Forum > Gaming Discussion > So where do we go now?
So where do we go now?
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Archangel3371 (2m)
Okay, so doesn't seem like we got much a response, so I'll summarize and if no-one has anything to add after a few days I think we can move forward and unsticky this thread. A summary:
Six of us got on a Skype chat session to discuss what changes if any were needed to the site and the distribution and use of moderation powers. The conference was publicized through the front page, forums and twitter and given the number of active users on the site and the international time zones, six was enough for us to go ahead.
- Moderation was deemed to be a non-pressing matter for the most part, However, it was agreed that moderation should not fall entirely on Yoda and that long-term users of the site should share in these powers.
- Each user accumulates points on this site. It was agreed that the current moderation powers, which were given to users over 37,000 points, should be given instead to users over 150,000. It was also agreed that these moderation tools could be hidden from view, so that they were not accidentally used. This model provides a scalable and non-subjective way to distribute moderation powers, as well as ensuring that those with moderation powers are fully enculturated into our group (since it takes some time to get to 150K).
- The promotion and functionality of Blogs was also brought up. Iga has taken that conversation into a new stickied thread.
- Finally, I asked if there was anything we could do to help Yoda on the site and it was agreed that the post-production of the podcast was a time-consuming task. I offered to take that over (though I add now, that Foolz and Yoda can edit whenever they want as well).