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The Completed Games of 2020! With a Possible Surprise Ending.
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Wed, 12 Feb 2020 03:50:19

^Is it worth a replay (as in doing things differently alters things drastically?). I made a melee and ranged character and I'm not sure which to continue with. If it's worth replaying the decision is easier given the short length of it compared to other RPGs!

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Wed, 12 Feb 2020 09:13:22

The Outer Worlds is next on my buy list.

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Mon, 17 Feb 2020 01:14:04

Updated my list with a buinch of games, some reviews here so I am posting it here.

Image result for doom 93

Still the GOAT FPS, so much fun to play.

Image result for outer wilds

Incredibly engrossing game that is about as pure an exploration game as they come. The game begins and you talk to a few people, no prompts or instructions. All the information you need comes from the game world, learning as you go. Then you hop in your spaceship and you are off, an entire solar system to explore, no load times, no tricks, about 5 planets to explore and more out in space. Every planet is so unique with some really crazy effects going on like one water planet with giagantic tornandos that launch the islands into space. Two planets that syphon sand from one another, planets that fall apart as you explore, these crazy level altering events are happening on a timer... right you have 22 minutes to save the universe or everyone dies. Its groundhog day in space, after 22 min you wake up at the start and go again. Its a masterpiece of game design in that it lets the player approach the ENTIRE game in any order, the mystery ready to be solved immediately all you have to do is figure it out step by step as a true explorere world. That sense of discovery is hard to come by.

A few issues may anger some players, the timer being one. Theer are events that only occur at certain times so you will have to wait for that to happen as there is a fast foward but its so damn slow its almost pointless. There will be parts where you will feel stuck, lost, don't know what to do and that is always frustrating. But the feeling of a breakthrough is so good it makes those moments worth it. Don't sit on this game, its brilliant.  Overall Score: 9.2

Image result for supraland

Read my review, a 9.2 as well.

Image result for sigil doom

John Romero's new Doom WAD is is version of a new episode after Thy Flesh Consumed. Its 9 new Doom levels that HATE YOU. There are some good new ideas like a switch that you have to shoot to activate something in the level. So of course Romero hides them in the most unsuspecting places. For some reason a lot of the level design has you walking across tiny ledges as hordes shoot at you. Also entire levels are in the dark, wtf I cant see and I have to manuever tiny walkways. It's still Doom so its a blast and a few levels really are well done but the frustrating stuff is just to much. Taking away the fact that the base game is Doom, looking at this review only as a critiuque on the map design I give this a 5.5.

Image result for slay the spire

I have finished the game with the four playable characters but there is still a lot of challenges and stuff to unlock so I am not exactly finished playing this. So I wont score this yet but it is a high 8, it is so addicting and fun. This is a rogue like card game, no need to build decks and plan ahead, it all comes at you randomly so you have to strategize on the fly. The card sets are very unique creating different styles of play across each character. Play this game, its on gamepass!

Image result for dreams logo ps4

I have had this in early access for a long time but got overwhelmed and came back at the official release. Finally the MM "campaign" was released and it was BRILLIANT. Its more of an interactive movie in terms of length, with wildly different gameplay styles that all fit perfectly into a moving story that would be right at home as pixar movie. It is a testament to what could be done with this game engine, the skies are the limit. I easily lose hours just exploring different creations and messing around decorating my home, forget even trying to make a level. This is so ambitious that I feel it loses a lot of the charm and simplisity that made LBP so easy to get into. It is still early on, I am not as hooked as I was with LBP and the main story while great isnt exactly a full game. Dreams is more like youtube for games. It could be one of the most incredible games ever made but that is to be seen for many years to come.

Image result for resident evil 3 ps1

Getting ready for the remake. Not my favorite RE game but still great. These games are so much fun and this one in particular is beating my ass because Nemesis is an ASSHOLE. Seriously fuck him. Its my fault cause I am actually fighting him rather than running, still douchebag! Great game.

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Mon, 17 Feb 2020 18:17:52
Holy crap on a cracker, I have finally beaten Dragon Quest 6! This was literally 20 years in the making for me. God damn, that was a tough game.
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Tue, 18 Feb 2020 14:46:45
robio said:
Holy crap on a cracker, I have finally beaten Dragon Quest 6! This was literally 20 years in the making for me. God damn, that was a tough game.

Nice. Which version? I have the DS. Should really get cracking on that someday myself.


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Wed, 19 Feb 2020 01:13:20
Archangel3371 said:

Nice. Which version? I have the DS. Should really get cracking on that someday myself.

The mobile version, which is basically a port of the DS version. Can't really say you need to play this one though. It's got some good moments, and some neat characters, but honestly it's probably one of the least memorable games in the series.

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Tue, 25 Feb 2020 00:42:56

Well, since Animal Crosding has been preordered, I imagine my totals falling even further down.

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Mon, 02 Mar 2020 11:27:50

I beat Mario Tennis Aces last week.  I always enjoy Mario Tennis games, though I skipped the Wii U version as it was notoriously barebones.  This installment has a story mode which sees you travelling an island as you would in say Super Mario World to prevent an ancient evil tennis racket from regaining it's full power and to save your brother Luigi from it's influence (as well as Waluigi and Wario).  The tennis challenges are fun and varies, but it's clear that the 'story' part inbetween was done on a low budget only to serve as a means to connect different settings.  You can also do classic tournaments, which come in 3 levels of difficulty, but of which even the highest is a complete walkover.  It also stings that you can't chose the length of sets, which are locked to 2 winning games per set, ruling out the possibility of playing a match of tennis at it's 'real' length.  Then there's multiplayer and a mode in which you basically play together as you would in Wii Sports, swinging to hit the ball.  A neat touch here is that you can opt to play with a huge tennisball which is slower and bounces higher, making it very accessible to even younger kids.

The tennis is 'augmented' by star shots, character specific super shots and a 'skill shot' that lets you cover a distance faster to save a ball but is difficult to time right.  Furthermore you can also slow down time to better time your shots or reach balls that you couldn't return otherwise.  Super shots, when countered with bad timing, will cause your racket to shatter.  Break 3 rackets and you forfait the game.  All these special abilities are tied in to a meter that slowly fills up while you play.  This gives you a lot of options to turn the game in your favour, although the mechanic that lets you break your opponents racket feels a lot like cheating if you pull it off, and is an unnecessairy nuissance when your own breaks.  To be fair, this mechanic comes much more into play during the story mode, where the rackets act as lives when you're up against boss figures.  Luckily, in online play at least, you can opt to play without any of these special moves bound to the meter, where you're playing a classic game of tennis, save for the star shots which have always been a Mario Tennis staple.

All in all it's an enjoyable game, even if it doesn't do anything specifically well.  7/10.

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Mon, 02 Mar 2020 13:16:14

It was a fun game that I did not have time to put into nor finish.

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Sun, 08 Mar 2020 01:51:14

I did it!

Finally finished the first Dark Souls game. I played through most of it on the 360 but just never got around to finishing it. Have rectified that with the remastered Xbox One version. Enjoyed the game overall but damn is there ever some frustratingly cheap shit in it.


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Sun, 08 Mar 2020 13:53:09
Archangel3371 said:

I did it!

Finally finished the first Dark Souls game. I played through most of it on the 360 but just never got around to finishing it. Have rectified that with the remastered Xbox One version. Enjoyed the game overall but damn is there ever some frustratingly cheap shit in it.

Nice! Congrats. For my money DS1 is probably the best of them all, the interconnected gameworld is amazing and it has some truly great places such as Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo.

Right now I'm playing through Bloodborne, the last of the FROM souls-inspired games I've yet to beat. I recently finished Sekiro which has a superb combat system and some incredible bosses, and plunged straight into BB. I'm eagerly expecting Elden Ring when it comes out.

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Sun, 08 Mar 2020 15:47:47
SteelAttack said:

Nice! Congrats. For my money DS1 is probably the best of them all, the interconnected gameworld is amazing and it has some truly great places such as Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo.

Right now I'm playing through Bloodborne, the last of the FROM souls-inspired games I've yet to beat. I recently finished Sekiro which has a superb combat system and some incredible bosses, and plunged straight into BB. I'm eagerly expecting Elden Ring when it comes out.

The game world and lore is fantastic in these games. I’ve previously played through Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls II and really enjoyed those. I have Dark Souls III and played through a majority of that. That one might be next for me to finish. Would like to get Sekiro sometime as well. Watched quite a bit of Bloodborne gameplay and that game looks really fantastic. Will definitely be something that I pick up when I get a PS4 or PS5.


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Thu, 12 Mar 2020 03:52:12


Image result for luigis mansion 3

I wont do a full review, its similar to part 2, read that review for a lot of the same thoughts. This version is longer, deeper ands better mechanics. The goo luigi adds a nice layer to puzzles and even combat. Each floor being a totally different theme allows for great variety in locations, I loved that. This game is so charming, everything is interactive, its a joy to simply explore and try to find all gems. Boss battles are a little hit and miss but overall good. I had a blast plaaying this, its nothing groundbreaking but another great Nintendo game. Overall Score: 8.5


Image result for half life 2

Still a masterpiece, I cannot believe how well this game holds up. It is just NON STOP awesome, new setpiece after new setpiece. Creative enemy encounters in every new area.The gravity gun remains one of the best gameplay mechanics around. If HL Alyx is half as good as this game we are in for the best VR game ever by a mile.


Image result for half life 2 episode 2

I didnt replay episode 1 cause it was boring, but episode 2 is incredible, every bit as good as HL2 proper. I love all the defense moments. The house raid is one of the best shootouts in the series. There is sucha  great ebb and flow to the  combat scenarios in this smaller but packed game. And that cliffhanger, how can you do that to us! I hope Alyx goes into the present timeline.

Edited: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 03:52:54
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Thu, 12 Mar 2020 09:18:07

I'm thinking I need to play HL2 again.

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Thu, 12 Mar 2020 21:59:46

I just finished Lego Ninjago the other day.  Started Ori and the Will o the Wisps last night.  I only played an hour so but I can't wait to get back to it.

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Fri, 13 Mar 2020 23:40:36

Super Metroid is complete!  An amazing game and still quite challenging, especially Maridia and Brinstar.  I got lost plenty of time and had to find a walkthrough.  It makes me wonder what did I do to find my way back in the nineties?  Probably the Nintendo Hotline.

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Mon, 16 Mar 2020 11:35:53

I also finished Metroid this morning.  Still amazingly difficult and fun.  I can't believe I would constantly pause this game to draw out a map and that passcode system.  Let's never use passcodes again. There's nothing at all in Super Metroid that compares to the difficulty of the Mother Brain section.

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Mon, 16 Mar 2020 11:39:18

Oddly enough, while playing, a could recall the smell of the instruction manual as I rode home from the toy store with my new game.

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Mon, 16 Mar 2020 12:29:02
Since I'll be working from home for 2 weeks, I'm probably going to start on Super Metroid. My Wii U is in my office, so I'll probably pick it up during any downtime I have, which will probably be plentiful.
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Mon, 16 Mar 2020 12:55:23

You played at work? Jealous.

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