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Advent Rising Play Thread
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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 11:26:32

First of all, before I get into anything about this Xbox game, As the opening credits rolled there is someone who worked on this game whose name is Sambo Duk.

Sambo Duk!  This game has to be great.

I figured it was about time someone put together a gameplay thread for Advent Rising.  I have not played this before, just heard that it was broken, so I wanted to give it a try.

This game has everything so far. I've been able to play a space shuttle, punch up some dudes in a bar and fire some hand guns.  Ambitious much?  I'm guessnig this is why the game will fall apart.

Nice music, orchestral -- Tommy Tallerico handled it.  Orson Scott Card, recently controversial for ... what was that XBLA game... wrote the script, which so far is pretty good.

This is the game that was meant to be a trilogy and Majesco offered a $1 Million prize that was going to be drawn at random from those that bought the game (but then withdrew the prize and gaev out coupons instead when no-one bought the game).

This game is also supposed to have some religious undertones... should be interesting.

Okay, so space shuttle flight, hand to hand combat, sci-fi Mass Effect Setting and guns.  And babes.  What could go wrong?  Oh and SAMBO DUK!

Okay, one thing so far is that when the music is about to kick in the screen stutters.  And your character kind of floats above everything, out of context, like Ulala did in Space Channel Five.

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:15:46

Hey Space Elevators, just like a current gen game... Except these are not for loading, the loading happens while you run around, as is evident by hte stuttering every now and then.

The orchestral soundtrack that plays in the background during battle comes to a jarring halt when the in-game engine cut scenes kick in.  Or when you pick up ammo, then starts again right away.

The aliens that look like turtle came to tell us that some other aliens are on their way to destroy us... what's that sound? That's the bad aliens.  You can tell they are bad because they use melee, dress in black and look like zombies (and when they talk they growl like lions).

So far, I don't see anything too bad with this game.  For some reason I was expecting an RPG, but it's just third person action so far (though my weapon skills are levelling up).

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:19:32
Orson Scott Card wasn't controversial for that XBLA game, it was because he gives money to anti gay rights causes.  When that game was released debates broke as to whether people should buy the game ... thereby giving him money ... and more money for him to give to wrong causes
Edited: Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:20:04


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:29:28

bugsonglass said:
Orson Scott Card wasn't controversial for that XBLA game, it was because he gives money to anti gay rights causes.  When that game was released debates broke as to whether people should buy the game ... thereby giving him money ... and more money for him to give to wrong causes

Yeah, that's what I meant.  I think the bottom line to all that was, that if we knew the political persuasions of our game devs we'd probably spend a lot of time not buying games.

The less I know about their politics the better, ever since I found out Will Wright was a right-winger I've looked at him in an entirely different light.  (Which is stupid).

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:36:22

aspro said:

bugsonglass said:
Orson Scott Card wasn't controversial for that XBLA game, it was because he gives money to anti gay rights causes.  When that game was released debates broke as to whether people should buy the game ... thereby giving him money ... and more money for him to give to wrong causes

Yeah, that's what I meant.  I think the bottom line to all that was, that if we knew the political persuasions of our game devs we'd probably spend a lot of time not buying games.

The less I know about their politics the better, ever since I found out Will Wright was a right-winger I've looked at him in an entirely different light.  (Which is stupid).

 i kind of feel that just about the only "voice" we have is our hard earned cash so to me it matters but i guess it depends on the individual.

like you i also can't help it when i know/realise some things.  for example i can't nor do i want to ever listen to the works of wagner or anyone like him


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:36:41
I need some pics and videos. 

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:39:49
Try its gog product page. Only $6 too.
portrait.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:49:16

Yeah, gg, I'm bandwidth limted, so sorry for lack of media.

Keep in mind that this game is NOT 360 backward compatible, for play only on the original XB.  (I've decided to play as many non-BC games on my old XB before it dies like it's brother).


This game has dual-wielding.  And some covenent elite just killed one of the main characters.  Still not bad, the glitches are slowing down, so mayeb all those issues were assets that needed to be loaded into a buffer the first time around.

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 14:12:52

For some reason the pics remind me of KOTOR

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 15:52:39

Sambo Steve > Sambo Duk

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 16:04:45
So could this guy take down Fedor?
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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 16:13:23

robio said:
So could this guy take down Fedor?

 Do you mean take down, as in taking Fedor too the ground? Or do you mean take down as in beating Fedor.

Answer to both these questions is hell no.

Sambo Steve is an excellent Combat Sambo practitioner, Fedor is like 8 times Combat Sambo World champion. Fedor competes at Combat Sambo and MMA simultaneously.  

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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 16:16:08
I don't know. . . Sambo Steve has an impressive beard. You don't mess with a guy with a good beard.
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Mon, 07 Jun 2010 21:48:55

gamingeek said:

For some reason the pics remind me of KOTOR

Yeah, when you are on the space station it's very much like the start of KOTOR (I only played the start).  Wide open spaces, some potted plants, groups of people talking together.

It reminds me of Blue Stinger as well, probably because the two lead characters are basically twins.

Forget what I said about good writing too.  When hearing that all of humanity was about to be laid waste the lead character is throwing back wise-cracks (all while also confronting alien life forms for the first time).

Sambo Duk.

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Tue, 08 Jun 2010 04:00:05
A game I've always wanted to get for sure.

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Tue, 08 Jun 2010 10:13:28

Okay, so you escape the space station and crash in the desert on a planet.  What next?  Dune buggies of course!  So you can add vehicles to space travel, hand to hand combat and run and gun.  After you drive around the desert (with no navigation whatsoever) you get into the city... and then drive a warthog like dune buggy around the river... then the sewer... and by now I'm sick of the damn buggies.

Now my girlfriend is the one dropping the wisecracks while we are in danger of losing our lives.  

This game was really ambitious.  I could see how if you did not actually play it (like you were a manager in charge who didn;t know how to make the game, and never played it) you'd have a tough time understanding why this game is poor.  But... it is.

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Thu, 10 Jun 2010 02:33:54

So, okay, now they've added some turrent action, pretty cool.  Unlike in Halo you can actually blast dropships out of the air.  The game has now settled into a regular blend of run and gun shooting and vehicular control, with very many short cutscenes in between.

The levels are pretty wide open with no navigation/ radar whatsoever, so I just keep running toward the enemies.  I am currently in a modern city that has been laid to waste.

The game would be so much beter without cutscenes, as they add very little and are jarring when they kick in and out.  There are definately technical issues surrounding how they handled the music.  It just stops and starts at the start and end of the cutscenes in a very obvious way.

Plus the game has frozen twice during the cutscenes.

They don't put the HUD up unless you are in combat, which is a nice touch for way back then.

It's doable on the XB, I could not see tolerating this on the PC for more than 40 seconds.  If I had to control these vehicles with a keyboard I'd flip out.  They often have you drive the vehicles over narrow bridge at great heights (with no guard rails).  

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Thu, 10 Jun 2010 12:04:19

Okay, I went to a faq to check something about the story cause I skipped what I thought was an inconsequential cutscene, and then turned up in a spaceship with a bunch of weirdness.

So I know now, after a few more hours of gaming that I'm fairly close to the end.

So a short, almost broken game.  Sambo Duk, what where you thinking.

Ahh... so...  I just beat a boss named Barrakka Bahma.

Go ahead, say it out loud and then freak the fuck out. Barrakka Bahma! (okay, some of you are a little slow so I'll help --  Barrack Obama -- Barracko Bama -- Barrakka Bahma).

This game was made in 2005, four years before his presidential election.  He came to national prominance during his address to the DNC in July 2004, so it's not inconceivable that one of the right wingers behind the game (like Orson Scott Card) made this choice on purpose, but even so, when you are not ready for it, it's kinda weird.

I feel that this thread is fulfilling a vacuum somehow, perhaps this moment was it's destiny.

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Fri, 11 Jun 2010 04:23:02
Barrakka Bahmna. I have got to get this somehow. LOL

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Fri, 11 Jun 2010 11:14:11

Here's the proof.  He's tough to beat (and yes he is black).

barrakka bahma

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