Forum > Gaming Discussion > Would you mind if Nintendo keeps making sequels to their core franchises for the Wii/DS?
Would you mind if Nintendo keeps making sequels to their core franchises for the Wii/DS?
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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 18:43:45

gamingeek said:

Panties aren't in a bunch and I actually agree and LOLed at your observation. I'm just trying to have a discussion here like what the thread was made for.


My bad. I was ready to tickle your orifice, as capuccino monkeys do when they want to make amends with other monkeys. LOL

I'd say that as long as the concept is well executed, it doesn't matter if the game's a rehash or a new IP. Of course, you have to be more lenient with new IPs because they're trying to break new ground as opposed to established franchises, which sometimes rely on their name to move copies. Not all new IPs should be evaluated with leniency, though.

Take Mirror's Edge, for example. It tries to do something different, flaws and all, and that's something to commend the dev team for. New (somewhat, I guess) concept, flawed execution. Now take Dante's Inferno. A shameless clone of God of War, but apparently without the things that made GoW outstanding in the eyes of so many people. Same concept, but execution inferior to the game it's apeing. Both new IPs, but which should be evaluated differently.

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 18:49:03
Why would Nintendo make Galaxy with non Mario characters? To appease some fanboys? Just by adding Mario you have like +5 million sales. Nintendo would be stupid to let that slide. And Mario characters are iconic and awesome. And even if they made a new IP platformer, people would still beg for Mario. Plus he is the mascot, so he comes first.
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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 18:58:58

gamingeek said:
What I would like though is if they put out the staples and then once they were out, they went all out on original titles. Then we would get the best of both worlds.

They'd get burnt at the stake by the gaming media and core followers. Even if they brought out 12 staples in the first two years we'd be screaming and bitching for the rest of the cycle.  Development droughts happen on all systems, that's why you need them all play when the other system is having an off-period. 

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 23:43:44

Ravenprose said:

Foolz said:
I think I'm pretty much used to it by now! Besides we got Wii music, Wii Fit, and Wii sports this gen, so we should be happy. Nyaa

Yeah, Wii Sports Resort kicks ass, so I'm happy. Happy

My sister likes Wii Fit, but she's super casual, so her opinion doesn't count. Nyaa

Hmm, Wii Music? What's that? WinkWink

I think Foolz was being sarcastic, right? Nyaa


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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 23:47:29

gamingeek said:

In terms of output, even when they seem perilously slow compared to other publishers or platform holders, they are far ahead of themselves.

Think about their GC output and compare it to their wii games. Already they have delivered us the wanted sequels in the franchises we love, and then some. And then all the new stuff like Wii Sports.

But despite being a platform holder nintendo just aren't aggressive enough when it comes to expansion. They had a decent idea back in the cube days, get other developers to work on lesser IP like F Zero and Starfox. F Zero GX was amazing, unfortunately Namco crapped out Starfox Assault. Imagine if Factor 5 had made it?

I think there would be an uproar if they stopped making mario and zelda, so what they need to do is partner with someone else. They need antoher Rare.

Or they need to expand and acquire. Any other company flush in cash like they are would start buying up othe companies. I mean can you imagine if Nintendo bought Capcom? The range of games those two companies could make when paired would make an entire library of games for a single system. But I think we also forget that Nintendo has to make games for two platforms at once and this has been the case since the gameboy first launched.

When you look at their output across both home and portables its pretty darn great and suprising that they have managed to consistently maintain quality for decades now.

EDGE mag awarded them publisher of the decade, well they could easily have been awarded best ever publisher.

Ugh, I don't want to imagine if Nintendo bought Capcom. Sad

Edited: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 23:49:06


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 23:49:18
But with all that money and success...and talent...I wish Nintendo took more risks and made more IPs and new characters. Also, I wish they would revitalize older series like Kid Icarus or Pilot Wings. Punch-Out is a great start but I think they can do so much more.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

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Tue, 22 Dec 2009 23:49:42

ASK_Story said:

Ravenprose said:

Foolz said:
I think I'm pretty much used to it by now! Besides we got Wii music, Wii Fit, and Wii sports this gen, so we should be happy. Nyaa

Yeah, Wii Sports Resort kicks ass, so I'm happy. Happy

My sister likes Wii Fit, but she's super casual, so her opinion doesn't count. Nyaa

Hmm, Wii Music? What's that? WinkWink

I think Foolz was being sarcastic, right? Nyaa

When is Foolz ever not being sarcastic? Nyaa

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 00:08:26
ASK_Story said:   

Ugh, I don't want to imagine if Nintendo anyone bought Capcom. Sad



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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 01:36:29

Ravenprose said:

ASK_Story said:

Ravenprose said:

Foolz said:
I think I'm pretty much used to it by now! Besides we got Wii music, Wii Fit, and Wii sports this gen, so we should be happy. Nyaa

Yeah, Wii Sports Resort kicks ass, so I'm happy. Happy

My sister likes Wii Fit, but she's super casual, so her opinion doesn't count. Nyaa

Hmm, Wii Music? What's that? WinkWink

I think Foolz was being sarcastic, right? Nyaa

When is Foolz ever not being sarcastic? Nyaa

When I'm being ironic. Nyaa

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 11:00:15

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Panties aren't in a bunch and I actually agree and LOLed at your observation. I'm just trying to have a discussion here like what the thread was made for.


My bad. I was ready to tickle your orifice, as capuccino monkeys do when they want to make amends with other monkeys. LOL

I'd say that as long as the concept is well executed, it doesn't matter if the game's a rehash or a new IP. Of course, you have to be more lenient with new IPs because they're trying to break new ground as opposed to established franchises, which sometimes rely on their name to move copies. Not all new IPs should be evaluated with leniency, though.

Take Mirror's Edge, for example. It tries to do something different, flaws and all, and that's something to commend the dev team for. New (somewhat, I guess) concept, flawed execution. Now take Dante's Inferno. A shameless clone of God of War, but apparently without the things that made GoW outstanding in the eyes of so many people. Same concept, but execution inferior to the game it's apeing. Both new IPs, but which should be evaluated differently.

I can take sequels but I like new ideas. That's why I wanted the original Splinter cell conviction concept rather than the return to classic gameplay. I need a new twist, a gimmick if you will.  

Like I said before I am annoyed that Nintendo don't get their sequels out and then just make new IPs after that. With the N64 and cube we all got used to only one game in their big series anyway, they take so long to develop. I think they are an anachronistic company, too conservative in their expansion plans or lack thereof. It's not the Miyamoto show, they have really talented directors, just look at the credits of games like Zelda and mario or metroid and they are all directed by 15 + year vets.

They need to develop talent and expand, put these experienced directors in charge of new studios, buy some people. Do all sorts. But I get the feeling they are in a catch 22. If they do this then 3rd parties complain even more about Nintendomination.

Fact is that its just power holding back the Wii. If it was all Nintendo's currently released titles plus Modern Warfare 2, Assasins Creed 2, Fallout 3, Batman AA etc no one would be complaining about content. They are in a situation where they need 3rd party support but aren't getting it. Tech wise, there is no way out till next gen.

ASK_Story said:
But with all that money and success...and talent...I wish Nintendo took more risks and made more IPs and new characters. Also, I wish they would revitalize older series like Kid Icarus or Pilot Wings. Punch-Out is a great start but I think they can do so much more.

So in general when an old IP is revived year later does it count as new IP in gamers minds or rehash or what? I'm not sure anymore. Metroid was new because it was 3-D. Is that enough to make an IP refreshed? Punch Out is 3D but has the same gameplay right?

Anyhow why dont we try and list the new IP nintendo has made recentely.

I can name Disaster Day of Crisis which is hilariously awesome LOL yet lacks the execution, it could have been amazing with the right budget and help. Like Metroid Prime great. Instead its a really entertaining mish mash of adequately excecuted, disparate content.

The same team, Monolithsoft is making Monado, an original RPG.

Monado: A Nintendo First Party RPG from Monolithsoft and FFXII's Matsuno?

Project Hammer was canned.

Excitetruck and bots were new.

They did publish and hold the rights to games like Another Code and Hotel Dusk, which are cool.

Anything else you guys remember?

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 13:52:22

gamingeek said:

Project Hammer was canned.

I'm still pissed about that one. That game had potential. Smashing things with a giant hammer = fun.  Argh!


Edited: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 13:56:02

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 14:07:22

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Project Hammer was canned.

 I'm still pissed about that one. That game had potential. Smashing things with a giant hammer = fun.  


 Why don't you buy Red Faction Guerilla instead?

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 15:16:31

Iga_Bobovic said:

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Project Hammer was canned.

I'm still pissed about that one. That game had potential. Smashing things with a giant hammer = fun.  


Why don't you buy Red Faction Guerilla instead?

Ditto. I'm waiting for it to cross the hobo threshold.

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 15:53:00

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Project Hammer was canned.

I'm still pissed about that one. That game had potential. Smashing things with a giant hammer = fun.  Argh!


It probably would have turned out like Spyborgs.

Lets hope that Retro's next game is an original IP.

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 17:27:42

So how do we all feel about Nintendo published games in terms of doing new IP?

I just remembered that Endless Ocean is owned and published by them (developed by Arika) and there are soon to be two stunning aquatic adventures in my collection. Happy

Also they are publishing this:

Wii Zangeki no REGINLEIV short Trailer

And commissioned Sin and Punishment 2. And Fatal Frame 4.

Does it have to be internal studios making new IPs for it to count as something different from the company?

Edited: Wed, 23 Dec 2009 17:30:12

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 19:01:24

gamingeek said:

So how do we all feel about Nintendo published games in terms of doing new IP?

I just remembered that Endless Ocean is owned and published by them (developed by Arika) and there are soon to be two stunning aquatic adventures in my collection. Happy

Also they are publishing this:

Wii Zangeki no REGINLEIV short Trailer

And commissioned Sin and Punishment 2. And Fatal Frame 4.

Does it have to be internal studios making new IPs for it to count as something different from the company?

no, i'm very happy for them to commission development teams they don't own to make games like those.  there needs to be a balance though between allowing those studios enough independence and creative freedom and making sure the games are going to turn out alright and will be of a sufficiently high standard.


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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 20:03:37

gamingeek said:

So how do we all feel about Nintendo published games in terms of doing new IP?

I just remembered that Endless Ocean is owned and published by them (developed by Arika) and there are soon to be two stunning aquatic adventures in my collection. Happy

Also they are publishing this:

Wii Zangeki no REGINLEIV short Trailer

And commissioned Sin and Punishment 2. And Fatal Frame 4.

Does it have to be internal studios making new IPs for it to count as something different from the company?

 I think that if Nintendo created a division that did nothing but talent-spot and fund outside development that would be a boon for them.  They have the money to support a significant fail rate even (so, even if 50% of them never got past the first year of development, they'd still be ahead).  That's kind of what they did with Retro -- they let them work for a few months, then trucked in Miyamoto to prune and guide the game -- and that worked out well.

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 20:15:55
Whatever happened to the Q fund?

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Wed, 23 Dec 2009 21:12:22

^I haven't heard about that since the Gamecube days.  Looking at Nintendo's comfort with outsourcing development to  Namco, Capcom, Team , Hudson I have to wonder if it is a Japanese culture comfort thing (that they want to business only within their existing group of relations).  They jettisoned Rare and Retro (as perhaps another indicator of this).

And perhaps this is why they don't have a more aggressive publishing arm.

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Thu, 24 Dec 2009 01:41:09

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Project Hammer was canned.

I'm still pissed about that one. That game had potential. Smashing things with a giant hammer = fun.  Argh!


It'd make you feel like a monkey eventually. Nyaa

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