And sorry, I haven't played Uncharted. Don't have a PS3.

And you have to watch Batman Begins and Dark Knight. Just forget those old Joe Shumacher Batmans ever happened! The Tim Burton ones were good for its time though.
I do like Ghostbusters and want to pick it up someday, but I have to go with Batman on this one.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I haven't played the game and will get it much later.
I read a letter on GC that said something like people had to reign in the praise and that it was great but wasn't AMAZING but that it looked good compared to the waft of superhero piddle out there. Sort of like a Chronicles of Riddick situation.
aspro73 said:^Mrs. Aspro just finished the new Riddick, and that game, along with the re-packaged Chronicles, would have to be one of the most underappreciated titles of all time.
Wasn't Raven hyped about that game? Didn't pick it up?
gamingeek said:aspro73 said:^Mrs. Aspro just finished the new Riddick, and that game, along with the re-packaged Chronicles, would have to be one of the most underappreciated titles of all time.Wasn't Raven hyped about that game? Didn't pick it up?
Lack of money, and the fact that I've already beat Butcher's Bay on the original Xbox three times, is why I haven't picked it up yet. I will get it as soon as the price goes down a bit more, though. $30 is the sweet spot. If I hadn't already played Butcher's Bay, it totally would have been worth full price.
Ravenprose said:gamingeek said:aspro73 said:^Mrs. Aspro just finished the new Riddick, and that game, along with the re-packaged Chronicles, would have to be one of the most underappreciated titles of all time.Wasn't Raven hyped about that game? Didn't pick it up?
Lack of money, and the fact that I've already beat Butcher's Bay on the original Xbox three times, is why I haven't picked it up yet. I will get it as soon as the price goes down a bit more, though. $30 is the sweet spot. If I hadn't already played Butcher's Bay, it totally would have been worth full price.
Isn't there like 15 hrs or something of new content? So practically a whole new game there as well?
gamingeek said:Ravenprose said:gamingeek said:aspro73 said:^Mrs. Aspro just finished the new Riddick, and that game, along with the re-packaged Chronicles, would have to be one of the most underappreciated titles of all time.Wasn't Raven hyped about that game? Didn't pick it up?
Lack of money, and the fact that I've already beat Butcher's Bay on the original Xbox three times, is why I haven't picked it up yet. I will get it as soon as the price goes down a bit more, though. $30 is the sweet spot. If I hadn't already played Butcher's Bay, it totally would have been worth full price.
Isn't there like 15 hrs or something of new content? So practically a whole new game there as well?
The new content is mostly Assault on Dark Athena, and it's only around 6-8 hours of extra gameplay. There's also an online mode, but it doesn't interest me at all.
Oh absolutely. I'm a Marvel fan myself but this game is THE best super-hero game I have ever played and just a fantastic game in general. It's definitely GotY material.
Oh yeah and as for any embargos people may have for Eidos, throw them out the window because Square-Enix is in charge now.
Its definetely a GOTY contender but it wont win in most places.
Compared to Uncharted I would say that the Uncharted franchise has better graphics cause Naughty Dog is specifically making the game for the PS3. Still the level of polish in Batman is at a top level.
I played both Ghostbusters and Batman and its no contest, Batman by a mile. Ghostbusters is one of those good summer games you rent or own if you have disposable money. Its enjoyable but nothing spectacular. Batman is one of the best games of the year.
gamingeek said:Oh I thought it was longer.
That's what she said. No about 8-9 hours, plus the original Riddick, but the original is so good and they use their new enine (which is amazing). Certainly the thinking man's shooter.
Archangel3371 said:
Oh yeah and as for any embargos people may have for Eidos, throw them out the window because Square-Enix is in charge now.
Yeah, the embago of which I speak was one that Eidos applied to the gaming media (the required a certain review percentage and a cover in order to include the game in a magazine before a certain date). I don't ban any game dev or publisher.
Dvader said:Its definetely a GOTY contender but it wont win in most places.
Compared to Uncharted I would say that the Uncharted franchise has better graphics cause Naughty Dog is specifically making the game for the PS3. Still the level of polish in Batman is at a top level.
I played both Ghostbusters and Batman and its no contest, Batman by a mile. Ghostbusters is one of those good summer games you rent or own if you have disposable money. Its enjoyable but nothing spectacular. Batman is one of the best games of the year.
Well, that's all I needed to know. Did you go with the PS3 or XB version?
I'm not that into Batman, I mean I was a long time ago, but haven't seen a Batman movie since the one with Robin in it.
For those of you who have played Uncharted, how does it compare in terms of quality (as it relates to production values)?
And for those who have played both this game and Ghostbusters, which one to get if you were only getting one? I am planning to get PS3 version.