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Iga's thread of playing seven games at once!! It is done!
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Mon, 02 Nov 2009 10:57:40

Yodariquo said:
GodModeEnabled said:
I still have an unopened copy of Bully waiting to be played for my 360, it looks fun but I can never seem to find the time for it lol.

Same here, except for Wii

Both of you should play it, its hilarious. Its like the best GTA game you will play.

The 360 version has a lot of bugs though, I got it for my bro and he got the same problems reported in reviews.

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Wed, 04 Nov 2009 22:34:03
I finished Bully yesterday, what a fun game. I will try to 100% it. Should be fun!
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Thu, 05 Nov 2009 11:29:56

Iga_Bobovic said:
I finished Bully yesterday, what a fun game. I will try to 100% it. Should be fun!

I did all the missions, the only things I missed were a few hobo radios. For some reason in GTA games I can never get near to full completion even if I do every mission.

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 02:38:25
I only got up to about 80%. It got very pouring and laborious after that point.

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Fri, 06 Nov 2009 10:41:11

Foolz said:
I only got up to about 80%. It got very pouring and laborious after that point.

Seriously I couldn't find anything else to do after a certain point. And the game stats say there is stuff left. Even the races are all ones I've done.

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Fri, 13 Nov 2009 20:57:50

I just finished Bully with 100%! 

This means I have completed:

Bully (100%)

de Blob (90% the rest was boring to get)

Okami (100%)

Finished but not completed yet

MadWorld (will finish hard mode and try high scores on normal)

No More Heroes (will finish bitter mode)

Not yet finished


Little King's Story (saving the best for last)

The next game will be Eledees!

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Wed, 18 Nov 2009 19:56:09

Okay just finished No More Heroes on bitter difficulty. Henry is a annoying boss. Not because he is hard, no he is actually easy. The real problem is that it takes around 800 hits to kill that Irish bastard! And to make matter worse, a few days ago, I had a glitch that prevented me from dark stepping. And I lost because of that. 

Well I fixed that glitch and I did beat that sod. Wow, my right hand fucking hurts right now. All that furiously shaking has given me some RSI. But it matters not, for I am done with this game. Can't wait for No More Heroes 2, should be fun. 

The next games will be Eledees with MadWorld on the side. Hopefully I am able to finish Eledees now. 

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Thu, 19 Nov 2009 03:49:00

Iga_Bobovic said:

Okay just finished No More Heroes on bitter difficulty. Henry is a annoying boss. Not because he is hard, no he is actually easy. The real problem is that it takes around 800 hits to kill that Irish bastard! And to make matter worse, a few days ago, I had a glitch that prevented me from dark stepping. And I lost because of that.

Well I fixed that glitch and I did beat that sod. Wow, my right hand fucking hurts right now. All that furiously shaking has given me some RSI. But it matters not, for I am done with this game. Can't wait for No More Heroes 2, should be fun.

The next games will be Eledees with MadWorld on the side. Hopefully I am able to finish Eledees now.

He pissed me off on normal. He got nowhere near close to killing me, but I jsut had to keep hitting him.

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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 10:40:45

When I started to play Eledees a few months ago, I really liked the controls but could not get into the game. At most I could play one or two levels, before getting bored and playing some other game. I liked it, but it never grabbed me until recently. I don't know what happened, maybe I rushed too much before, because there were other six games I had to finish. Perhaps I am I am seeing more depth than just throwing things around and making a mess. Right now I am hooked and can't wait to play more. Just finished the second boss and I am now at the amusement park level. Will finish soon (I assume).

Played MadWorld on hard today. Wow, its practically another game. The enemies do more damage and they do not just stand around for you to kill them. Plus you only one life. So it's more tense to play this way, you are more concerned with surviving than just building a high score. Needless to say I died, will savor this game for another time. After Eledees it's time for LKS.

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Sat, 21 Nov 2009 20:18:01

Change the controls in Eledees for faster turning BTW.

Eledees gets better when you replay levels, you learn the secrets, learn how to do things faster and better. Learn where to strategically place large objects and how to manage your mess.

But later levels, the open levels outside get messy frame rate wise.

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Tue, 24 Nov 2009 12:39:31

Finished Eledees just now, a fun game. There is potential of using the controls in many other game, a shame that no game has looked at the mechanics and build an action adventure out of it. I will save the high scores for a later time, now it's time.....

Ha-hahaaaa hahahahaha-ha-hahaaaaaa 

Little King's Story

(if you could not tell, it's the intro music of LKS)

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Tue, 24 Nov 2009 19:52:19

LKS is awesome, just beat the first boss.

And I fought the 2nd boss, how do you avoid the frogs toxic attack? The only attack I can't avoid.

Edited: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 19:57:08
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Wed, 25 Nov 2009 11:26:56

I cant remember. I think you call your troops back and constantly circle him.

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Thu, 26 Nov 2009 23:15:10

I am going to compare Little King's Story to Zelda, so that Vader gets interested in the game.

Okay playing the game is very addictive, it has some Zelda like elements. When you begin, you first notice the overhead camera. It looks like a 3D version of the 2d Zelda's.  The forest also has a Zelda like feel, with trees dancing in the wind. You walk around and see places, you can't reached just yet. A piece of rock is blocking your way or a tree stump does not allow you to go further.

In Zelda you use a bomb to get rid of the rocks and let's say an axe to get rid of the stump. In LKS you have to train your civilians to become a woodchuck to break tree stumps or buff miners to break rocks. With all these professions you are able to slowly and surely open up the world. 

But unlike the newer Zelda's, LKS is not linear. In the beginning your choices are limited, but once you defeat the Oni King the world opens up. You can immediately fight 2 rival kings, or stay at home and do some side-quests. 

Yep, like Zelda there are side-quests, but they are handled differently. Howser the Bull Knight suggest you to build a suggestion box. Here you get stuff like fan-mail, hate mail and side-quests. The side-quests are in golden envelopes, with a star rating (1 star easy => 5 stars hard) that show the difficulty. By accepting them (you can do multiple side-quest at once) you have 3 days to finish them. They are random generated, but some ask you to defeat a certain monster somewhere. Defeat the monster and you get money or a treasure.

Not all side-quest have a time limit, some like defeating UMA guardians do not have a time limit, these ones are not randomly generated. Other side-quest have you do favours for you many brides (I only have one now). 

But in most Zelda games money is not really useful. Not in LKS, you start with a few houses and you need to build more to expand your kingdom. First you need to build a guard house to transform a citizen in a soldier. A farmhouse to change them in a farmer. Besides professions you also have to build houses so you get more people. So you can actually see your village transforming. You do not choose where to build, but you do choose what to build. Do you build the extra house to get 4 new citizens? Or do you build a church? The game is full of these things. So it's not just like Zelda where the world opens up, no your kingdom actually grows.

But wait there is more. Now let me explain what these guardians are. The enemies of you Kingdom are UMA's, they are basically monsters. When you pick a side-quest to fight a guardian monster, the reward are stunning. Defeating him opens up a whole new are for your kingdom! The forest filled with evil mushrooms (don't ask) becomes a royal district. You get farmlands, stone quarries, etc. Once the new areas open up, the UMA's are gone and you can start building new stuff. Like a new profession, or some more houses for even more civilians. This is really addicting, I am not pushing forward in the story, because doing side-quests and earning money is so much fun. I want to build everything. But if you get bored, you can push on with the story and start challenging your rivals.

There are even side-quests that are not linked to the suggestion box, like collecting paintings. So what do we have so far. Zelda 1 like non-linear progression, an addictive side-quest kingdom expansion scheme and professions instead of items.

But wait there is more. You can actually upgrade individual characters. Give extra armour or a sword to a soldier. Increase the HP of the whole kingdom. Give special weapons to some characters, like a cupid bow that can stun enemies. Learn different formations that all have their purposes. And some enemies have weaknesses to certain professions. A miner can destroy a rock creature in one hit. Again Zelda like. 

But there are little touches that make this game a classic. Sending people of it the sea will have the curse the sea LOL They scream things like "Jerk". The religious person that says "Ramen" instead of "Amen". People going on with they daily lives. Soldiers guarding and patrolling, farmers working the land, etc. You can even get some of them married and they will get a kid. I only scratched the surface, there is so much more to tell and I have yet to fight my first rival king. It will only get better. 

So Vader, go buy it now. So we can get the sequel "Little Emperor's Story"

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Fri, 27 Nov 2009 00:19:31
But its like Pikmin... Nyaa
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Fri, 27 Nov 2009 02:20:37

Dvader said:
But its like Pikmin... Nyaa

We already established on the podcast that it isn't.

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Fri, 27 Nov 2009 06:47:35

Foolz said:

Dvader said:
But its like Pikmin... Nyaa

We already established on the podcast that it isn't.

I made up my mind, it's like Pikmin.

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Fri, 27 Nov 2009 10:26:11

Dvader said:

Foolz said:

Dvader said:
But its like Pikmin... Nyaa

We already established on the podcast that it isn't.

I made up my mind, it's like Pikmin.

It is and isn't. It's much better, more like an adventure game.

I should point out that the elements Iga described which sound complicated like equiping people with items, changing classes or building things is ridiculously user friendly, so if you are like me and put off by excessive fiddly complexity, have no fear.

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Fri, 27 Nov 2009 11:06:18

gamingeek said:

Dvader said:

Foolz said:

Dvader said:
But its like Pikmin... Nyaa

We already established on the podcast that it isn't.

I made up my mind, it's like Pikmin.

It is and isn't. It's much better, more like an adventure game.

I should point out that the elements Iga described which sound complicated like equiping people with items, changing classes or building things is ridiculously user friendly, so if you are like me and put off by excessive fiddly complexity, have no fear.

 Yep, you never feel overwhelmed. You can do stuff on your own pace. Edge review said the same thing. Seriously, the game has AAA reviews, people rave about it, yet there are still people out there that will not give games like this a chance. The problem is not the casual Wii audience, the problem is the so called hardcore that rather buy yet another Call of Duty, yet another Mario, yet another Madden.

I am saying this now. If you have a Wii and you don't have LKS. Well that you are part of the problem. You are not hardcore, you loss all rights to make fun of Wii Sports and Wii Music. And if you decide not to buy Sin and Punishment 2, you are dead to me! DEAD.

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Fri, 27 Nov 2009 11:31:16
I guess I'm DEAD then. Maube Bauer will do the honors?

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