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Cue Randy Savage's Entrance Music!
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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 02:06:02
That's right I am done university.  Exams are done, and with the conclusion of these classes, I have completed the credit requirements of my Computer Science degree.

For such an occasion, the only appropriate such response is for me to write a review of the university experience.

Presentation - 2/10

While the occasional quality speaker my appear in a classroom lecture, it is most often quite the opposite, and even when you do find yourself with an engaging professor, it's not one in a computer science classroom.

Controls - 3/10

There are some nice online utilities for controlling your experience, but ultimately the intended utility and how they work in reality are two different beasts.  You must review your own requirements and pay for the privilege to graduate.  Your account can be locked out only unlockable by the registrar's office in-person by anyone with your student number.  And the school website has the least consistency possible.

Variety - 6/10

Whether or not it's a good thing, I am able to take classes such as Greek Poetry for credit towards my degree despite being in computer science.  Then again,  the experience being in computer science classrooms is an arrogant professor who can't program making sure we have to use Java yet again.  It was bad enough the first time.

Depth - 2/10

Computer science is a program divided against itself.  Not able to decide if it wants to be theoretically focused and intended to be a stepping stone into a master's program and research, or a practical degree with a focus on programming knowledge, it effectively does neither.

Audio - 2/10

I would be impressed if the word acoustics was in their vocabulary.

Value & Fun - 1/10

Some people say that your years in college or university are the best years of your life.  Those people are either wrong, or my life is an instructional video for enhanced interrogation.

Overall - 2.92/10

No wonder college students are notorious for drinking.


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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 02:16:24

Congratulations. You should have drank more though.

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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 02:41:09

Never saw the appeal of drinking any type of alcohol myself, but if my college experiance was a 2.92/10, then I might have experimented with it some. Or at least tried some pot brownies. Nyaa

Edited: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 02:45:06

The VG Press

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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 02:49:49
The more I think about it, especially given your comments, the less sense formal education (beyond training) makes.

Congrats on getting through it.

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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 03:00:28


Well done on playing to the end. Aspro can't even bring himself to finish Cursed fucking Mountain.

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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 03:00:58
While I'm being facetious in my review for the sake of entertainment, when it comes to Computer Science, it's seriously absolutely atrocious.  If you go into it as someone interested in the field but not already top tier computer nerd material, and instead just thought it would be a good career path or an interesting one, you're going to drop out or switch majors.  It's not if, it's when.


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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 04:02:05

See, the game review system can work for anything.

Congrats on getting through it!

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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 08:02:03
aspro said:
The more I think about it, especially given your comments, the less sense formal education (beyond training) makes.

Congrats on getting through it.

The only education that is worth a damn is engineering and science, the rest is just to make all the useless people feel good for themselves.

The VG Press
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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 11:57:00
How many years was your course?

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Mon, 29 Apr 2013 23:42:50
3 year degree.  This is following a 3 year college program.


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
Country: GB
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Thu, 02 May 2013 10:57:30
So 6 years in college? I think I would die.

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