Missing gems that I need to track down are:
Pitfall 2
Fantastic Voyage
I have all of them on emulator, but it's just not the same.
SteelAttack said:
Holy shit! I remember having played H.E.R.O.!
Now I feel old.
Don't cry, old man, or you'll become dehydrated.
Yodariquo said:The hardest game to find had to be Harvest Moon 64, which seemed to vanish from the face of the Earth.
They really need to get off their ass and get that game on the VC.
robio said:Yodariquo said:The hardest game to find had to be Harvest Moon 64, which seemed to vanish from the face of the Earth.
They really need to get off their ass and get that game on the VC.
HM64 is pretty easy to get a hold of. It's the SNES one that is generally more difficult to find in the wild.
aspro said:robio said:Yodariquo said:The hardest game to find had to be Harvest Moon 64, which seemed to vanish from the face of the Earth.They really need to get off their ass and get that game on the VC.
HM64 is pretty easy to get a hold of. It's the SNES one that is generally more difficult to find in the wild.
Yes but I'd still rather pay $10 for the VC version than $50+ for a cartridge.

I am also proud to have all the Zelda games in some form. I am happy to have the first versions of every single main RE game, including big box RE1.
Dvader said:I am proud to own Panzer Dragoon Saga which is worth more than all the games you are proud of owning.
I am also proud to have all the Zelda games in some form. I am happy to have the first versions of every single main RE game, including big box RE1.
Panzer Dragoon Saga? Did you just buy it yesterday on Ebay for $5,000?
That's quite a huge gem!
Damn, I'm jealous! I really want to play Panzer Dragoon Saga. For a game that is so coveted I'm surprised Sega hasn't remade or released this on PSN or as a PSP port, etc.
Also, Radiant Silvergun is another one.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
But one man's trash is another man's treasure. I have a few games that I keep around that I cherish. They're not worth anything except for sentimental value of course, like the import niche games I have for the my J-PS2, my Blizzard PC collection, my VanillaWare collection (GrimGrimoire, Odin Sphere, and Murasmasa), my growing Dragon Quest collection, and my DS RPGs.
Also, Ghostbusters will probably be a gem of mine in the near future. One of the best games I've bought!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
ASK_Story said:Dvader said:I am proud to own Panzer Dragoon Saga which is worth more than all the games you are proud of owning.
I am also proud to have all the Zelda games in some form. I am happy to have the first versions of every single main RE game, including big box RE1.Panzer Dragoon Saga? Did you just buy it yesterday on Ebay for $5,000?
That's quite a huge gem!
Damn, I'm jealous! I really want to play Panzer Dragoon Saga. For a game that is so coveted I'm surprised Sega hasn't remade or released this on PSN or as a PSP port, etc.
Also, Radiant Silvergun is another one.
Saga is a masterpiece, there is nothing like it really. Such a shame so few got to play it.
Dvader said:I am proud to own Panzer Dragoon Saga which is worth more than all the games you are proud of owning.
I owned Panzer Dragoon Saga. I bought it on release. It sucked (turning a cool shooter into a JRPG is just wrong!), so sold it on Ebay a few years ago for about 3 times what I originally paid.

C'mere Raven, I need to have a word with you!
Ravenprose said:Dvader said:I am proud to own Panzer Dragoon Saga which is worth more than all the games you are proud of owning.I owned Panzer Dragoon Saga. I bought it on release. It sucked (turning a cool shooter into a JRPG is just wrong!), so sold it on Ebay a few years ago for about 3 times what I originally paid.
I have it as well, and along with Suikoden Ii it is one of the few of these collectible games that actually exceed the hype.
SteelAttack said:You can see hamster's tiny wang. Looks like E.T.'s.
You can make me laugh all day.
Here's one to stir things up. I'm proud NOT to own any NES or Master System games.
And I am proud of Jet set Radio. Oh yes.
More proof that you are evil incarnate.