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Cyberpunk OT of glitches and refunds.
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Sat, 19 Dec 2020 23:31:45


es the game is a mess on last gen and the fiasco around it is massive news. We can talk about that here but there is also a great game in here, one worth playing. I am finding the amount of quality side stories to be impressive, the world building is second to none. Every single random mission has some tale that goes along with it, one was a kidnapped tv evangalist's son who was murdered and filmed as a snuff film and I am hired to find those that did it. Well you track down the editors of the video and use them to get info on the killers, so I invade the shop, and find a father son editing duo who beg for their life that its just a job... I murdered them in cold blood. I found a monk with implants which is rare as they are supposed to be natural, apparently a local gang abducted him and his brother and forced them into surgery just as a joke, they still had his brother. So I go in and murder everyone and save the brother who then goes on to admonish me for killing lol. These are just small side stories that fill your map, not even the real side story quest lines.

The world is extremely rich, now there are issues with how interactive things are. There is a wanted meter like GTA but woah it does not work like GTA, its mostly broken. There are cracks in the illusion of an RPG with a lot of choice, for instance that same monk mission, I replayed it without killing anyone, only using non lethal means and the monk said the exact same thing. Despite these issues I do find the world to be as engrossing as any, its TES level detail, its exactly why the Witcher got so much praise, a lot of attention got put into making the world feel alive with many different people and experiences.

I enjoy the combat much more than witcher, for one its far more open to allowing you use many different tactics. Its like Deus ex in that there are many bases and you can hack, shoot, stealth your way through. The skill trees are vast and take time to fill in, specilizing is a must for high level play. There should be very different builds available meaning two people can play the same mission in different ways. Its not the best gun play but it gets the job done. I just hope there is more of a challenge and enemy variety cause I am seeing the same dudes over and over, lack of challenge is an issue.

I will write more as I play for now some screen shots of my horribly dressed character.






Edited: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 23:38:24
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Sat, 19 Dec 2020 23:48:56

I really like the game warts and all.  It's still a lot of fun though it has crashed on me a few times. I play on an OG PS4. I save often, sometimes right after dialogue. One thing it makes me appreciate is despite all of my bitching and moaning, I'm really happy that Nintendo is taking their sweet time with Prime 4.

As far as glitches and bugs, as long as it doesn't prohibit my progress then I usually don't mind.  I've enjoyed tons of games with issues such as the Fallout games and Skyrim.

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Sun, 20 Dec 2020 12:42:16
Wtf at your character. Do you choose that or was it forced on you?

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Sun, 20 Dec 2020 13:53:27

You can choose it.

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Sun, 20 Dec 2020 14:38:43

Panam is a hottie.  I want to be her virtual boyfriend.

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Sun, 20 Dec 2020 17:46:03


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Mon, 21 Dec 2020 01:50:08

maybe the best glitch yet!

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Mon, 21 Dec 2020 13:09:38
I refuse to believe that's a glitch. some of the devs had to have done this as a joke and then just forgot to take it out. This "Hot Coffee" for this generation.
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Mon, 28 Dec 2020 11:40:54

First impressions:

Has all the charm of Witcher, as well as the ridiculously verbose opening. I'm hours in, and literally nothing (other than during a montage) has happened in terms of the story---or gameplay. Just like Witcher 3 all over again! The characters are much more interesting than Witcher 3, though.

Cars are literally undrivable with a keyboard. I have to have a PS4 controller on hand just for the driving, while using a keyboard and mouse for everything else lol.

Lots of glitches, none of them fun: phantom markers stuck on screen, stuck in map (had to alt-F4), scanner stuck on and shit like that.

The optimisation is bizarre. I can run at 45-60FPS high + medium ray tracing with DLSS on...except when it randomly drops to 20 for a second or two for no discernible reason. And altering settings is equally weird: sometimes lowering settings results in a massive hit to the FPS for several minutes before it increases. Reloading in the same area can totally alter the FPS as well. It's totally nonsensical, though eminantly playable.

The highlight so far has been the photo mode. With the underpants removal mod, I've been taking the genre of Cyberpunk seriously and snapping plenty of surrealist nudes---and generally going around without any trousers because the only pair I have look like shit. It's the 21st century! If you don't have anything nice to wear, don't wear anything!

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Mon, 28 Dec 2020 13:33:35
Foolz said:

The highlight so far has been the photo mode. With the underpants removal mod, I've been taking the genre of Cyberpunk seriously and snapping plenty of surrealist nudes---and generally going around without any trousers because the only pair I have look like shit. It's the 21st century! If you don't have anything nice to wear, don't wear anything!

Good to see more people are realizing the benefits of Donaldkacsázás, the hungarian word named after The Original Donald, Donald Duck, for going about with no pants on.

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Mon, 28 Dec 2020 21:45:24
SupremeAC said:

Good to see more people are realizing the benefits of Donaldkacsázás, the hungarian word named after The Original Donald, Donald Duck, for going about with no pants on.

Here we call it going commando, in honour of the film Commando, which was nearly an hour and a half of Arnie running around with his metaphorical dick out ejaculating on every one he came across who also had their metaphorical dick out.

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Wed, 30 Dec 2020 18:56:06
Foolz said:

Here we call it going commando, in honour of the film Commando, which was nearly an hour and a half of Arnie running around with his metaphorical dick out ejaculating on every one he came across who also had their metaphorical dick out.

Huh, so that's the origin of the phrase. Silly me. I always thought it was related to the Capcom game, because it's assumed Super Joe played through the game with his dick hanging out.
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Wed, 30 Dec 2020 21:06:42

I thought it was because your wang doesn't have any support, so it's like a commando, going at it alone.

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Wed, 30 Dec 2020 22:31:48
I thought 'going commando' only meant wearing no briefs or shorts under your pants, which is far from Donaldkacsázás.

Granted, my knowledge of 'going commando' steps from The Simpsons episode, but those have thought me well in general.
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Wed, 30 Dec 2020 23:38:44
SupremeAC said:
I thought 'going commando' only meant wearing no briefs or shorts under your pants, which is far from Donaldkacsázás.

Granted, my knowledge of 'going commando' steps from The Simpsons episode, but those have thought me well in general.

I thought that was what you meant. Now you've clarified, Belgium is sounding better and better, from phallic Christmas decorations to public nudity.

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Thu, 31 Dec 2020 00:23:06
Foolz said:

I thought that was what you meant. Now you've clarified, Belgium is sounding better and better, from phallic Christmas decorations to public nudity.

I like our explanations a lot better to be honest.
Edited: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 00:23:22
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Thu, 31 Dec 2020 00:42:16

I love how this thread is ending up. LOL

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Thu, 31 Dec 2020 01:23:20
Talking about dicks? Oh yeah that's unheard of around here.
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Thu, 31 Dec 2020 01:58:48

It's just that I completely forgot what thread we were posting in.  Cyberpunk ?  What the hell is that?

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Thu, 31 Dec 2020 02:55:35

I'm up to the first interlude, and while the setting and narrative are engrossing enough that I'm really enjoying myself so far, the gameplay is absurdly simple. I'm playing on very hard, and both the stealth and combat is ridiculously forgiving, not to mention that the hacking of stuff is either completely scripted or features one really bland mini-game. And you don't even need to hack to distract enemies or things like that with how bad the AI is!

Spoiler: I knew poor Jackie was doomed the moment his mum called him up lol.

Edited: Thu, 31 Dec 2020 02:56:18

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