Nope. I've only been to that site a couple times, mostly when a news article here directs me there.
As far as personal info, I don't give it out to any gaming site. If an email address is required, I just use my a free Yahoo email account, which I created specifically for that purpose.
ASK_Story said:Just wondering if any of you guys post at Gaf? I know you guys talk about it a lot and spot VGPRess members hiding themselves there.
My question is, how does one join this place?
Also, (this may be a stupid question, but) is it a safe site to join? I mean, is it okay to give out personal info like email, things like that, or does it have any adware, spyware, malware, etc., I should worry about? I know, dumb questions. I'm paranoid when it comes to joining websites, even well known ones.
Anyway, thinking about joining.
Basically, you need a proper e-mail address. Not a free one like a Hotmail one, if I can recall. Once you've submitted your registration, your account needs to be screened...which takes fucking forever.
I've thought about joining, but I always turn away at the last moment. I keep getting reminded that although it's usually a good place for news, I find that a lot of people there are fucking arrogant and think that they're better than you.
Not to diss anyone on here that actually does have a GAF account, but I don't want to be part of THAT conversation.
Me me me! Yeah I have been a member for years now and it is an excellent site to be a part of, they can help with almost anything.
But to get it is a pain. You need a real unique e-mail, not a free one, something from a university or job. No spam, its safe. It will take forever for them to accept you.
Dvader said:You learn stuff like this only on gaf:
That is awesome.
Awesome Mario 3 stuff. I really enjoy reading the forums there because it can be quite informative, funny, and they all seem to have a great enthusiasm for games. Also they have the best gifs anywhere bar none, especially during E3.
I'm a member. You need a real paid for email which is an ass and it takes forever to get approved. Its good for reading, news and such which anyone can do regardless of having an account. But its pretty useless to me to post there. You cant have an actual decent conversation because there are far too many people for a start, the format is hard to read, there are no sigs so you cant easily recognise people.
And there are asses on the site too. Not everyone or anything but some redundent asshole will usually bring down the mood. It's not really worth posting there. I only do it when bored once in a blue moon.
GAF: Read it, don't write it.
gamingeek said:I'm a member. You need a real paid for email which is an ass and it takes forever to get approved. Its good for reading, news and such which anyone can do regardless of having an account. But its pretty useless to me to post there. You cant have an actual decent conversation because there are far too many people for a start, the format is hard to read, there are no sigs so you cant easily recognise people.
This, its a pain to get into an actual game debate. I post there when I need a question answered or to talk about game tips and such, never to get into an opinion based debate cause its pointless.
It's great for reading threads on niche games and getting early opinions on titles. Import games too.
As I said, reading. You dont need an account for that.
I think Punk likes posting there as he likes arguments

Foolz said:I don't need to because you all post the stuff worth seeing there!
^^^ this pretty much sums it up for me. i don't want to have to go through such hassle when i know there are people from here scouting it for news and fun stuff.
rragnaar said:I've had an account for a few years. I really like GAF. I don't really have any friends there, but I'd say that the majority of my forum browsing happens at GAF.
But how much do you actually post there?
gamingeek said:rragnaar said:I've had an account for a few years. I really like GAF. I don't really have any friends there, but I'd say that the majority of my forum browsing happens at GAF.But how much do you actually post there?
I probably have two or three posts a day on GAF, five or six here, and about 20ish on GS on average. Like I said, I don't really have many friends of GAF.

Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilerragnaar said:gamingeek said:rragnaar said:I've had an account for a few years. I really like GAF. I don't really have any friends there, but I'd say that the majority of my forum browsing happens at GAF.But how much do you actually post there?
I probably have two or three posts a day on GAF, five or six here, and about 20ish on GS on average. Like I said, I don't really have many friends of GAF.
Judging by your 6 posts a day here you don't have many friends here either!
Seriously, its good to see you regularly after all this time Wish Godmode would ass over for a spell too.
My question is, how does one join this place?
Also, (this may be a stupid question, but) is it a safe site to join? I mean, is it okay to give out personal info like email, things like that, or does it have any adware, spyware, malware, etc., I should worry about? I know, dumb questions. I'm paranoid when it comes to joining websites, even well known ones.
Anyway, thinking about joining.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns