Forum > Gaming Discussion > Best games of 2003
Best games of 2003
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Sat, 26 Apr 2014 17:35:49

We are doing this at the RoF so I figured I would shamefully bring it here. List your top ten from 2003.

1o. Silent Hill 3

The best Silent Hill outside the first one. I know the second one gets a load of praise for being extremely boring. This SH brought back the excitement, the moment to moment holy shit moments that made the first one so great. Plus it has one of the best twists in a story I have ever seen.

9. Viewtiful Joe

Probably Kamiya's worst game if you rate them all which says a lot about the level of quality of all his games. This 2D beat em up has incredible style and totally unique combat where you get to fast foward or rewind attacks. It's an absolute action game must play.

8. Star Wars Galaxies

My first and only MMO, I joined cause I was a huge Star Wars fan. I hear it was crap but I wouldn't know better, I lost my soul to this game for a month. I was scared at how much I played it, I left it after the first month and never played an MMO again (until this year when I play FFXIV).  Living in the Star Wars universe was so much fun.

7. Prince of Persia Sands of Time

What a fantastic action adventure game where puzzles were as much the focus as combat. It is still the best Prince of Persia, no other game in the series struck that beautiful balance quite like this one. It also pretty much made the running along walls concept a thing.

6. Panzer Dragoon Orta

Take the best of all Panzer Dragoon games (minus Saga) and mix it all together and you get this classic. Just one hell of a shooter from start to finish with a really great dragon morphing system that adds loads of depth. It also includes the original game in it.

5. Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga

One of the most surprisingly funny, charming, addicting RPGs I have ever played. Controlling both Mario and Luigi was as fun as it was unique. The every turn based battle had you not just strategizing but also needed to have skill with timing. Maybe the best Mario RPG out there.

4. Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando

The best Ratchet game ever made. Took everything about the first and made it so much better. Everything working in perfect harmony, action, platforming, puzzles, a grand world to explore. An excellent action platformer.

3.  Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution

What I consider to be the greatest fighting game ever made. The quest mode was revolutionary, recreating an arcade experience the game pits you against the AI of the best Virtua Fighter players in the world. Everyone you faced fought differently. As you win you moved up in ranked and get to fight the better players. It is the deepest single player mode in any fighter, period. It also has the best combat system. A masterpiece.

2. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

I would say this is one of the lower end 3D Zelda's but as I say even the worst Zelda game is better than 99% of anything out there. The open overworld is unlike anything we have seen in any Zelda before or since as it gives a huge ocean to explore. That feeling of being in the open seas and discovering uncharted islands captures the feeling of being an ocean explorer so well. It still has all the great dungeons, action, puzzles and mini games you would expect from a Zelda game. It is on the easy side which is the only thing holding this back from being one of the best games ever made.

1. Star Wars KOTOR

A Star Wars game with a story that could rival some of the movies. An RPG experience I had never played before, my first Bioware game. The way choices mattered was so fresh. The combat while semi automatic was exciting and well done. I bought an Xbox to play this during the summer of 2003 and I was not disappointed. It remains my favorite traditional RPG of all time.

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Sat, 26 Apr 2014 19:41:55

Is there some big list of games out in 2003 we can use?

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Sun, 27 Apr 2014 00:36:06
gamingeek said:

Is there some big list of games out in 2003 we can use?


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 27 Apr 2014 01:06:17

Why 2003? Seems like a pretty unremarkable year.

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Sun, 27 Apr 2014 01:24:20
Foolz said:

Why 2003? Seems like a pretty unremarkable year.

Because that is what Upinflames choose to do in RoF, I am just coping pasting my picks. Nyaa

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Sun, 27 Apr 2014 01:38:28
Dvader said:

Because that is what Upinflames choose to do in RoF, I am just coping pasting my picks. Nyaa

Well, ask him on the RoF. Nyaa

Also, didn't you play Phantasy Star Online? That's an MMO.

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Sun, 27 Apr 2014 01:52:34

Heh, 2003 was the year Wind Waker, Mario Kart Double Dash and SSX 3 came out. Epic.

The VG Press

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Sun, 27 Apr 2014 03:05:26

Beyond Good and Evil came out then too!

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Sun, 27 Apr 2014 03:09:13

2003 was a very non-gaming year for me. I didn't have a lot of spending money, and that was around the time in my life where if it didn't have a vagina, it wasn't getting my money. I think I remember buying Kingdom Hearts cheap that year and that was pretty much it.

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Sun, 27 Apr 2014 06:54:29
Foolz said:

Well, ask him on the RoF. Nyaa

Also, didn't you play Phantasy Star Online? That's an MMO.

Cause he is doing a series where he picks a random old year and does a top 10.

PSO is not a real MMO, you had a tiny hub and you only play with four people at a time. There was no persistant world to speak of. And it was better than any MMO.

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Sun, 27 Apr 2014 07:59:19
Dvader said:
Foolz said:

Well, ask him on the RoF. Nyaa

Also, didn't you play Phantasy Star Online? That's an MMO.

Cause he is doing a series where he picks a random old year and does a top 10.

PSO is not a real MMO, you had a tiny hub and you only play with four people at a time. There was no persistant world to speak of. And it was better than any MMO.


But the only MMO you have to compare it to is a really shit one...

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Tue, 29 Apr 2014 19:35:57

Its in my opinionation that 2003 was the worst year of the PS2 era. Possibly the worst year for gaming in the last 14 years. That said, there was still plenty of badass games released and without further fucking ado here's my goddamn list:

  • #1: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Boxart

  • #2: Prince Of Persia: The Sands of Time

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Boxart

  • #3: Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Boxart

  • #4: Beyond Good & Evil

Beyond Good & Evil Boxart

  • #5: Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Boxart

  • #6: Skies of Arcadia Legends

Skies of Arcadia Legends Boxart

  • #7: Ratchet & Clank 2

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando Boxart

  • #8: Deus Ex 2: Invisible War

Deus Ex: Invisible War Boxart

  • #9: F Zero GX

F-Zero GX Boxart

  • #10: Jak 2

Jak II Boxart


Country: US
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Tue, 29 Apr 2014 20:19:59

Edge your list is fantastic. GGs is good too.

So this fzero game was pretty good huh? I totally forgot GC got an fzero. You know what could help wii u??? aNYTHING, including fzero.

Edited: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 20:37:34
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Tue, 29 Apr 2014 20:24:27

Thank you kind sir.


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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:58:18
Dvader said:

Edge your list is fantastic. GGs is good too.

So this fzero game was pretty good huh? I totally forgot GC got an fzero. You know what could help wii u??? aNYTHING, including fzero.

You never played it? It was made by Nagoshi over at SEGA, the Daytona guys I guess? So fast it made your eyes bleed, really challenging too. I think you'd like it.

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:58:40
edgecrusher said:

Its in my opinionation that 2003 was the worst year of the PS2 era.

How can you say that when 2003 saw the PS2 release of Bomberman Kart?!  cheeky

2003 was a phenomenal year.  While looking through these lists it seems as if half the games I played on the GCN were released then.  Burnout 2 and Fzero GX were both such good arcade racers.  Wii only got ExciteTruck.  Wii U hasn't received anything yet   Sad

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:03:16

Wii got tons of NFS racers. Only no one wanted them Nyaa

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:28:06

I was talking about games of quality.  Not your run-of-the-mill peasants' stuff.

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Wed, 30 Apr 2014 11:33:18

Looking back it doesn't seem as bad as it did at the time. It was just that 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004 were all absolutely incredible years for gaming. Next to those, 2003 seemed very sparse and not anywhere near as much in the way of big names.


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