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3D Lands and Tanooki Tales
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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:21:04




Super Mario 3D Land

Published by: Nintendo

Developed by: Nintendo

Genre: Platformer

Release Date:

US: Nov 13, 2011

Japan: Nov 03, 2011

Australia: Nov 30, 2011

UK: Nov 30, 2011

Germany: Dec 31, 2011

E for Everyone: Mild Cartoon Violence


Edited: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:45:04
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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:33:44
  1. The charm, inventiveness and knowing nods to Mario heritage bring constant smiles, and it's not only a superb Mario game but a fantastic advert for the hardware it appears on. A perfect starting point for newcomers to the series, or a nostalgic throwback for Mario die-hards that still manages to be incredibly contemporary. Whichever category you fall into, one thing's for sure; handheld platforming simply does not get better than this.

  2. Is it more imaginative than Super Mario Galaxy? No. Will it revolutionize gaming like Super Mario 64. Hardly. Do either of these questions matter? Absolutely not, and don't let anyone prove otherwise. Super Mario 3D Land is the epitome of fun. Most importantly, it's a shining example of everything that's good and wholesome about video games.

  3. I'm literally floored by how much I enjoyed it, and I find it quickly rising in the ranks as one of my favorite Super Mario titles.

  4. The tired, princess-saving formula never seems to change, but somehow Nintendo makes every visit to the Mushroom Kingdom feel like the first time.

  5. EAD Tokyo's 3DS debut is marvelous, and filled with almost endless creativity.

  6. 95

    With an expertly balanced difficulty progression, dazzling level design and masterful Power-Ups, this is the ideal 3DS experience...As a whole, 3D Land is brilliant and addictive, and should do for 3D-enhanced platforming what the original Super Mario Bros. did for 2D platforming. If you own a 3DS system, you have no choice - you simply must own this game.

  7. Super Mario 3D Land isn't perfect, but the few complaints I have (like the lack of variety in boss fights and some re-hashed levels) can't bring down this entertaining mix of nostalgia and innovation. It lives up to the level of quality set by previous entries and is easily the best reason to own a 3DS.

  8. Super Mario 3D Land proves that there is still an innovative direction that platforming can take even after the constant innovation seen throughout the history of Mario. This game may not be as creative as Galaxy (really what is?) but the different camera perspectives and depth based gameplay, along with all sorts of platforming styles meshed into one game make for a worthy Mario title for the 3DS.

  9. Super Mario 3D Land is a great platformer with lots of gameplay and fantastic visuals, slightly overshadowed by some awkward camera issues.

  10. Conflicted throughout, but still an undeniable 3DS achievement. Wait for it to get its act together and the game soars. Well, flutters.

  11. Super Mario 3D Land is indeed a wonderful debut on Nintendo 3DS. The 3D effect is fine and helpful because of some camera issues. Mario fans will love this new experience because of the very cool retro elements.

  12. You could wish for 3D Land to be a little more challenging in places, then, but you couldn't wish for it to be any denser, any more imaginative, or any more daring. Most importantly, you couldn't wish for it to be any more playful.

  13. A step back and a leap forward. As a gateway drug for those reluctant to embrace Mario in three dimensions, Super Mario 3D Land should be a huge success.

  14. Though it falls slightly short compared to other Mario titles (aka some of the greatest games ever made), it's certainly a release worthy of the character's legacy. It expertly builds on franchise history, has tons of clever ideas, and even with the rare control hang-ups, it stands tall in the realm of 3D platformers, especially compared to the paltry library of games the 3DS currently has.

  15. 3D Land is a grabby borrower of a game - enemies from Mario 3, music from 2006's New Super Mario Bros., gameplay from Galaxy. Eventually it starts borrowing from itself. It's an excellent game because all of these things work so well together; the only thing keeping it from perfection is that it cries out for more innovations to call its own.

  16. And while it takes a while to build up, and lacks the rich variety of secrets you know from games like Mario 3 and Super Mario World, Super Mario 3D Land eventually becomes a demandingly hardcore, addictive platformer. It's also easily the most beautiful game on the 3DS, and one of the best-looking Mario games.

  17. It's impossible not to be impressed by the vast number of classic Super Mario elements that have been squeezed into the package, especially given how fresh they all look and feel in their new 3D presentation. If you've been looking for a reason to pick up a 3DS, you've just found it.

  18. Really though, Super Mario 3D Land is a triple-A title, and as good a reason as you'll ever have for picking up a Nintendo 3DS if you haven't already. [Nov 2011, p.70]

  19. 3D Land is a game in which Nintendo shows other developers how they've been doing it wrong since the 3DS launched, and provides a template from which future games ought to be built.

  20. 85

    The excellent platforming and the 3D images ensure a creative mixture between the old and new Mario. Maybe a less agile Mario than we're used to, but that has it's charm in some ways. Thanks to the extremely varied environments and the succesful usage of 3D, Super Mario 3D Land is by far the best Mario game for the 3DS.

  21. The levels are incredibly fun to play, but there are omissions likely to leave Mario fans shaking their heads.

  22. 83

    Super Mario 3D Land's playful reverence for (and references to) the 8-bit days reminds us that Super Mario Bros. 3 truly was an amazing game, but it does so at the expense of its own identity. I have a hard time imagining that, 20 years from now, Nintendo's designers will be looking back at 3D Land as a template for a new game the way 3D Land builds on Mario 3's iconography. Ultimately, that's the difference between a good Mario game and a great one.

  23. Super Mario 3D Land excels in so many areas, picking up the traditional 2D side-scrolling feel of the classic NES and SNES platform outings, whilst sprinkling in a pleasing dose of the 3D charm that made Super Mario Galaxy 2 so special.

  24. What Super Mario 3D Land does get right is what every Mario game gets right: a high benchmark for quality that virtually no other platform game series seems capable of matching. There's a level of humour, invention and a sheer sense of joy that you only find in a Mario game.

  25. It homes in, with a clockmaker's precision and a playful gleam in its eye, on what Mario does best.

  26. Exactly what the 3DS needed to reenergise its fortunes and restate its purpose, and even if it's not as good as Galaxy it's still the best portable Mario since the Game Boy.

  27. Super Mario 3D Land eases you in with creative level design and tight controls while leaving plenty of challenging content to be discovered.

  28. Quotation forthcoming.

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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:58:20

Edited: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:03:10
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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:09:20

I am not really hyped for this game. With the seemingly simple level design (compared to Galaxy) and meh controls (compared to all Mario games). Will get it evenually when I get a 3DS.

P.S. Leo the developer is Tokyo EAD. Very important that you mention that.

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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:10:32

Well, Itsa Here! It is on this day, November 13th, 2011, that the Nintendo 3DS --FINALLY-- becomes a valid Nintendo System... at least in the United States! Everyone knows: A Nintendo System just isn't really worth half a grain of salt 'til it's first original Mario graces it's screen(s)! By the pictures alone, you would guess that the development team went to all lengths to make this one as reminiscent as possible to Super Mario Bros. 3, and you would not be wrong! Does it re-capture the magic of my own personal-favorite, numbered-series Super Mario Bros. game? Over the course of the game, I will add my impressions and we'll see!

Edited: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 18:46:01
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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:14:18

Just so there's no confusion: I did --NOT-- mis-spell 'Tales' in the title! Yes, many of the typical Mario enemies in this game get enhanced with a Tanooki 'Tail' at one point or another, but the game begins with a Storm blowing all the Leaves from a Tanooki Tree and scattering them all over Mario World. That is how this latest Mario 'Tale' begins!

Edited: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:25:52
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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:28:08
Iga_Bobovic said:

P.S. Leo the developer is Tokyo EAD. Very important that you mention that. just did!

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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:30:57

Holy shit there are 2 of them right now.?!

Tokyo EAD 1

Jungle Beat and Super Mario Galaxy.

Ah I see, after Galaxy 1, Koizumi was promoted from  Director to Producer/Manager. So he is part of Tokyo EAD no. 2.

Tokyo EAD 1 is probably working on a new Mario game for the Wii-U. Koizumi will probably work or is already working on it as we speak or type.

Edited: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:31:52
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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:37:40

In all seriousness, though, the Teams at Nintendo have been re-orged a tiny bit as seen here! Super Mario 3D Land was developed by the same Team that was responsible for:

  • Flipnote Studios
  • New Play Control Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2

Now known as Tokyo Development Group Number 2, they are Managed by Yoshiaki Koizumi. This man has had his hands in too many greats to list, but it includes Majora's Mask, Link to the Past, Mario Galaxy, Link's Awakening and on and on and on...

Edited: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:40:03
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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:39:01

...beat me to it!


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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 17:58:36

Koizumi with his buddies also 'invented' Z-targeting in Ocarina when waching  ninja fight a samurai with a Kusari-gama. Also he changed Adult Link's nose in Ocarina in such a way so his wife thought he was attracive. And he named Epona. What a boss. You can read more about this in the Iwata's Ask: Ocarina of Time 3D.

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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 18:36:12

Impressions so far: It is very hard to classify this game! It is ---NOT--- Galaxy. It is not meant to be. It is, ironically enough, not trying to be a 3D Mario game. It is doing it's very best to be a 2D Mario game IN 3D, and it succeeds! At least early on, it is not trying to be a hardcore, dash-from-point-A-to-point-B, while avoiding bottom-less pits and punching your enemies, Mario (Galaxy) game. It is a slower-paced, more methodical, earlier-styled Mario game that focuses MORE on uncovering secrets and curiosities than on trying to KILL you! The Mario sense of little secrets held in every corner of the world is in abundance here. If you love THAT, you'll love the game!

The 3D is used to enhance the 2D experience by presenting 3D challanges on a 2D plane... if that makes any sense! Jumping to and from platforms, avoiding traps of differing heights and angles that would be impossible in normal 2D and the sense of being REALLY high above the playing field... THAT is what the game does with the 3D effect! I understand now what Iwata and Miyamoto were talking about now when they mentioned platform games in 3D and 2D and how there's no way to tell where you are relative to everything else. Now you can!

What the game DOES do comparitively to Galaxy is presents Mario's World in crisp, colorful, well-animated graphics! You'll see A LOT of obscure Mario enemies presented in 3D (for the first time!) and they look GREAT! This game easily outshines New Super Mario Bros. in terms of graphical quality and enemy variety!

That being said: There's one 'thing' missing from this game that was present in NSMB:

...I'm REALLY hoping the Koopalings dismembered and cannibalized him! I could be wrong, but so far there's no sign of him! Here's hoping it stays that way!

More to come later!

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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 18:43:26

I'm going to try very hard not to spoil anything, so avoid reading the next few lines if you haven't heard this already:

**If you are looking for Galaxy-sized challenge in this game, you're half-way there when the game ends! If you get my drift!**

I truly believe this game has it ALL for new-comers to the Mario series and Veterans alike! I think it is the perfect offering to those looking for their FIRST, SERIOUS, ORIGINAL, Nintendo-made 1st Party game for the 3DS!

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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 21:56:00

This will go under the tree for me to play on Christmas Day along with my red 3DS ... and along with Skyward Sword... in my own flat!  Man am I looking forward to the Christmas break this year!!!


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Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:12:18

I see "tanooki" in thread title, yet I enter and I don't see huge balls. What the fuck is this shit? WHERE ARE THE HUGE BALLS?

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Mon, 14 Nov 2011 16:46:03

I just did a level in world 2 that is almost all top down and you get a propeller helmet and fly around on top of giant models of old Mario. Fantastic level, jumping from that perspective is so cool. Nice mix of levels so far, super easy still, I know the game wont really start till later.

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Sun, 04 Dec 2011 16:12:33

Mario 3D Land is NOT the game I thought it would be, but that's not a bad thing at all.

The game REALLY emphasizes the Tanooki Tail, but it's STILL a lot of fun. You don't even SEE the Boomerang Suit until World 5! ...but OMG is it sooo satisfying to use! Yes, the Boomerang acts as it does in Zelda and you can pick up items with it. It's used as a tool in that way in a few of the levels in obtaining the Star Coins, etc.

Speaking of Zelda: The Zelda inspired Level is very, very short and only has one or two References which I WILL NOT spoil here. I just have to say: The STRICT TOP DOWN view of THAT level in particular REALLY, REALLY shows the strength of the 3D effects! It's a shame it's not used more!

The levels are VERY short and you can run thru them VERY easily, but getting the Star Coins is where the Challenge lies. You will run thru the levels then WANT to go back to PERFECT them afterwards. Between the Star Coins, finishing without losing too many lives, and Gold Flagging, there's a good amount of replayability there!

There's absolutely NOTHING on the level of Galaxy here. There's no boss battles, the worlds are tiny and Mario's moves are limited. STILL N-O-T a bad game AT ALL though! The levels seem to me at least to have a bit more personality to them than NSMB!

**NOT a Koopa Kid!**

This is a very old-school, completely accessible Mario Bros. style game. At least in the first play-thru, gamers are not going to get a very taxing challenge, but first time Mario players...? THEY will be completely enthralled! We'll see what happens AFTER obtaining all the Coins and/or finishing the game the first time!

I could be totally mistaken, but I thought the Koopa Kids were in the game!? I haven't seen ONE yet and I am at the end of World 5!? Maybe they populate world 8? Maybe they appear after the "ending"...? I am NOT going to look at past previews and reviews at this point, because I DO NOT want to spoil it IF they do eventually show up... VERY curious!

I LOVE how they throw Tanooki Tails on random enemies. I won't list WHO they do it to, but some are HILARIOUS! Not to spoil anything, but I don't even think I've seen the "real" Bowser yet and I've encountered "him" a few times already!


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Mon, 05 Dec 2011 22:02:47

I am at world 8 in this. Its been really good, some levels are truly inspired and then some are very simplistic. So far its all pretty easy and like you said its more like NSMB than Galaxy.

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Tue, 06 Dec 2011 04:42:53

Oh yeah!!! Here we go!!! The game does become super awesome after you "beat" it. If the whole game was like this it would be so much better.

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Tue, 06 Dec 2011 12:20:03
Dvader said:

Oh yeah!!! Here we go!!! The game does become super awesome after you "beat" it. If the whole game was like this it would be so much better.

It is possible to download a save, so it starts at the awesome part?

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