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Batman:Arkham Origins impressions thread.
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Sat, 26 Oct 2013 03:23:26

Ok, after debating this for a while, I decided to pick up Batman Arkham Origins today.  Many are on the fence about buying this, mainly because Rocksteady is sitting this one out.  The reviews are very mixed, most of the negatives are that it's more of the same, with nothing innovative or original about it.  My thoughts are if it's more of the same as Arkham City....then sign me up!  

So let's consider this the impressions thread for the few of us to buy this, bad reviews be damned!

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Sat, 26 Oct 2013 03:32:25

I'm very, very, early so far.  I'll get a big chunk of time to play this tomorrow, at work.   So far, I'm liking it a lot.  The combat and graphics are pretty much the same, but the story has some interesting turns early on. I'm not sure I like the design of Batman's mask.  It's different somehow from the two previous Arkham games, like his face looks a little too squished. I'm at Blackgate at the moment. I'm already excited ten minutes in because I see some familiar baddies that I can't wait to battle.  Without spoiling too much, there's a guy that most felt wasn't given a proper battle with Batman in the first game.  Hopefully they'll fix that in this one.

The audio on the Wii U version is kinda crapping out on me.  I can't hear the voice actors on the TV, but I can hear them perfectly on the game pad. I suppose that's alright since I'll be playing this on the game pad 90% of the time.

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Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:48:08

Cool thread, I was curious about this one.

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Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:49:19

Does the game have any of the u exclusive pad features that City armoured edition had?

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Sun, 27 Oct 2013 02:39:05

Ok, I have more impressions after five hours of gaming. The game is good, bordering on great, with a few flaws keeping it from being Arkham City great.  

The pros:

-Gotham City is huge!   You'll recognize practically the whole map from Arkham City. It makes up about 60-70 percent of the Origins map.

-The music is very nice.  I'm not quite humming it like Arkham City's yet, but still fun to listen to.

-Free flow fighting is as great as it ever was, including some new moves for the Batman.  Takedowns NEVER get old.

-A slew of new villains that we've never seen in an Arkham game.

-the voice acting is top notch.   I have yet to hear Troy Baker, but everyone else has done a great job.  

-One short, hilarious boss encounter.

-Deathstroke! Deathstroke! Deathstroke!  This battle was so epic, freaking tough as nails, with a great combination of context sensitive button encounters and free form.

The cons:

-I had audio glitches early on that dampened the experience.

- if you're playing with the U pad, it takes some work to get it to work off screen.  I was working today, no TV, and had to completely guess how to get it to work with absolutely no screen to look at.

-I guess the biggest disappointment is the lack of Easter eggs.  There's no incentive to explore Gotham.  There's Riddler data packs, which are not nearly as fun to collect as the trophies.  My favorite part of the Arkham series is finding the hidden treasures.

Guys, this is NOT a '6' type of game. Ignore those scores.   This is a must buy for fans of the previous games.

Edited: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 11:43:09
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Sun, 27 Oct 2013 11:40:48

Thanks for the impressions man....I just picked it up myself but probably won't play it right away.


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Sun, 27 Oct 2013 21:50:35

I'm not getting it until Christmas which will be perfect since the game takes place on Christmas Eve.


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Sun, 27 Oct 2013 22:36:13

OMG detective mode is so much better in this game.  I'm actually solving crimes like the greatest detective in the world.

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Mon, 28 Oct 2013 13:02:28
travo said:

OMG detective mode is so much better in this game.  I'm actually solving crimes like the greatest detective in the world.

How is it different?

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Mon, 28 Oct 2013 13:59:17
travo said:

Ok, after debating this for a while, I decided to pick up Batman Arkham Origins today.  Many are on the fence about buying this, mainly because Rocksteady is sitting this one out.  The reviews are very mixed, most of the negatives are that it's more of the same, with nothing innovative or original about it.  My thoughts are if it's more of the same as Arkham City....then sign me up!  

So let's consider this the impressions thread for the few of us to buy this, bad reviews be damned!

That's typically my view on games I like as well.  I just did not like the second one, so Arkham will stop there for me.

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Mon, 28 Oct 2013 14:32:06
aspro said:

That's typically my view on games I like as well.  I just did not like the second one, so Arkham will stop there for me.

Yeah the reviews for Origins sound like what reviews for City should have been for me. I'll wait on an Origins price drop by which time a next gen version will be announced...

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Tue, 29 Oct 2013 03:12:52
gamingeek said:

How is it different?

Well, in one case, the police suspected the Penguin killed someone.  They guessed the Penguin because of how low the entry wound was in the body. Batman discovered that the killer actually sat in a chair, coming to that conclusion from the indentions in the linoleum. LOL  I also analyzed blood splatter to determine where someone was killed and gun residue to figure the position of the killer.  Much better than following a tobacco trail to find Gordon. Lol

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Tue, 29 Oct 2013 10:50:06

I'm intrigued.

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Tue, 29 Oct 2013 15:38:12

I maybe hyping it a bit too much.  You go to a crime scene, click on the first person detective mode and use your gamepad to look around and check out your surroundings (Maybe the only good use for the gamepad in this game).  You want to look for points of interest and scan them.  They will help to give you a timeline which you can actually watch, fast forward, rewind possibly to catch other clues.  

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:51:22

So it uses the gyros? I hear it has a second screen map? Anything else?

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:37:51

You can check out the map on the gamepad and listen to police reports through the speakers. Barbara Gordon eventually talks to you through the speakers as well.

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:58:22

Love getting audio communications through the gamepad speakers, wish Deus Ex did that.

Is the map realtime showing bad guys positions? Is the map touchscreen powered and can you set waypoint on it or annotate?

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Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:19:25

I played through the Mad Hatter's area last night.  Freaky fun!  Of course, it's an attempt to imitate the Scarecrow sections in AA, but still fun.

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Sun, 03 Nov 2013 03:03:28

I'm about to eat my words when I said this was not as good as Arkham City.  It's freaking brilliant at times with a fun story, maybe my favorite story in the trilogy.  Sure, it's not original, but neither was AC.  Batman has some KILLER weapons, especially the remote batclaw, the disruptor and the shock gauntlets.  They are almost too powerful.  But I've gotta say, they come in really handy when fighting a gang of fifty people.  Also, I'm still loving the detective mode in this game.

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Sun, 03 Nov 2013 21:06:35

Are the fights as spammy as Arkham City? 30 guys in a row mass brawls?

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