as Celes get to explore the world in any way you want and recruit your team again seeing how they are a year later. Great game from top to bottom and worthy of all the praise it gets.

Image result for final fantasy 12

Image result for final fantasy 12

This is probably the only game on this list I never actually finished but I promise I will soon. The reason was not that I got bored but that my save file got corrupted at the very end and I refused to replay 50+ hours to reach that point again. But wow what a 50 hours those were. I was very dissapointed by FF9 and 10, 9 just felt to bland and 10 I don't know what people saw in that linear fest. FFXII was a big departure to the FF formula but it brought back the large open world missing from 10. It used a modified MMO structure but made for single player by creating the gambit system where you use if then statements to create an auto attack template. One would ask why do I want the game to auto fight for me, well fights are now real time and you cant control three characters at once in real time so this method helped the AI work exactly as you want, and it works.

But the best part of 12 is the incredible world of Ivalice that is full of dangers and places to explore. I remember being lost in this massive desert and finding bridges that were filled with Bombs, super high level bombs that would nuke my team. Clearly I should not have been there yet but I explored and tried my best top advance and find high quality treasures. That freedom made this game feel like a grand adventure. Like 6 there is no true main protagonist in 12, the story is mostly built around politics but the great characters and moments really keeps the story engaging, even if its not the series best. Everything else though is sublime,to me its the last excellent FF game.

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Sun, 31 Mar 2019 09:19:05

I did get bored with FFXII, but finished it. Nyaa MMORPGs without the MMO part aren't much fun.

How grindy is VI?

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Sun, 31 Mar 2019 13:11:49
Original SNES version is about a 5 on scale of 1 to 10. The game doesn't require obscene amounts of braiding from you, provided that you are taking the time to do a lot of exploring. FF6 had a pretty tremendous world, and there was something going on in pretty much every corner. That said, if you're just going to zip through the main story, prepare to set aside some time to grind.
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Wed, 03 Apr 2019 05:48:29

64. The World Ends With You

Image result for the world ends with you

Image result for the world ends with you ds

There are certain games that are so unqiue, fresh and cool that they stand out like a beacon of light in a sea of clones. The World Ends With You is one of those games thats hard to classify, it's hard to even describe and because of that it's a game you will never forget. This is one of Square's best games and it came out at the time exclusive for the DS, a game built around having two screens, touch controls and even the mic. Because of this TWEWY has a wild combat system where you control two characters at the same time using two completely different modes of input, sure it was a littke complicated but it worked. Having to track two sets of enemies, press buttons in sequence while swiping the touch screen was an exercise in reflexes and awareness. I loved the challenge, the progress of the combat system was so well done with a high celing and good post game content.

The gameplay was just one area where this game shined, everything about TWEWY is flashy and cool. The visuals, the story, the characters and my god THE MUSIC. The story hooked me right away Neku is without memories and is thrust into the undead world where the dead compete in a game to earn their life back. Neku's memory loss is the perfect conduit for the player to remain in the dark and slowly unravel the rules of the game and by that extension the rules of this world. It has the feel of a visual novel, like 999, but with a base game that is as deep as any Square RPG. I was hooked from the start, the story has great twists and turns and the game has great pacing to keep the combat interesting throughout. And during all of it is the best hip hop/ Jpop soundtrack an RPG has ever had, every time Calling came on I was singing along

I have not played any of the remakes, I honestly don't even know how this game works without a DS, I feel it has to lose a little bit of its soul. It's great that Square is keeping this game relevant, I can't think of a game of theirs more worthy of sequel. I think this is the best DS game, you would be a fool to not play it if you have a DS.

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Thu, 04 Apr 2019 00:36:26
Honestly if you played Solo Remix or I guess the Switch single screen version, I think you'd like it even more.
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Thu, 04 Apr 2019 05:27:59

63. Hollow Knight

Image result for hollow knight

Related image

Castlevania SOTN, Super Metroid and Hollow Knight, thats how great this game is, it joins those other masterpieces as the best metroidvanias ever made. I played Hollow Knight last year a few months after it was released. I heard the buzz, I didn't believe it at first. Even when playing the game for an hour or two I felt I had judged the game correctly, its just an ok metroidvania with a Souls twist to dying. Then the world began to open up piece by piece, deeper I went into this endless labrynth. More mysterious NPCs and enemies would by found. Totally secret optional areas would be uncovered. The combat was constantly evolving with new skills that aid in traversal and during battles. That combat system becomes the best 2D combat system I have ever played.

What makes Hollow Knight special is how perfectly tuned the combat is and how the bosses compliment that combat. It truly does take inspiration from souls, those epic boss battles are gatekeepers to new areas. They will test your gaming skills to the max, some brutaly so in ways that remind me of the hardest Souls battles. It's a massive game too, 40 hours or so with all content. Castlevania and Metroid are not nearly as big, once again the Souls philosophy of world building is the direct insprtation here. There are so many moments that just stand out and created permanent gaming memories for me like the time I finished the max level of the gladiator arena, discovering how to reach the true ending and battliing that insane final boss, and the platforming genius of the light world. This is one of the best metroidvanias and indie games of all time, lets hope the sequel lives up to the first.

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