Foolz said:In before Iga's:
Define art or get the fuck out with this useless discussion
fixed that
The rest of the article has some good points, but in my opinion is a bit too bloated.
Iga_Bobovic said:fixed that
The rest of the article has some good points, but in my opinion is a bit too bloated.
You've changed, man, it used to be about the pornography.
I just finished playing two games with ridiculously high production values, Mirror's Edge, which has a story that could be written, and only could be enjoyed by, a sock puppet. It did not decrease the level of enjoyment I derived from the game.
The other game, Yakuza 3, submerges you into a present day world so much so that when the story kicks in you feel like you are personally invested in the outcome. This has been the case in all the Yakuza games -- you feel like you are a part of the world, and so whatever happens takes on more meaning.
Another game I just started, Dead Space Extraction, has a decent sci-fi story, and since it is on-rails, the producers are able to tell the story exactly as they wish (as in film). So the mediocre story seems better because of the total control the creators were enabled from the guided experience.
So all in all, story can help games, but in certain games it's just not required, like the porn comparison, some films really need stories (18th century romantic set pieces), others don't (Bruckheimer).

I liked the character in Cursed mountain though, they were so human with feelings like duty, greed, hate, jealousy... Not only black and white, I thought they were very good.
Mekere said:A first step for believable female character: stop putting them on insanely high heel. No, you can't run, fight or even walk normally with 8+cm high heel. And if you don't wear a bra when your breasts are larger than your head, it hurts
I liked the character in Cursed mountain though, they were so human with feelings like duty, greed, hate, jealousy... Not only black and white, I thought they were very good.
I have an elder brother, so the relationship between the two was quite poignant for me.
Mekere said:And if you don't wear a bra when your breasts are larger than your head, it hurts
You've made my day brighter, and made me a happier man. And it's not entirely because of the breasts.
You just mentioned something that I've wanted to talk about for a while now. Just let me fix a thread for it.
Mekere said:A first step for believable female character: stop putting them on insanely high heel. No, you can't run, fight or even walk normally with 8+cm high heel. And if you don't wear a bra when your breasts are larger than your head, it hurts
But if they aren't secured in a bra, don't they bounce about and annoy you? Like when a man goes commando.
She would probably employ a pedicure full time too

For a
littlewhile now, instead of hoarding news stuff in my RSS feed, I've been indulging in less urgent, less disposable, and [hopefully] more thoughtful entries from a good number of sites and blogs.This opinion piece by Christian Nutt at GameSetWatch approaches the subject of believability (is there such a word anyway?) in both videogame characters, and how this can yield believable game worlds as a result. Careful, some spoilers on GoWIII's ending are in there.
There's talk in there about more games, such as FFVII, Heavy Rain, and surprisingly, Nier, which apparently succeeds in establishing an inviting and involving gameworld/characters despite its conventional and lackluster approach to design.
Looking forward to your thoughts on this subject.