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Back in my day...
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Joined: 2009-02-25
Mon, 20 Jul 2009 15:10:59

This was my first handheld. You moved a tank from one end of the screen to the other while dodging bombs that planes dropped.  Got it in 1987 when my family was was moving from New England to Atlanta.  It was a two or three day car trip so this was to be my entertainment.  And as soon as it got dark in the car I couldn't play it anymore. . .

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Joined: 2008-06-21
Mon, 20 Jul 2009 16:17:33

ASK_Story said:

darthhomer said:

ASK_Story said:

darthhomer said:
Back in my day, Australia used to be bad with getting video games. We'd get games months or years after  the original releases...and since there wasn't an internet back then, we cannot bitch about it. Hell, there were many games that were not released at all. For instance, we never recieved any Square game prior to FF7, and I'm convinced that Nintendo will never release Earthbound in Europe.

Though it's not so bad now. Granted, some companies will refuse to release games down here (I WANT THE THIRD PHOENIX WRIGHT GAME. NOT THE FOURTH), but for some of the larger games (GTA, Metal Gear etc.), we'll get them without issue.

Wow. You guys got the first two Phoenix Wright games but not the third one? I wonder why that is. That kind of sucks. The third one is the best in the series too.

You should order it through Play-Asia and play it. It's definitely my favorite one in the series and IMO, the best one in the entire Ace Attorney series.

Oh, I've played the 3rd game. Don't you worry.

Never quite got around to thanking you for getting me into the series, by the way.

For reals? Did I get you into the series? I must've recommended it some how. I guess I forgot I did that because I don't know how many times I recommended this series to everyone I come across who asks for good DS games to play.

It really is my favorite series of all-time, period. The only criticism I have of the series is that there's absolutely no replay value, unlike the Super Mario games.

Anyway, can't wait for Miles Edgeworth's Perfect Prosecutor!

I've replayed the first game 3 times, the second and third twice each and I will get around to a second playthrough of the 4th soon. For me there is replay value because its like reading your favourite comic or watching your favourite toon series again.

BTW, I remember a time of gaming on PCs...... well before windows. Text adventures anyone? Nyaa

Country: US
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Joined: 2009-03-24
Tue, 21 Jul 2009 07:31:32

gamingeek said:

ASK_Story said:

darthhomer said:

ASK_Story said:

darthhomer said:
Back in my day, Australia used to be bad with getting video games. We'd get games months or years after  the original releases...and since there wasn't an internet back then, we cannot bitch about it. Hell, there were many games that were not released at all. For instance, we never recieved any Square game prior to FF7, and I'm convinced that Nintendo will never release Earthbound in Europe.

Though it's not so bad now. Granted, some companies will refuse to release games down here (I WANT THE THIRD PHOENIX WRIGHT GAME. NOT THE FOURTH), but for some of the larger games (GTA, Metal Gear etc.), we'll get them without issue.

Wow. You guys got the first two Phoenix Wright games but not the third one? I wonder why that is. That kind of sucks. The third one is the best in the series too.

You should order it through Play-Asia and play it. It's definitely my favorite one in the series and IMO, the best one in the entire Ace Attorney series.

Oh, I've played the 3rd game. Don't you worry.

Never quite got around to thanking you for getting me into the series, by the way.

For reals? Did I get you into the series? I must've recommended it some how. I guess I forgot I did that because I don't know how many times I recommended this series to everyone I come across who asks for good DS games to play.

It really is my favorite series of all-time, period. The only criticism I have of the series is that there's absolutely no replay value, unlike the Super Mario games.

Anyway, can't wait for Miles Edgeworth's Perfect Prosecutor!

I've replayed the first game 3 times, the second and third twice each and I will get around to a second playthrough of the 4th soon. For me there is replay value because its like reading your favourite comic or watching your favourite toon series again.

BTW, I remember a time of gaming on PCs...... well before windows. Text adventures anyone? Nyaa

I can see what you mean. But for me, Phoenix Wright is all about the surprise and unexpected. Although it'd still be fun the second or third time around, nothing beats the first run through. I thrived and savored that first play through of these games. That's why I can't wait for Perfect Prosecutor. Hopefully it's great also.


Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns

Country: GB
Comments: 48846
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Joined: 2008-06-21
Tue, 21 Jul 2009 19:51:25

I find that while you remember the plot bits, you do forget the exact ways to unlock the cases in cross examination.

And you can skip text on repeat plays which is fun.

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