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At what stage did you quit a "popular" game? *SPOILERS*
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Fri, 10 Jun 2011 03:29:31

Too many to list. I can tell you that the first popular game (and really the first non-crap game) I ever gave up on was Final Fantasy X. Before then I always forced myself to finish a game even if I didn't like it. FFX was the revelation and I ended up quitting that with about 2 hours to until the end.

Now I quit games all the time if I'm not having fun.  Super Paper Mario, LKS, Monster Hunter Tri, Assassin's Creed, Arkham Asylum all spring to mind as recent gammes I tossed aside.

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Fri, 10 Jun 2011 03:32:56

Do you remember at what point you quit Arkham Asylum and LKS?

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Fri, 10 Jun 2011 13:00:50
aspro said:

Do you remember at what point you quit Arkham Asylum and LKS?

I do. I quit Arkham fairly early. Just a couple hours in. I do intended to go back to it one day, but it's really low on the totum pole. I didn't think it was bad, just not worth any of the hype it received and thus not really worth my attention at this point in time.

LKS I quit after 8 hours or so. I got to a boss Oni fight that I repeatedly failed at and eventually threw my hands up and said that's enough.

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Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:09:05
I have trouble completing JRPGs and oftentimes wonder why I get them in the first place. I finished FFX but couldn't be bothered with X2...too boring for me.  I abandoned Fallout 3 only to start again 2 years later and finish it.  I just had too
Many games going on at one time and lost interest in it.  I'm afraid to start Oblivion because i'
Playing too many games at the moment and am afraid I'll get bored of that too.
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Fri, 10 Jun 2011 22:41:59

My advice with Oblivion, if you are pressed for time, is to do what I did, which is stick to the main story -- you can beat it in about 12 hours.

It was such a great world, I hope to go back later this year, before Skyrim, and do a bunch of the side missions.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 00:20:14
aspro said:

My advice with Oblivion, if you are pressed for time, is to do what I did, which is stick to the main story -- you can beat it in about 12 hours.

It was such a great world, I hope to go back later this year, before Skyrim, do a bunch of the side missions and slaughter the innocent inhabitants of a town or two for some potion ingredients.

You sick bastard!

Edited: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 00:20:57
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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 03:38:52

Can't say I didn't enjoy it.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 09:58:32

Funny thing with me, all the games I seem to quit are just near the end. Guess I just get sick of their shit. But examples!

*KOTOR - Kinda quitting by default. We had to reformat the computer I was running the game on, and I wasn't able to get my saves off. Those saves in question? I had two save games wherein I was roughly at the same point (both Jedi/Sith at the Star Forge). My Jedi save was literally at the final battle to boot. And I was not playing another 20 fucking hours to get back to that.

*KOTOR II - As much as I adore the game, I finally got sick of one particularly bad mechanic. The game often puts you in scenarios where you're forced to use characters outside of your main party, often with no chance to prep them. As such, I mostly rolled all Jedis. HK was the only non-Jedi I rolled. So one scenario pops up like this, and with characters I used only once. Couldn't progress from that point.

*Jak II - I put up with so much of this games shit that it's not funny. The forced skateboarding/racing stuff that made you race perfectly, the combat stuff wherein you couldn't fuck up because there was little to no health...I lost it at one particular mission towards the end where you had to defend two characters from an onslaught of enemies. And thanks to the way the mechanics work, you couldn't shoot through them or barge through them, because they'd take damage. And they shared one health bar. I quit after 24 fucking hours of game time, and literally a handful of missions towards the end.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 15:30:10

aspro said:

In Bayonetta I tried playing it twice, but gave up on the third level.  I just got bored with the fighting, even though I was enjoying the world and character.  Plus I had no real direction as to where to go.

Same for me.

Also recentely gave up on GTA San Andreas, did this mission where you were a cat burglar and it was so uninspired I just could not take any more.

Aspro on LKS are you talking about the quiz show boss? You just answer the questions, check a faq, it's fairly easy but you have to know what you are doing.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 15:53:59

I quit so any games due to being distracted by something else it's not even funny. However, sooner or later I come back to them. Very few games have pissed me off in such a way I'm sure I won't be coming back, though. Such as Condemned, with its shit game design and insulting investigating mechanics. Trauma Center, second opinion I got pretty far in it, but got stuck in a mission that was pure bullshit and just said "fuck this shit". Little Big Planet on the story mode, with its boring level design and awkward physics. Lost Winds 2, which...oh wait. You said popular games. Nevermind then.

The next one might very well be Infamous. Holy crap does it have a shit and boring start.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 16:04:48

Condemned 1 was good.


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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 16:09:26

It had killer atmosphere. The rest was poop on a stick.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 16:14:14
SteelAttack said:

It had killer atmosphere. The rest was poop on a stick.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 16:17:32

That's a pretty accurate Condemned screenshot. Is that a bullshot, though? I don't remember it looking that good.

On an unrelated note, I'm going to buy a Wii U to play the next Animal Crossing with you again.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 16:26:27
SteelAttack said:

That's a pretty accurate Condemned screenshot. Is that a bullshot, though? I don't remember it looking that good.

On an unrelated note, I'm going to buy a Wii U to play the next Animal Crossing with you again.

I might get the 3DS version though Nyaa

So me and your wife can do the horizontal dance in 3D. LOL

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 16:52:08
gamingeek said:

I might get the 3DS version though Nyaa

So me and your wife can do the horizontal dance in 3D. LOL

Ha! Joke's on you, since I'm not getting a 3DS ever!

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 17:45:44

Struggled to keep playing Bayonetta I hated the parts where it made you jump through portals doing that stupid speed kick jump thing which I could never get the hang of, I just gave up. I liked Condemed GRRR, the second one though boy if you thought the first was poop be glad you never tried the piece of shit that is 2nd.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 22:20:50
darthhomer said:

*Jak II - I put up with so much of this games shit that it's not funny. The forced skateboarding/racing stuff that made you race perfectly, the combat stuff wherein you couldn't fuck up because there was little to no health...I lost it at one particular mission towards the end where you had to defend two characters from an onslaught of enemies. And thanks to the way the mechanics work, you couldn't shoot through them or barge through them, because they'd take damage. And they shared one health bar. I quit after 24 fucking hours of game time, and literally a handful of missions towards the end.

I also gave up Jak 2 at one of those damn races where you had to hit every corner and jump perfectly. I was not 24 hours in, probably only 3-5.

SteelAttack said:

It had killer atmosphere. The rest was poop on a stick.

The atmosphere was enough to carry the game though. I loved that creepy game.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 22:53:02
aspro said:
darthhomer said:

*Jak II - I put up with so much of this games shit that it's not funny. The forced skateboarding/racing stuff that made you race perfectly, the combat stuff wherein you couldn't fuck up because there was little to no health...I lost it at one particular mission towards the end where you had to defend two characters from an onslaught of enemies. And thanks to the way the mechanics work, you couldn't shoot through them or barge through them, because they'd take damage. And they shared one health bar. I quit after 24 fucking hours of game time, and literally a handful of missions towards the end.

I also gave up Jak 2 at one of those damn races where you had to hit every corner and jump perfectly. I was not 24 hours in, probably only 3-5.

There was one race in particular which was fucking horseshit - instead of being on a track, it was set on the open world on one of the bike-type rides, and you needed to go through a series of rings. The full traffic was also there, and you needed to hit your line perfectly or else you'd lose. Had no real issue with the proper races, because they weren't so bad.

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Sun, 12 Jun 2011 16:03:04
_Bear said:

Struggled to keep playing Bayonetta I hated the parts where it made you jump through portals doing that stupid speed kick jump thing which I could never get the hang of, I just gave up. I liked Condemed GRRR, the second one though boy if you thought the first was poop be glad you never tried the piece of shit that is 2nd.

I always wanted to try the second but everyone hates it. What is so bad?

And I have to renege on my withdrawl of GTA San Andreas as I played some more last night. Some GTA stuff needs to just be fixed already. I had a choice of two missions and before you do them you have no idea what they involve. In this case it was two shootout missions where really ammo and body armour was needed. So I died and then went to the gun shop, if I had got body armour I would then have to drive all the way back home to save then all the way back to the waypoint to start the mission again.

Strangely though, the gun shop was not there, even though it was on the map. I drove about on a motorcycle, I even scaled the buildings to get a birds eye view. I went up to all the doors and garage doors, seeing if it would open and show me this gun shop. But it was invisible. indecision

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