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Darksiders: Wrath of War. BEATEN!
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Sat, 23 Jan 2010 02:10:55
Anyone notice that I shut up about Darksiders for quite a few days?

Yeah. I got by the underwater section just barely and I was proud of myself for doing so...

...but I found myself shying away from the game... almost like a dog that's been kicked one too many times...

I finally convinced myself my actions were ridiculous and popped it into the PS3 tonight...

I told myself the worst was over and I started in on the Desert section of the game.

I worked my way around the perimeter of the area, avoiding the instant-death, sand-worm boss that swallows you in one gulp if you wander too deeply into the sand. Solved a few slow-mo based puzzles to activate a giant drill near the southern end of the area. It dug a hole in the sand, with the musical clip sounding, telling me I opened a secret path. Of course, I immediately jumped into the hole...

...and found myself dumped into an underwater cavern...!


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Sat, 23 Jan 2010 17:20:50

It would have been cool to drop through the desert and land in a nightclub.

With everyone dressed in hippie outfits.

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Sun, 24 Jan 2010 03:31:10
Got seriously back into playing again tonight.

Cleared the Desert Section, claimed another Demon Heart. Got my horse.

Cleared most of the next dungeon. Got the Abysmal Chain...

As if this game couldn't get any better; this isn't simply a Hookshot: This is a goddamn, bad-ass, Bionic Commando, grappling arm ! ! !

What else are they going to throw at you in this game ? ! ?  
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Sun, 24 Jan 2010 03:42:50
As for the reviews and people who have said the controls are needlessly complicated...

I pity you. I pity you. I pity you!

If these controls are complicated, I must be a HELL of a better gamer than I give myself credit for!

They are intuitive. They WORK. The get progressively more complex as the game goes on, but they are nowhere near unmanageable!

This game has made me take a look back at games and myself for the last few years and come to this conclusion:  I have been blaming age and my reflexes for my inability to play certain games as of late. I now know it wasn't me at all!

It's been the GAMES themselves all along! The games I have been unable to play have not been compelling enough for me to care enough about them to bother to learn the controls...

Darksiders is the EXACT opposite of this. This is a game that MAKES you WANT to play it!

It takes just enough familiar elements from enough top-tier games to make you feel at home... but your in a totally different world... It borrows just enough to bring great memories to mind as you play, yet tells you a story all it's own!

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Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:39:54
The game was good, though it was mostly its art direction that carried it. The Zelda-like dungeous failed to copy what actually makes a Zelda dungeon. I didn't care about the story or the characters. The combat was fun and brutal.

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Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:45:18

Coopersville said:
The game was good, though it was mostly its art direction that carried it. The Zelda-like dungeous failed to copy what actually makes a Zelda dungeon. I didn't care about the story or the characters. The combat was fun and brutal.

In what way did it fail?

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Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:52:26

In my opinion: The puzzles failed to be more than busy work, and the dungeons were more maze-like than anything. It was like having to experience three Water Temples out of the five total.


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Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:57:42

Coopersville said:

In my opinion: The puzzles failed to be more than busy work, and the dungeons were more maze-like than anything. It was like having to experience three Water Temples out of the five total.

Whoa, sounds daunting.

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Mon, 25 Jan 2010 19:22:35

Coopersville said:

In my opinion: The puzzles failed to be more than busy work, and the dungeons were more maze-like than anything. It was like having to experience three Water Temples out of the five total.

Really? I enjoyed the puzzles in the Black Tower a lot!

I think I have already mentioned it in here, but I won't reiterate the tool you get in there 'cause I know a few people in here were BIG fans of the game's mechanic it mimics in there and I'd rather they discover it themselves in the course of the game.

I also appreciate how the tower made you make use of ALL your tools, rather than just focus on the one.

I had a LOT of trouble with the Water Temple (for a LOT of obvious reasons)... none of the dungeons struck me as being as tough in this game.

Just like the combat was God of War-lite, I expected the dungeons to be Zelda-lite. I anticipated either just as equally and enjoyed both tremendously!

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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 01:14:27
I can officially say now: From start to finish, there wasn't a single moment of Darksiders I did not enjoy!

--The Dark Tower: A great challenge using ALL the tools, skills and combat techniques you accumulated throughout the game.

--The Final Battle: The set-up for it, music playing, showing the quiet contemplation of the (remaining) characters, using comic-book like art direction for even more style than the game already had in spades! Totally well done!

--The Ending: Just enough drama. Short but sooo sweet. Gets you psyched for the next game! How they are going to top this, I have NO idea! If this Mad guy runs the company the way he produced his comics, it'll probably be on Playstation 4 anyway...!


Cooper mentioned he didn't like the characters. I disagree!

War was the atypical anti-hero. He wasn't a wise-cracking, jack-ass. He wouldn't make stupid comments throughout the battles. He stayed focused; Spoke only when necessary and his voice actor did a GREAT job!

Ulthane was cool for the short time he actually appeared. I loved his accent as stereotypical as it was. I loved the "buddy" gameplay of fighting beside him as they scored our kills.

The Angels were appropriately stuck-up. The Devils were credibly dubious.

Even Ruin (also for the short time HE appeared) was very cool and stylized. I love they way he "erupted" from the ground, right underneath you, lifting you up into the saddle.


I can go on and on and on... Which shouldn't surprise anyone 'cause 99% of the replies in here are my own, but I won't!

I hope someone else gets this game soon, or if they have it starts to play it and gets in here to discuss!

This was absolutely THE most impressive first effort from a new company I have ever had the privilege of playing and was one HELL of a way to start the new decade!


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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 03:50:26
Congrasts Leo! Grinning

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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:01:47

So now onto Silent Hill?

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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:52:23

gamingeek said:

So now onto Silent Hill?

Now onto Bayonetta and/or Dragon Age...

...and Tatsunoko...

...and Mario and Luigi...

...and a little bit of PSO...

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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:21:36
Dragon Age.
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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 14:51:03
I challenge you to play the water temple in Ocarina.

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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 15:01:37

I beat it years and years ago, but similar to what happened with Darksiders, I stopped playing after that... only difference with OoT is I never went back.

I really have no desire to play OoT at all anymore.

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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 15:08:57
I got to that Water Temple in OoT TWICE! Once on N64, and again on GC. I couldn't figure it out both times, so I gave up.
Edited: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 15:09:19

The VG Press

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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:52:55

phantom_leo said:

gamingeek said:

So now onto Silent Hill?

Now onto Bayonetta and/or Dragon Age...

...and Tatsunoko...

...and Mario and Luigi...

...and a little bit of PSO...

play Mario & Luigi so i'm not the only person here to have played it.

phantom_leo said:

I beat it years and years ago, but similar to what happened with Darksiders, I stopped playing after that... only difference with OoT is I never went back.

I really have no desire to play OoT at all anymore.

i made another half-hearted attempt to play OoT the other day.  game just looks plain awful, no two ways about it.  i know it looked great at the time and all the rest of it but it really hasn't aged well at all (strangely i find that most N64 games still look quite good today).  this was preventing me from enjoying the game and i don't see a way through this obstacle.  i just can't put myself through playing a game for 30-40 hours all the while thinking "this looks like cack".  guess there's a graphics-whore in all of us Nyaa


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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 17:56:02

bugsonglass said:

play Mario & Luigi so i'm not the only person here to have played it.

I have played a good amount. I am at the part where Bowser needs to free the Koopas around Blubble Lake (sp?) by punching the ship. Mario and Luigi were out of him and are back in again...

I have no idea how far into the game I am... I've been playing it forever though.

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Tue, 26 Jan 2010 18:07:20

phantom_leo said:

bugsonglass said:

play Mario & Luigi so i'm not the only person here to have played it.

I have played a good amount. I am at the part where Bowser needs to free the Koopas around Blubble Lake (sp?) by punching the ship. Mario and Luigi were out of him and are back in again...

I have no idea how far into the game I am... I've been playing it forever though.

i think that's about half way through the game, or a little less.  i love M&L games so much and there's only one in like three years that I felt this ended a little too soon.

will have to play superstar saga again one of these days, i think that may still be the best one.


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