Forum > Non-Gaming Discussion > Are ties dead?
Are ties dead?
No way. Ties are vintage cool now.
2. for sure.
I own two ties. I haven't worn either one in about 8 years.
I never wear a tie to work, only special occasions like weddings.
I like ties, but yeah it's been years since I've worn one outside of a wedding. Even work functions are an exception to the rule. I always assumed that was more of a Florida thing though. And I think the last time I wore was actually a bolo.
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I saw an article in WAPO, I think about how ties are dead (three ex prez's met, none of them wore a tie).
They said coivd killed them off.
Is this true? When I worked int he states I wore a tie my entire life. Here in Au no-one hardly wears a tie unless you are wearing a suit, and even then I'd say less than half of the people I see in suits are wearign tise any more.
If I turn up to work now with a tie on i get one of two responses:
1. Who died?
2. Do you have a job interview today?