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Best 25 of 2010 - Game #5
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Joined: 2008-07-12
Sat, 04 Dec 2010 21:44:42

Game #5 – Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

Publisher: Square-Enix

Developer: Square-Enix

Platforms: PSP

I suppose I couldn't go without mentioning Kingdom Hearts in the last article and not mention this years fantastic game. Normally, I tend to really hate the spinoff titles, because they either change up the gameplay too much and add in mechanics that ruin the game (the case with Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories) or focus entirely on subplots and side characters and alienate anyone who isn't at all familiar with the series (Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days). So I was incredibly skeptical going into Birth By Sleep, but I was pleasantly surprised to get a game that could belong on the PS2 – not having any of the problems I mentioned prior.

I won't go much into the story of the game, if only because it's the same convoluted mess that all the KH games are known for, but Square do plenty right here. For starters, the combat is probably the most technical and the fastest that's even been in a Kingdom Hearts game – with just the right amount of customisation that compels you to play more and create the ultimate battle set.

That also being said, the Disney world selection is also worth noting. Unlike other games in the series, the game focuses almost entirely on Disney worlds, and it's mostly focusing on pre-1950's Disney, including worlds based on Peter Pan, Snow White and Cinderella. It's also a great lead in to fighting characters you'd almost never expect – such as the Magic Mirror from Snow White and the cat from Cinderella. It makes no sense, but it's amazing.

Much like with 358/2 Days, the game excels on a technical level. Considering the hardware, it looks and runs fantastic, and there's a tonne of audio – complete with quite a great voice cast. Only grip in this regard is that loading is an issue – even with the optional install, it takes longer than it should to get into the game.

Overall, if you have the means to play it, and have an interest in the series, Birth By Sleep is highly recommended playing. It's the closest we're ever going to get to a proper Kingdom Hearts III, and there's nothing else quite like it on the PSP.

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Joined: 2009-02-25
Sun, 05 Dec 2010 13:54:39

I have a feeling we'll see this one again on another system in one form or another. Either PS3 or 3DS.  SE is not scared to port their portable Kingdom Hearts games, and this one seems to have been their best since the main series ended.  I certainly hope so anyway. This game was the one and only reason I hesitated in selling my PSP earlier this year, and I'd like a chance to play it elsewhere.

Country: UN
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Joined: 2008-08-18
Sun, 05 Dec 2010 23:58:46

What sort of game is it Action RPG?

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