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Cleaning out the fridge, is there ever point when you just stop collecting?
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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 14:16:11

I've come to a point in my life when I have game collections from various videogame systems stacked in cuboards and closets.

I recently sold 3 games and I'm selling 4 more, including Mario Kart DS, Advance wars Days of Ruin, Boom Blox and more. It's come to a point where I have to get rid of good games as new ones keep coming in.

How do you decide what to keep and what to bin. I find myself keeping great games that I think I will play again and never do. Or keeping crappy games that have no resale value.

Sometimes its hard being ruthless and I'm trying to get rid of games I know I will never get around to replaying. It's tough.

If I'm truthful about it the games I keep either have to be GREAT as in Zelda great that you will dip back into because the experience is that good. Or short, as in you can get the same experience again without having to invest the world.

The last option is to limit yourself to one platform? Anyone willing to do this?

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 18:04:44
No limits, I just keep almost everything I buy. I figure I bought them therefore I should live with my choice, if not I should have just rented it.  I like having a huge collection, I take pride in it.  I would never limit my backlog, I want games from all consoles on there.
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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 18:59:11
What about physical space? And how do you reconcile yourself in the knowledge that you have paperweights you will never play again.

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 20:27:41
It bugs me when I have too many games lying around collecting dust. I figure if I'm not playing them or have little desire to ever play them again, I probably should just get rid of them. I could always use the extra cash for something else anyway.

I had a massive fridge cleaning back in 2006. I sold most of my video game collection comprising of an: Xbox w/ 20+ games, Dreamcast w/ 40+ games, SNES w/ 18 games, Saturn w/ 54 games, Genesis w/ 16 games, and an N64 w/ 10+ games. I sold everything on ebay, and walked away with around $1500 cash. I sometimes miss not having them, but I don't regret selling anything either. That's because most of that stuff sat in my closet for years, and I rarely played them.

I've been holding onto my 24 DS game collection despite not having a DS console for over a year-and-a-half now. It seems silly to keep them, especially since I don't really miss playing them; at least not enough to pony up the money for another DS Lite.

My Wii collection has grown too large as well. I regularly play only five or six Wii games, but I have around twenty-one (not counting VC/WiiWare games).

I think it's time to start cleaning the fridge myself soon. I bet if I sold all of the games that I don't play, I could afford an HDTV. Hmm,  . . . *runs to get digital camera*
Edited: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 22:12:40

The VG Press

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 20:31:55

gamingeek said:.

The last option is to limit yourself to one platform? Anyone willing to do this?

I tried doing this with the Wii. It didn't work thanks to its crappy third-party support. Sad

The VG Press

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 20:47:47

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:.

The last option is to limit yourself to one platform? Anyone willing to do this?

I tried doing this with the Wii. It didn't work thanks to its crappy third-party support. Sad

How's it working with 360 only?

Or do you just borrow the wii you gave to your sister?

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 20:55:23

gamingeek said:

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:.

The last option is to limit yourself to one platform? Anyone willing to do this?

I tried doing this with the Wii. It didn't work thanks to its crappy third-party support. Sad

How's it working with 360 only?

Or do you just borrow the wii you gave to your sister?

I haven't been 360-only since August when my sister gave me back my Wii; she got herself a new one for her birthday. When I gave my Wii to her last March, I told her that it was hers to keep, but she declined and only borrowed it until she could get herself one. I was surprised when she gave it back so soon.

I considered selling it, but E3 kinda changed my tune on the Wii with Wii Sports Resort, NSMB, and Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Edited: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:02:36

The VG Press

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:04:46

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:.

The last option is to limit yourself to one platform? Anyone willing to do this?

I tried doing this with the Wii. It didn't work thanks to its crappy third-party support. Sad

How's it working with 360 only?

Or do you just borrow the wii you gave to your sister?

I haven't been 360-only since August when my sister gave me back my Wii; she got herself a new one for her birthday. When I gave my Wii to her last March, I told her that it was hers to keep, but she declined and only borrowed it until she could get herself one. I was surprised when she gave it back so soon.

I considered selling it, but E3 kinda changed my tune on the Wii with Wii Sports Resort, NSMB, and Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Oh right, you never mentioned it.

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:19:39

gamingeek said:

Oh right, you never mentioned it.

Hmm, I thought I did, but I may not have fully explained it. I don't remember.

The VG Press

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:25:33

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Oh right, you never mentioned it.

Hmm, I thought I did, but I may not have fully explained it. I don't remember.

Did you reclaim your games from her?

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:33:50

gamingeek said:

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Oh right, you never mentioned it.

Hmm, I thought I did, but I may not have fully explained it. I don't remember.

Did you reclaim your games from her?

Yep. She didn't like most of them, including Galaxy! LOL The only one she liked was Mario Kart Wii and Wii Sports. She now has all of the Lego games too.

Edited: Wed, 09 Dec 2009 00:49:32

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 21:40:29

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Ravenprose said:

gamingeek said:

Oh right, you never mentioned it.

Hmm, I thought I did, but I may not have fully explained it. I don't remember.

Did you reclaim your games from her?

Yep. She didn't like most of them, including Galaxy! LOL The only one she liked was Mario Kart Wii and Wii Sports. She now has all of the Lego games.

Disown her.

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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 22:01:48
gamingeek said:.

The last option is to limit yourself to one platform? Anyone willing to do this?

I've always done this (ok, well, one console, one handheld per generation).  There have always been enough games that I want meaning an additional console would just feel like I'm missing even more.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Tue, 08 Dec 2009 22:20:47
Ever since the 16-Bit days, I've had at least two home consoles per generation: Genesis/SNES, Saturn/N64, Gamecube/Xbox, and now Wii/360. It would be very nice to have only one home console, and still feel satisfied; but I doubt I'll ever feel that way again. The last time that happened was with my Atari 2600.

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Wed, 09 Dec 2009 02:39:41

I was a collector up until the beginning of the last gen when I was hit with a double whammy.  In 2001 I broke up with an ex that had my NES and SNES and most of the games that belonged with them.  The bitch pawned them shortly thereafter (still a small price to pay for getting away from that beast).

Additionally I was laid off form my job the year before and couldn't get a new one to save my life, so I to keep afloat I had to sell off all of my remaining games, and the ones for my PS1 and N64.  

As a result, it sort of broke my compulsion as a collector.  Since then I never had more than about 20 games in my possession at a given time, and that's usually been for 2 or 3 systems.  There just aren't many old games I go back and play and once I realized that it made it a lot easier to sell them to buy new ones.  

Edited: Wed, 09 Dec 2009 02:40:32
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Wed, 09 Dec 2009 02:51:29
I've always considered selling things, but in the end, they just become a part of the house!

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Wed, 09 Dec 2009 10:10:06

Ravenprose said:
Ever since the 16-Bit days, I've had at least two home consoles per generation: Genesis/SNES, Saturn/N64, Gamecube/Xbox, and now Wii/360. It would be very nice to have only one home console, and still feel satisfied; but I doubt I'll ever feel that way again. The last time that happened was with my Atari 2600.

Same here.

Foolz said:
I've always considered selling things, but in the end, they just become a part of the house!

So you live in a sty?

How do you all arrange your collections?

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Wed, 09 Dec 2009 19:06:46
I'm against selling games, but my Nintendo Power and action figure collection were taking up too much space and needed to be put into the attic. I don't think my collection of games and music will be too large any time soon. Most of it still fits in my 20x20 room. The amount of storage I'll have once I have my own place again will provide much excess.
Edited: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 22:08:04

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Wed, 09 Dec 2009 21:28:43
I used to consider myself a collector, but now I'm just a gamer with a big collection.  I don't sell any thing and I keep as much game ephemera as I can find.  I have about 2,150 games right now, which in my mind is not enough now that I have a strategy to play them.

Since I moved out of my NTSC region I now have to import every game I buy, so that is pretty much what stopped the collecting (now I only buy games that I will play as opposed to buying any game I saw).

At this point, if it would be worth the money I'd sell the pre-8 bit games I have (except for the Atari 2600 stuff), just to free up space for the 8th and 9th generation games (if we still have media in those generations).
Edited: Wed, 09 Dec 2009 21:30:25

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Thu, 10 Dec 2009 00:17:29

I never sell or trade games. Although I only recently got back into gaming. It was an on/off thing throughout the PS1 and PS2 era, until almost the end of the previous generation when I picked an Xbox up. I got like 10 or 12 games for it, but I gave the thing away along with most of the games when I got a 360. This is the first generation that I own all home systems, so titles and peripherals are slowly stacking up, however, space is not an issue...yet.
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