robio said:Dvader said:Yodariquo said:I have The Beatles Rock Band on pre-order. Anything else is up in the air, will definitely get New Super Mario Bros at some point. I assume I'll be getting Spirit Tracks as well, just for the sake of I've played all of them prior, but the level of suck in Phantom Hourglass makes it feel like more of a chore to get than anything else.Fuck Zelda.
(I'm still buying it)
And you will be treated to a gaming experience that will build upon the greatest game in the Zelda franchise... Phantom Hourglass.
This is why I ignore your posts.
Dvader said:robio said:Dvader said:Yodariquo said:I have The Beatles Rock Band on pre-order. Anything else is up in the air, will definitely get New Super Mario Bros at some point. I assume I'll be getting Spirit Tracks as well, just for the sake of I've played all of them prior, but the level of suck in Phantom Hourglass makes it feel like more of a chore to get than anything else.Fuck Zelda.
(I'm still buying it)
And you will be treated to a gaming experience that will build upon the greatest game in the Zelda franchise... Phantom Hourglass.
This is why I ignore your posts.
Don't forget... kick... nuts... gonna happen.
Rag, Leo, it's worth it right? ... right?
It's beautiful, hard as steel and keeps you coming back for more and more...
...kinda like me!
robio said:
Dvader said:
Yodariquo said:I have The Beatles Rock Band on pre-order. Anything else is up in the air, will definitely get New Super Mario Bros at some point. I assume I'll be getting Spirit Tracks as well, just for the sake of I've played all of them prior, but the level of suck in Phantom Hourglass makes it feel like more of a chore to get than anything else.Fuck Zelda.
(I'm still buying it)
And you will be treated to a gaming experience that will build upon the greatest game in the Zelda franchise... Phantom Hourglass.
Yeah, narrowly beating out The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure for top spot.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobilebugsonglass said:i just pre-ordered and paid in full for the US version of the special edition of demons' souls (with bonus art-book and soundtrack CD). including postage (from canada) it cost me just over 70 euros which makes it the most expensive game i ever bought in my life (which didn't come with a plastic guitar)!
Rag, Leo, it's worth it right? ... right?
It is totally worth it for the right person. I know from running the import thread on Gamespot, that some people will straight up hate this game due to the difficulty, but for the right person, it is a very unique and rewarding game. I've put well over a hundred hours into it, and I like it enough that I'm buying the Atlus version just to support them taking a chance on it.

bugsonglass said:anyone who doesn't buy a zelda game supports the suffering of children in the third world and the clubbing of baby seals
I've bought all of them (including some Japanese versions), just don't make me play them.
...but as those start to appear in release lists, New Super Mario Bros. Wii seems to be slipping off of the 2009 lists...!
Nintendo won't let that slip to 2010... Will they?!
Yodariquo said:robio said:Dvader said:Yodariquo said:I have The Beatles Rock Band on pre-order. Anything else is up in the air, will definitely get New Super Mario Bros at some point. I assume I'll be getting Spirit Tracks as well, just for the sake of I've played all of them prior, but the level of suck in Phantom Hourglass makes it feel like more of a chore to get than anything else.Fuck Zelda.
(I'm still buying it)
And you will be treated to a gaming experience that will build upon the greatest game in the Zelda franchise... Phantom Hourglass.
Yeah, narrowly beating out The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure for top spot.
2. Zelda's Adventure wasn't terrible. The combat was actually kind of fun.
phantom_leo said:Dates are now being posted online for Sakura Wars and Fragile...
...but as those start to appear in release lists, New Super Mario Bros. Wii seems to be slipping off of the 2009 lists...!
Nintendo won't let that slip to 2010... Will they?!
No way. Nintendo wouldn't go the holiday season without a major release. It's unpossible I tells ya! Come hell or highwater that game will be out in early December.