A conversation inspired by Ni No Kuni
It's not a kid's game? It's a JRPG...based on a Ghibli film. It probably is a kid's game.
Edited: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 03:35:31
Glad you were all amused. She's quite good at giving me crap over the games I play. And since a good chunk of what I play are Japanese developed games, I tend to get a lot of it. Jesus... the things Persona set me up for.
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Té_Rojo (9m)
Last night I was playing Ni No Kuni, and my wife sat down to watch my play it for the first time. The following conversation ensued.
Her: "Is this a kid's game?"
Me: "No, the graphics kind of make you think it though... and the main character is a kid... but it's not a kid's game."
Her: "Okay. What's that thing following behind you?
Me: "Uhhhh he's like the king of the faries or something." (I'm not particularly articulate when I'm playing a game)
Her: "He looks kind of phallic doesn't he?"
Me: "I don't know. I guess."
Her: "And he has a lantern piercing?"
Me: "Yep."
Her: "What's his name?"
Me: ". . .Mr. Drippy."
Her: "The flaccid cock following you around with a piercing is called Mr. Drippy? I guess you're right, this isn't a kid's game."