Forum > Gaming Discussion > Can You Still Get $60 Value Out of a Fighting Game?
Can You Still Get $60 Value Out of a Fighting Game?
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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 21:43:22


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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 22:05:27
I recommend this topic be closed due to lack of substance on the TC's part. Nyaa


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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 22:18:16
Anyway it depends on the game and it depends on the person. Personally I get $60 worth out of most of the fighting games I get. Firstly I don't necessarily equate amount of time spent to amount of money spent. For me it's mostly about the quality of time spent. I've purchased a lot of fighters like Mortal Kombat 9, Blazblue, Street Fighter IV, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Soul Calibur IV & V, Tekken 6, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Dead or Alive 4 & 5 all at full $60 plus I purchased all the upgraded versions that sold for less, usually $40 - $30, and I was satisfied with them all some perhaps a little more then others. There was only one fighting game I picked up this gen which I wasn't satisfied with and that was Battle Fantasia. It was pretty barebones and had few characters.


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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 22:20:59

Good question.  I know there are people who do...  And I sort of envy them.

Personally, no.  That's why I buy them after a couple of price drops i.e. between £10 - £18.  Think the good ones are worth that much at least.


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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 23:15:34

I could whole heartidly reccomend Super Street Fight 4 or Mortal Kombat (the new one) at $60. MK especially is PACKED with content, and SSf4 is one of the best fighters I have ever played. Other series I don't really find robust enough, or of high enough quality for me to reccomend at full price. There has to be that certain something, that fun factor x that a lot of the other fighting series just lack for me (Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Dead Or Alive) they are all pretenders to the throne so to speak. And some people would be like trololololol but thats just my opinion.

Oh Id probably reccomend Marvel Vs Capcom 3 as well, that game is fun as hell.

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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 23:23:08

Holy shit, fuck yes!! What kind of question is that? SSFIV has been one of my favorite and post played games of this generation. I've spent time playing solo, with friends, and network play. Same would have gone for Mortal Kombat had I purchased it (I had LA Noire waiting in the wings so that took priority).  The only real risk in fighting games is the Capcom bait and switch of putting an upgraded version out there, but even that looks like it'll be behind that going forward with DLC becoming the norm.  A good fighting game offers a kind of one-on-one competition that you just don't find anywhere else, and if you have a good internet connection it is an irreplaceable experience. Worth every penny of $60.

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Wed, 03 Oct 2012 23:23:33

I should Hadoken your ass for even asking this question.

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 00:04:59
trololololol @GME. Nyaa


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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 02:24:04

Nope. I used to love fighting games. I have easily paid $70-80 for one back in the day, and would play them everyday for months. Today, however, I couldn't give a rats ass about them. They look nice and all, but I get bored within five minutes. Sad

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 03:04:51

If you're as dedicated as you were when you last played one.

The genre hasn't changed.

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 11:30:21

Not for me, not anymore. Pre-24 years old, yeah.

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Thu, 04 Oct 2012 20:19:20

The last time I got full retail value from a fighting game was Soul Calibur II, but that is not because of anything other than me not having physical people around willing to play with me.  I have not taken any of them online, as I figure that's futile (same reason I wouldn't bother playing COD online).

I guess I can draw a lot of correlation to the value proposition of arcade racers.  More fun/ use if multiplayer, gradual unlocking of rewards, a sense of increasingly mastering techniques.

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Fri, 05 Oct 2012 02:52:52
aspro said:

The last time I got full retail value from a fighting game was Soul Calibur II, but that is not because of anything other than me not having physical people around willing to play with me.  I have not taken any of them online, as I figure that's futile (same reason I wouldn't bother playing COD online).

I guess I can draw a lot of correlation to the value proposition of arcade racers.  More fun/ use if multiplayer, gradual unlocking of rewards, a sense of increasingly mastering techniques.

Sounds like a well designed online experience.

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Fri, 05 Oct 2012 11:38:57

I have never bought a fighting game for $60.

The last fighting game I paid full price for was Soul Calibur 2, and that was back when games were $50. That was also the only fighting game I paid full price for in that entire generation. Mostly only because I wanted to see what Link looked like with realistic graphics. lol

Edited: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 11:39:30


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Fri, 05 Oct 2012 13:52:23
edgecrusher said:

I have never bought a fighting game for $60.

The last fighting game I paid full price for was Soul Calibur 2, and that was back when games were $50. That was also the only fighting game I paid full price for in that entire generation. Mostly only because I wanted to see what Link looked like with realistic graphics. lol

Then perhaps you're not the best person to ask about value anyway. Nyaa

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Thu, 11 Oct 2012 02:46:43

With Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus you can.


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