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Batman Arkham City Thread Of Batman & Robin Returns Forever
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Fri, 21 Oct 2011 21:27:55

I've got to say that one thing we forgot to mention is th musical score. It's phenomenal! I found myself hearing the main theme in my head all day at work.

*Checks out iTunes*

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Fri, 21 Oct 2011 21:31:21
travo said:

I've got to say that one thing we forgot to mention is th musical score. It's phenomenal! I found myself hearing the main theme in my head all day at work.

*Checks out iTunes*

Yeah, agreed there. It feels a lot like the score to the Nolan Batman films (more so Dark Knight), but do love otherwise.

EDIT: Oh, it's up there! As well as the...other soundtrack.

Edited: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 21:34:13

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Fri, 21 Oct 2011 23:54:03
darthhomer said:

Finished it last night. Very satisfied with the way it all concluded, which is something I couldn't honestly say about Asylum, but otherwise generally happy with the game.

Are you going to do a review for it?

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Sat, 22 Oct 2011 22:29:13
Dvader said:

Are you going to do a review for it?

A written one? I've been thinking of it.

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Sun, 23 Oct 2011 03:21:40
darthhomer said:

A written one? I've been thinking of it.

Any kind, something more than a few sentences. Nyaa

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Sun, 23 Oct 2011 04:09:27

I've played a big chunk of this game today and made it past my second official boss. How can a sequel be so much better than a game I already considered my GOTY back in 2009? There's never a shortage of jaw dropping moments, like in the World of Wonder. I'm having trouble finding a fault with this one....ok, here's one, Strange's PSA is annoying.

I love, LOVE stalking bad guys. It's such an empowering feeling to swoop down and pick them off one by one, especially when they have new toys to play with as well. Stealth or a straight on fight? You choose. GOTY, so far? Hell yes!


The moment with Bane was especially cool today. I fought with Bane!

What is everyone's trophy count so far? I've collected about 140. Anyone going for all of them?

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Sun, 23 Oct 2011 05:59:35

I've got less than one hundred trophies, but that's more because I was focused on clearing the story first, then I might go back to them.

And after hearing that there are actually interview tapes similar to AA, I'm half tempted to go back in and find that shit.

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Sun, 23 Oct 2011 06:05:24

I will get every single riddler trophy, I find that stuff to be fun as hell. They are like a ton of mini puzzles.

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Sun, 23 Oct 2011 21:48:49
I finished 3 sidequests today, all quite different from each other.  The plan is to finish the sidequests and main game, then pick up the remaining Riddler trophies in between Uncharted 3 play times.  I can't believe it, but there's too much good stuff to play ATM.

Game developers and publishers!  It wouldn't kill you to release some of these AAA titles during the summer drought or perhaps in January or February.  It worked for RE 4. Just sayin'.
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Sun, 13 Nov 2011 21:19:04

I'm playing like 10 games at once at the moment, so I have been neglecting posting in this topic. I just wanted to mention two things about AC that I absolutely loved:

  • The interview with the Mad Hatter. AWESOME! The voice-acting is beyond good and the writing is perfect!
  • I was completely intrigued with Wonder City / Old Gotham. It seemed like a little slice of Rapture underneath Gotham! I walked around for a loooong time just looking at the individual store-fronts and reading the signs. It was so. well. done!
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Fri, 29 Mar 2013 05:09:13

I just heard someone say the ending was great.

I beat this game last year, I don;t remember the ending.

So what happened?

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Fri, 29 Mar 2013 11:46:17

It ended.

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Sat, 30 Mar 2013 01:47:44
gamingeek said:

It ended.

That does sound pretty memorable (not sure what's wrong with you Aspro), but next time you post a spoiler could you please include a warning?

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Sat, 30 Mar 2013 02:16:41
aspro said:

I just heard someone say the ending was great.

I beat this game last year, I don;t remember the ending.

So what happened?

How do you not remember?!?!!  SPOILERS ........... Huge spoilers...



The Joker died. Basically killing Mark Hamills Joker, kind of his goodbye.

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Sat, 30 Mar 2013 02:23:38


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Sat, 30 Mar 2013 02:41:49
Ravenprose said:


Why did you read that?

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Sat, 30 Mar 2013 02:47:39
Dvader said:

Why did you read that?

Because it was there. Nyaa

I honestly don't care about spoilers in that particular game anyway.

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Sat, 30 Mar 2013 03:20:01

Raven's like me, he reads a them just because they're there.  I remember reading tons of StAr Wars prequel spoilers though I didn't want to be spoiled.

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