Forum > Gaming Discussion > Akuma lives!!!!
Akuma lives!!!!
This guy seems a bit too high-risk to hang around for too long. That ridiculous wrestling move goes against all MMA techniques (I guess it was just for fan appeal). He could have got himself screwed over there. Not to mention starting with a hurricane kick??? The guy caught his leg, but it could have been much worse. When you throw that much force at someone, you're just asking to get KO'd and his career would be over right there.
The backflip guard pass was also awesome. It's even better than Mark Hunt's Atomic Butt Drop
But this one is more badass
You will be surprised how many thing work that are not supposed to work. See Genki Sudo. But who cares if he gets KTFO. If he is entertaining I will watch. End of Story
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Archangel3371 (2m)
For realz!
His MMA name Zaromskis. Remember it! Z-A-R-O-M-S-K-I-S
Check it out over here!
Akuma's Entrance
Some of his awesome moves
Akuma immediately starts with a hurricane kick
Nice combo
See him dodging what can only be an air Haduken
Too awesome, can't believe he tried this. He failed but awesome!!
So this must be what a Raging Demon looks like!
Always good sportsmanship afterwards
Backflip medal launching move
So what does the public say...
Two thumbs up! Indeed!
See the full fight here:
Marius Zaromskis vs Seichi Ikemoto DREAM 8 fight Video