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Brütal Legend: The VG Press Game Club Part 2
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Sat, 04 Jun 2011 23:30:11
aspro said:

Try not to switch down to easy until you get all of Eddie's abilities.  There is one particular RTS mission in the snow that I got hung up on until I realized I was playing the level incorrectly (who knew RTS would actually require strategy).

Losing the RTS stages can be very frustrating, as you play for what feels like an hour and have to start over, but I've only lost twice so far.

Side missions -- I have not done any of them. With the points you get from them you can upgrade your combos, weapons and vehicle. But so far I've gotten enough points from doing the main mission in order to get the required upgrades (like weaponizing your vehicle).

Oh god, that snow level is insane. Is it just me, or does your opponent just seem that much better than you - like, their units buff like crazy and weaken your stats like no tomorrow.

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Sat, 04 Jun 2011 23:58:35
darthhomer said:

Oh god, that snow level is insane. Is it just me, or does your opponent just seem that much better than you - like, their units buff like crazy and weaken your stats like no tomorrow.

That level is actually very easy.  This is how I did it (SO OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE ELSE IGNORE THIS IF YOU WANT TO FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELVES).

Use R2 facemelt to knock out the first round, build the two Merch booths at the top and then bascially defend those ONLY.  Don't ever send your trrops from the top of the hill.  Fly down to the third merch booth and take it yourself with Facemelt.  Don't even get your troops to defend it.  Bide your time, build up to Stage 3 level troops and then just keep defending the top of the hill.  As Eddie go around killing the octopus looking things and witches (using zap and facemelt and let the rest of them fight the rest of them, with you buffing whenever you have time.  From time to time the third merch booth will go back to the enemy, just fly down there and take it back, but never send your troops away from the main stage.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 10:10:02

Well, I put it down for a couple fo days and figured I'd have to give it a go before I forgot all those damn controls.

I did well, whipped through two missions.  RTS games are so stressful for me, I have to gird my loins before I play them, so if I am tired at all I don't play.

The quality has held up, I'm finding the Stage missions to be easy, beating them on their first attempt.  Each time I start though, I'm getting ready for my ass to be handed to me.

The dialogue in this game is quite good, as is the delivery.

I heard someone say the other day that when a game is made at it's highest level it transcends genre preferences, and I think this is such a game.  I am clearly not an RTS person, but I'm enjoying this game.  Not as much as I would, say a very good FPS or JRPG, but the fact that I am into it is a sign of it's quality.  This also worked for me with SMG, Advance Wars and Oblivion, games that are in genres I usually avoid.

If I am as close to the end of the game as I think I am, I am fairly sure the single player mode on the default (normal) difficulty clocks it in somewhere between 7 and 8 hours.  Which is short.  If they ramp up the difficulty on the last missions to lenghten that, then I'll be miffed.

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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 14:20:16

I think the writing, the plot and the humour do a lot to carry it well over genre preferences and even gameplay imperfections/limitations.  I find myself caring for the characters and laughing out loud at some of the lines.  Also recognising cameos from some metal dynosaurs is good fun


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Tue, 07 Jun 2011 21:20:38

Lemmy is great. Ozzy sounds a bit too coherent.  Who is the shaved dude on the bike (if you've got to him yet).

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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 04:03:36

Haven't met him yet but ... Rob Halford of Judas Priest perhaps?  I know he is in the game somewhere.


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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 04:17:04

That's got to be him.

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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 04:25:33

The greatest/funniest thing about Rob Halford was that he single-handedly gave the "metal" scene its look and fashion sense back in the 70ies which he picked from the leather / s&m scene many years before anyone knew about his sexual preference.  He must have had a lot of private laughs seeing macho metalers dressed as "masters and slaves" thinking they looked well-hard.


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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 04:28:35

In the game he has a commanding presense, which he maintains whenever shown. I love him.

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Wed, 08 Jun 2011 04:41:41
bugsonglass said:

Haven't met him yet but ... Rob Halford of Judas Priest perhaps?  I know he is in the game somewhere.

Yup. Rob Halford's in the game. Does some of the best parts to boot.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 00:49:47

I'm out. To many  games to play to waste my time on one I don't feel the urge to finish. I need to stop finishing games just to finish them and focus on the ones I do want to play.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 01:14:39

I'm barely hanging in there, but I haven't played in a couple of days.  I plan to change that tomorrow.  My problem is I tried to juggle too many games at once.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 03:37:44

I'm now at the final battle.  I have not opted it down to easy yet in the game, but we'll see how I go.

I can totally see the appeals to RTS games now, the slow boil, the tipping point, the rout (or defeat).  It's still a bitt too much like work for me to get into, but I do see the appeal.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 05:34:46

Finished it.  The last stage level wasn't bad at all, in fact that, and what followed made it one of the best game endings ever.

Not just the story stuf either, which was both sweet and funny.

Just a tremendous game, it's funny to think how close I came to never playing it.

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 06:44:45

Technically I'm still playing it even though in reality I haven't had time to play for several days now.  But I haven't started anything else ... and this is what I look forward to playing once I do get some gaming time.  So, yeah I'm still in it ...

Really glad you enjoyed it so much Aspro, gives me even more motivation to get back to it


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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 10:50:47

You know what that means don't you, Aspro? Time for Psychonauts! Nyaa

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Sat, 11 Jun 2011 22:28:56

I think so. I was going to play either Halo 3 or Twin Snakes... But fuckit, Psychonauts it is.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 00:42:59

Bought it for cheap a couple weeks ago, I'm at about 30% completion, it's a fun enjoyable romp. Easygoing, great soundtrack and lots of small, nifty jokes.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 04:47:28

I forgot how much I totally enjoyed this game. I wish I could just go back and watch the cutscenes back to back.

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Sun, 02 Sep 2012 19:29:19

I probably find Brutal Legend to be maybe an even better, even more special game than it would be otherwise just because its a tribute to a form of music I have loved my entire life. I have always lived and breathed metal...hell I give the music more credit for making me the person I am today than I do for most humans I've known. So to see such a well made adventure game that pays it tribute is just awesome...I had a smile on my face the entire time I played it.

Also, there are so many little in jokes and little nods that only a long time fan of the music will understand, that it gives you the feeling of being in a tight group that "gets it" when you play this game.

I'm actually replaying it now, little by little.


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