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Call of Duty Modern Warfare REFLEX Edition: Launch trailer Page 5
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 13:00:14

Yeah I dont know what it is but the modern setting in COD4 seems strangely characterless to me. I loved WaW going into the heart of the reichstag for revenge with my russian bretheren. It was really emotive.

And even the pelilua islands of the american campaign, because it was this fish out of water thing.

Country: GB
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Sun, 15 Nov 2009 22:17:17

Right I've run into more frame rate issues, the mission where you are hunting for assad in the russian houses?

Quite a few frame drops there but what was worse was the actual game design. There was this tank that kept savaging me and the game didn't direct you as to where the weapon was to take it out, I had to run around up to a church spire to nab it.

Typical COD bullshit, cheap AI, grenades falling at your feet. I even got caught in the middle of some stairs between grenades. Also the market failed me in one house, I went upstairs, downstairs and in the cellar to get to this marker and trigger the next phase but it wasn't happening.

The AI are cracker jack shots which is annoying when I'm half a mile away with a sniper rifle and some bozo with a machine gun can still manage to hit me.

Oh and I didn't like that helicopter level where you use nightvision? Felt like an unresponsive version of desert strike.

I'm right at the end of all ghillied up. Levels looks great when standing up and bad when prone and face first in pixellated grass. But that cant be helped. I do not like crawling about at a snails pace so IW can try and build atmosphere with cinematic camera angles and stuff. It makes replaying the level a pain.

Anyhow I'm by the ferris wheel trying to hold off 1oo spawners

It's that endless spawning ferris wheel section that shows up the sniper controls which are pretty good normally. If I was playing MOHH2 I could actually do some major damage with those controls. With this game its almost more effective to equip your automatic weapon and wait for them to come.

Oh and that level to find assad in russia, some terrible design there, there was a tank and like 50 soldiers camped which made it compeltely impossible to mount a frontal assault, despite there being cover, especially with soliders on the cliffside as well. But simply skirting round the edges and entering the basement triggers your squad to join you and things to move on? WTF?

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Mon, 16 Nov 2009 02:57:34
Hmm, so Bozon was right then?

The VG Press

Country: GB
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Mon, 16 Nov 2009 12:21:42

Ravenprose said:
Hmm, so Bozon was right then?

Not at all, the controls are better than WaW hands down and the frame rate is perfect in the first 6 or so levels and only a minor complaint (no worse than WaW) on other levels and even then the visuals are still markedly better than WaW, with better lighting, textures and camera work.

If they would prioritise textures for close up characters it would look very good. Even put a rimlight or normal maps the characters like conduit.

Country: GB
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:33:15
Still playing the campaign.

I find it a little cheap how they re-use levels in day and night to get more gameplay time out of them.

Anyhow did this level where I chased that dude in the tracksuit, that was fun. Also that bit at the gas station at night looked be-autiful, but when daylight hit, not so good.

Currently on this level in the mountains with missiles being launched. Now this looks frigging great, the frame rate is back to solid, its pretty sharp, colourful, expansive. Really impressed Treyarch could do this on Wii, well done guys.

So overall, so far at least the first few levels have a great frame rate, about 3 levels in the middle have some frame rate problems, one heavily. From Ghillied up on it seems back to solid.

Country: GB
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Tue, 17 Nov 2009 12:21:54

Now this is pretty cool, its the launch trailer for Call of Duty modern warfare Reflex Edition, all in game footage. Its not the best quality but you can see how decent it is.

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