Forum > Gaming Discussion > Calling all SHMUPs Fans - Raiden IV is out!
Calling all SHMUPs Fans - Raiden IV is out!
The last time I played Raiden was on Jaguar. 
I didn't know they were still making them.

I didn't know they were still making them.
Edited: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 07:36:27
aspro73 said:I still haven't opened Raiden III.
ditto. i have Raiden III here shrink-wrapped. what console is IV on? i will get it if i have the console and it gets released in europe
$40 for a schmup?? That's a bit much in this day and age. $30 is pretty much the max out price in my book for a shooter, particularly with so many good ones being released on downloadable systems like the VC and XBLA at the $10 - 15 mark.
Edited: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 15:09:10
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Anyway, Raiden IV is out. People are claiming that it's the best Raiden yet! I'm glad to hear that because Raiden III was a HUGE letdown for me. But this one does look pretty cool.
Some screens:
First review:
1up: B
Only problem? It's $40. The 1up reviewer says it's worth it. I guess, if you're a hardcore SHMUP fan, but $40 does seem steep...I'm probably still going to get it though!
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