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Call of Duty Modern Warfare REFLEX Edition: Launch trailer Page 5
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Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:43:23

Got the game this morning.

First off I've played virtually all the IR shooters worth playing on Wii. Yeah so I passed on MOH Vanguard and Far Cry.

The best regular control IMO is in the Conduit which has a certain reliable stability to it. The best ADS control is in MOHH2 IMO as its fast, accurate and responsive yet it also allows for movement and leaning. And it has a perfectly judged dead zone in ADS mode.

As well as having the most kickass sniper controls in gaming history....... yeah I said it.

I own World at War on Wii so I can judge the differences between REFLEX and WaW.

I played the first couple of levels, the training mission which looked pretty assy to be honest and then the ship level.

Visually, no it didn't really impress on those two levels but it was a noticible step up from Waw. For a start it has a very stable framerate, higher resolution textures and more what I call faked shaders (IIRC Treyarch called them texture filters?)

The character models are pretty bad, although the animation is great. Then there was the realtime cinematic where you are being driven to your execution, I wish they had prioritised some textures over others because the inside of the car should have gotten more attention as well as the ski mask dude on the left.

Otherwise the scale, lighting, frame rate and stability was all there, along with great character animation. I was genuinely suprised at how decent it looked.

Then I went onto this SAS mission where you start off in a swamp and meet up with some russians to save an informant. This levels actually looks great with expansive environments, lots of vegatation, great lighting and a solid frame rate. Much better than WaW.

Anyhow the controls take some time to bed down and like WaW you have to tweak the hell out of things to get them to your liking, which can be difficulty. Unlike Conduit there is no realtime feedback so you are going in and out of menus testing things.

Unfortunately there does not seem to be an option to have camera lock permanently on ADS mode which means if you want that hyper accuracy you have to hold down two buttons then press a third to fire.

After testing the modes I found that just kicking the setting to the default insane mode was best and then tweaking the ADS to precision mode.

Its better than WaW by a long shot yet does not have the fluidity of movement and ease of use that MOHH2 has which is still the overall best controlling IR shooter out there IMO.

Plus the leaning in this game is slow and digital. In MOHH2 it was deadly fast, accurate and analogue which meant that if you moved the nunchuk a fraction you would lean a fraction. The lean in this game is like a toggle with lag and if you are walking about normally it means you have to keep the nunchuk perfectly straight or you wont move at normal speed. I turned it back off.

Item selection seems intelligent and easy to use. Not sure how to remotely detonate mines without shooting them though.

Overall, so far it seems like a decent version, a better effort than WaW technically on every level. I actually prefer WaW as a game so far though, the characters and scenarios felt more intriguing to me personally but I guess I have a long way to go!

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:00:02
Edited: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 03:00:28

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:14:07

Ravenprose said:

If that's Bozon you can discount it. I read his frigging preview - jeez, it's like he's playing a different game to everyone at GAF.

Controls and graphics are hands down better than WaW Wii. Frame rate is virtually rock solid so far too. And virtually all content and modes is included with an online game player count reduction to 10.  

EDIT: Crash bugs?????? Control worse than COD3? WTF is this man smoking?! It sounds like he's playing some Beta version. WTF, IGN really dropped the ball on this one, strange given how they claim to be IR aficianados.

Check the GAF thread, everyone who owns the game is WTF about his preview, let alone this review.

Edited: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:16:48

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:25:55

Bozon is smoking crack.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:27:06
Thanks for the detailed impression gg.
"a better effort than WaW technically on every level." -- that was really the big question I had.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:33:52

Treyarch dev said:
The comments in the IGN review about the cursor not being responsive are baffling. The low-level input filtering (the part of the code that affects the raw cursor response) is 100% identical to WAW. If the reviewer doesn't like the way it feels, that's one thing, but if he's saying its a step back from WAW, then something is fishy.

The only thing I can think of is that he has his cursor sensitivity set either too high or too low. If you're feeling like the cursor itself isn't doing what you want it to, I would start by adjusting that.


Originally Posted by scitek:
fyzxwhyz is that true? Did W@W have a bigger team and budget than this effort?
"No, not even close."

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:36:19

Look at the difference between the initial pics and the finished, even bearing in mind that the bottom pic is a bad screencap.

The final game (bottom) looks a bit better than the pre-alpha screens (top) we saw for months.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:48:57

gamingeek said:

Treyarch dev said:
The comments in the IGN review about the cursor not being responsive are baffling. The low-level input filtering (the part of the code that affects the raw cursor response) is 100% identical to WAW. If the reviewer doesn't like the way it feels, that's one thing, but if he's saying its a step back from WAW, then something is fishy.

The only thing I can think of is that he has his cursor sensitivity set either too high or too low. If you're feeling like the cursor itself isn't doing what you want it to, I would start by adjusting that.


Originally Posted by scitek:
fyzxwhyz is that true? Did W@W have a bigger team and budget than this effort?
"No, not even close."

I love this stuff.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:13:21

Okay so I played the Bog level and that was really visually impressive. I suppose they are lucky that the level is set at night in a burning city so you have lots of lovely lighting and such.

Tons of stuff going on, large environments, because it was dark you aren't even distracted by low res textures. It's one of those rare cases where the Wii is punching well above its weight. And the level last night was as good.

This one:

The thing about this game compared to WaW is that the aiming is better so I think I need to rachet up the difficulty in comparison.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:15:16

Wow at the comments on the IGN review.

This plus a hundred more dis-agreeing with Bozon.

"Wow. I have to say that ign has been pretty spot on over the years and I have to completely disagree on this one. The graphics are very stunning on wii and the online multiplayer is LEAGUES above The Conduit. I really think Bozon has played hours and hours of the "HD versions" and has a natural bias, which is understandable. This game is SOOOOO close to its HD counterparts and I feel it deserves WAY more credit than it got. Unparalleled multiplayer on Wii with this game. Hands down. "


"This is an excellent game and I've very glad I didn't wait for the IGN review to decide whether or not to purchase it. I have played MOH:Heroes 2 extensively, COD:World at War extensively, and The Conduit extensively. In my opinion, this game is the best of the bunch. The controls are great and very customizable. The graphics are also impressive. So much that I finally get why so many people thought The Conduit was bland and generic.

To echo what others have already said, if you are the least bit interested in this game, please try it. As I haven't encountered any of the issues mentioned in this review, I doubt you will be disappointed.

Oh and THANK YOU Treyarch. Thank you for a great game that I will be playing for many months"

Edited: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:16:52

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:46:02

That IGN review is bad. For a start it's 1 page long. Then there's the fact that he got a retail copy the same as everybody else and has played it for about 1 day before he starting wrting, I only managed to put up initial impressions and I haven't even touched the multiplayer.

Looking at IGN's review rating 7.0 compared to the reader rating of 9.1, something is up here.

This smacks of lazyness, he's a huge COD fan so I'm guessing he was too busy playing MW2 to do a decent take on reflex.

"Visuals are of course downgraded on the Wii due to the lack of HD and system horsepower, but when stacked against other Wii shooters Reflex still looks a bit too stripped down. Model textures are very simplistic and you won't find as many smoke and lighting effects as in World at War on Wii (a game that most likely had a much larger team dedicated to the Wii version)"

Wrong. Unless you are stacking it up against Metroid Prime 3, reflex looks better than every Wii FPS out there, Crapduit included. Wrong again, there are as many and better looking smoke effects and the lighting is much improved. Wrong a third time, Treyarch actually increased the budget and team members for reflex when they saw how well WaW sold on Wii.

"Unfortunately the ability to get COD4 running on Wii comes at a price, and it's a pretty big one. The framerate in Reflex is extremely inconsistent, and it impacts gameplay in a big way."

Wrong, so far the frame rate has been completely solid for me, which is a big suprise given the scale of everything.

"an even when swapping out Reflex for Treyarch's own World at War and Call of Duty 3 (a Wii launch game) the cursors were more reliable and accurate than Modern Warfare. In addition to choppy moments, and some very basic visual effects, I actually encountered a full-on crash bug during one of the larger moments in the game. During a sniping mission that overlooks a huge valley filled with houses and enemy soldiers the game dropped to black, and brought up a fatal error message. For as much potential Modern Warfare Reflex has, it just falls short."

Jesus the level of wrongness here is astonishing, the cursors are........... argh! It's so wrong I can't even answer the review is so bad. And a full on crash bug? Not when I played that bit. But astonishingly it's even worse that if you want you can have the ADS cursor exactly the same as WaW if you want.

"It’s obvious that World at War was given either a larger dev time, larger budget, or larger team (or all of the above) than Modern Warfare’s first stint on Wii"

Treyarch has already, ages ago stated differently, in fact its the opposite of what actually happened.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 16:13:50

Okay I noticed my first bit of slowdown, it was no worse than WaW and graphically it still looked much better.

The slowdown didn't really affect my enjoyment, it turned out to be my favourite level so far. The action was intense and I got a lot more accurate with the controls. Happy

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 16:47:50
Edited: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 16:48:21

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 16:47:53
GG are you happy with your decision to get Reflex over the 360 version?


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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 16:49:55

bugsonglass said:
GG are you happy with your decision to get Reflex over the 360 version?


Because of IR. That said if COD 4 had dropped in price I would have picked it up months and months ago on 360.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2009 19:55:15

Check these gametrailers videos.

Any frame dips you see is the flash video, the stutters, its not in the game.

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Sat, 14 Nov 2009 15:22:06

Originally Posted by NintendoLife review:

Reflex obviously can't compete with its older siblings' photorealistic HD visuals, but it's still unmistakably Modern Warfare. Environments and character models are less detailed, lighting isn't as dynamic, explosions and smoke don't look as cool and all of the videos are noticeably compressed. But dammit, what's here is still great-looking and one of the best use of realistic visuals on the console so far. Screens make it look like a muddied, low-res mess compared to its HD outing, but seeing the game in motion smacks those suspicions in the face. It's relatively smooth too, although the framerate takes a minor hit when there's massive chaos on the battlefield but never to the point of being unplayable.

Control is fluid and customizable but not to the same level as The Conduit. Aiming is precise and the dead zone bounding box size and turn sensitivity can be tweaked to be as fast or slow as you'd like. Motion control is optional and non-intrusive; if you'd like you can use gestures for reloading and switching grenade types, and those who'd rather everything be button-based are but a menu option away.

Hats off to Treyarch for showing that a crown jewel HD game can work well on Wii. It's not the best version of the game, but Wii-only owners who have yet to experience one of the biggest shooters of the decade now have a very good opportunity to do so. With a strong campaign and a rock-solid multiplayer that will keep you playing well into the new year, Reflex shames its competition and delivers a great FPS package. Developers, take note: this is how you do a Wii port.

This is has been my experience with the game.

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Sun, 15 Nov 2009 00:40:33
Not to shabby looking on the Wii.

Just wondering, GG. Did you get Reflex over MW2?


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Sun, 15 Nov 2009 01:16:03

ASK_Story said:
Not to shabby looking on the Wii.

Just wondering, GG. Did you get Reflex over MW2?

I didn't get mw2 because I didn't play the first. I was waiting on a price drop that never came so I ended up waiting for the wii version once it was announced a few months ago. I prefer playing with IR anyway.

I actually prefer WaW as a game, I like its evocative settings and characters, even though the controls and visuals are better in reflex.

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Sun, 15 Nov 2009 01:49:05

gamingeek said:

ASK_Story said:
Not to shabby looking on the Wii.

Just wondering, GG. Did you get Reflex over MW2?

I didn't get mw2 because I didn't play the first. I was waiting on a price drop that never came so I ended up waiting for the wii version once it was announced a few months ago. I prefer playing with IR anyway.

I actually prefer WaW as a game, I like its evocative settings and characters, even though the controls and visuals are better in reflex.

OK. That makes sense. But you should definitely pick up MW2 if you can! It's a blast!

Also, I do like WaW still. I have the 360 vers. I'm not trading it because contrary to others who think WW2 is played out, I still enjoy WW2 shooters. I sold the first MW though but I'm keeping WaW.

It's a nice alternative once I play MW2 to death and get tired of it...whenever that'll be!

Edited: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 02:00:39


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